
Suro (2022)

Жанр : триллер, драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 56М

Директор : Mikel Gurrea
Писатель : Mikel Gurrea, Francisco Kosterlitz

Краткое содержание

Elena and Ivan are getting ready to enter into a new phase in their life. They are leaving the metropolis of Barcelona to settle in the Catalan countryside, where they are taking over a cork oak plantation. Not only will the business pay for their living, but they also want to exploit the plantation equitably and sustainably. But despite their ideals, Elena and Ivan soon find themselves in a crisis which will endanger not only their project, but also their relationship.


Pol López
Pol López
Vicky Luengo
Vicky Luengo
Ilyass El Ouahdani
Ilyass El Ouahdani


Mikel Gurrea
Mikel Gurrea
Mikel Gurrea
Mikel Gurrea
Francisco Kosterlitz
Francisco Kosterlitz
Julián Elizalde
Julián Elizalde
Director of Photography
Clara Aguilar
Clara Aguilar
Xabier Berzosa
Xabier Berzosa
Ariadna Dot
Ariadna Dot
Executive Producer
Tono Folguera
Tono Folguera
Clàudia Maluenda
Clàudia Maluenda
Clàudia Maluenda
Clàudia Maluenda
Executive Producer
Laura Rubirola
Laura Rubirola
Laura Rubirola
Laura Rubirola
Executive Producer
Ariadna Ribas
Ariadna Ribas
Isona Rigau
Isona Rigau
Production Design
Xanti Salvador
Xanti Salvador
Sound Designer
Laia Costa
Laia Costa
Executive Producer


The Promised Land
During the socialist government of Marmaduke Grove in 1932, a group of villagers decide to take some land in the area of ​​Palmilla. Almost like a mythical journey, problems arise when seated and in a position to bring the socialist ideal in the population. Everything becomes more complicated with rumors that the reactionary forces have overthrown the socialist government. A movie that because of the coup was not released in Chile and was only terminated by Littin in exile in Mexico.
Eight Deadly Shots
Small-scale farmer Pasi shoots four policemen who have come to arrest him for raged drunkenness. Rest of the movie is a long flashback examining the events that finally leads to the tragic shooting. As time goes by, Pasi sinks gradually deeper and deeper into the poverty, gets into trouble with both police and tax officials while family arguments grow more and more serious. Based on a true story.
The Crime of Cuenca
Osa de la Vega, Cuenca, Spain, 1913. Gregorio and León, employees on the estate of the village's mayor, a powerful landowner, are arrested and accused of the murder of José María el Cepa, a shepherd who mysteriously disappeared three years earlier.
My Antonia
After the death of his parents, Jimmy uproots his life to live with his grandparents in Black Hawk, Nebraska.
La ruta de don Quijote
A poetic journey through the paths and places of old Castile that were traveled and visited by the melancholic knight Don Quixote of La Mancha and his judicious squire Sancho Panza, the immortal characters of Miguel de Cervantes, which offers a candid depiction of rural life in Spain in the early 1930s and illustrates the first sentence of the first article of the Spanish Constitution of 1931, which proclaims that Spain is a democratic republic of workers of all kind.
Kadu, a boy from Pakil, Laguna, experiences the dissolution of tradition as it gives way to capitalism in the form of Madame, a foreigner who initially came to their village as a customer during the Festival of Turumba.
Деревенский детектив
В самой тихой деревне района ЧП — у завхоза клуба украли аккордеон. Улик преступники не оставили, свидетелей тоже. И заподозрить в воровстве некого — в деревне все свои. Завхоз махнул рукой и уже надумал новый аккордеон покупать. Но детектив Анискин всерьез собрался распутать это тёмное дело...
The Saga of the First and Last
Margaret Conneely was active in amateur filmmaking locally and internationally for nearly half a century, first joining a local Chicago camera club in 1949. Her son, John, stars in Saga of the First and Last, a short film about a boy, a gun and his first (and last) cigarette.
The Two in Tracksuits
A son quits his job and is persuaded by his father to head off to a cottage in the remote mountains. Together, the two of them manage to get through their days while wearing old jerseys left by a deceased grandmother. The following summer, the two once again leave the stifling heat of Tokyo, as if escaping to the mountain cottage. However, the next summer is very different...
Jesús, a middle-aged man, finds out that he suffers from a venereal disease. Feeling guilty, he abandons his pregnant wife and flees to the countryside. In Pozoamargo, a small village lost in the middle of nowhere, he works as a grape harvester, living a simple existence, until he meets Gloria, a peculiar young woman.
Благословенная земля
Этот фильм рассказывает историю фермера в Китае, историю смирения и храбрости. Отец женит своего сына Вонга на освобожденной рабыне. Усердием и бережливостью им удается скопить немного денег и прикупить в собственность еще земли. Но когда наступают голодные годы, они вынуждены оставить землю и перебраться в город. По счастливой случайности, его жена, чуть не погибнув, достает для семьи целое состояние в виде драгоценных камней, что дает им возможность вернуться на свою землю уже богатыми. Много чего еще семья переживет, и в конце своей жизни Вонг поймет, что та земля, которая покрыта кровью, потом и слезами его и его семьи - благословенна.
The Stationmaster Meets His Match
The story of Bendegúz, the teenage boy who never succeeds in anything and about whom everybody's first though is "I wish you had been hanged when you were born!" drops out of school and becomes a cowboy. He works for the Stationmaster whose cows he has to graze by the railway. Despite his goodwill and kindheartedness he always manages to spoil everything he touches. No matter his wit, he gets into humiliating situations and regularly fights with the Ugly Witch (the Stationmaster's mother-in-law). However his good spirit and cheerfulness never leave him.
The Sow
After spending three years in captivity in Tunis, Bartolomé returns home Extremadura with the only hope to eat his favorite dish: the pork. Along the way he meets a deserter who is traveling with a sow.
Bi anai
At the death of his father, Paulo, the youngest son, will have to be in charge of his mentally handicapped brother Daniel. Based on the novel by Bernardo Atxaga.
Fuente Álamo, la caricia del tiempo
The camera falls in love with the characters, the landscape and the objects and is installed with the tenderness that inoculates the life of the town itself. The camera is the thousand eyes of the gaze of a rigorous anthropologist, although in love, multiplying so as not to lose detail in 24 hours of people, activity, games, intimacy ... Recording every sound that pierces the oceanic silence of the countryside open.And night comes. And the gazpacho. And the party. You see.
События в фильме начинаются в летние месяцы 1939 года на территории Волыни, которая на тот период относилась к землям Польши. Между главной героиней, красивой польской девушкой Зосей, и украинским хлопцем возникает сильная любовь. Однако родители девушки отдают против её воли замуж за состоятельного вдовца. Скоро началась Вторая Мировая война и муж Зоси отправляется на фронт, оставив её со своими детьми. В то время, когда поляки терпят поражения от гитлеровской армии, в родном крае девушки происходят не менее чудовищные вещи. Украинские националисты начинают все чаще нападать на польское население, вырезая мирных жителей целыми селениями.
Кловер давно уехала с родной фермы в Сомерсете — её мамы нет в живых, а с отцом она не разговаривает уже много лет. Но случается новое несчастье — её младший брат Гарри умер, и Кловер нужно вернуться. Приехав домой, девушка видит, что недавнее наводнение практически сравняло ферму с землёй, а её отец, измученный целой чередой трагедией, превратился в тень былого себя. Двум оставшимся в живых членам семьи придётся заново налаживать отношения.
Цивилизация планеты Криптон стоит на грани гибели. Ученый Джор-Эл, чтобы спасти своему ребенку жизнь, отправляет его на Землю. Маленький мальчик вырастает и открывает в себе неземные возможности. Он — Супермен! Огромная сила и способность летать помогают ему в борьбе с любыми проявлениями зла. И когда коварный злодей Лекс Лютор строит зловещие планы, угрожающие всему человечеству, только Супермен может помешать ему…
Rural Mexico
A Traveltalks visit to some small towns in Mexico. In Mazatlán, away from the tourist spots, we see a small village where fishing, growing coconuts, and gathering large sea turtles are the main pursuits. We then visit Toluca on market day, where people sell produce and pottery. The last stop is Taxco, where the Castilian influence of the Spanish conquerors is still prevalent.
The Cursed Village
Region of Castilla La Vieja, Spain, early 20th century. In Luján, a village ravaged by drought, Juan, a humble farmer who survives with his wife and son, confronts a local loan shark and is imprisoned as a result.


This is the official FIFA film of the 1982 World Cup Finals in Spain. Runs 96 minutes and includes commentary by Sean Connery with a special score composed by Rick Wakeman. Not your average footie film, this is a stunning record of the 1982 tournament finals which included England and Northern Ireland and culminated in Italy's thrilling victory against West Germany.