
The Turning Turtle (2021)


Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 42М

Директор : Nitesh Durgude

Краткое содержание

A young man performs 'pranayama' sitting against a bleak wall. We observe him through a frame that seems to be connected to him in some way. As we go on to witness the nature of the frame, will the images presented to us be able to convey his intentions, thoughts, and ultimately, his fate? This experimental feature film is comprised of 7 parts of black and white imagery with no sound at all.


Jai Periwal
Jai Periwal
The Young Man


Nitesh Durgude
Nitesh Durgude
Nitesh Durgude
Nitesh Durgude
Pratham Kumar
Pratham Kumar


The Minimalists: Less Is Now
They've built a movement out of minimalism. Longtime friends Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus share how our lives can be better with less.
Китай, время правления династии Танг. Главная героиня — убийца, влюбившаяся в человека, которого ей приказано убить.
Туринская лошадь
В 1889 году на улице итальянского города Турина случилось странное происшествие. Кучер хлестал кнутом свою старую лошадь, которая отказывалась тронуться с места. Неожиданно к повозке подбежал хорошо одетый господин с пышными усами и обнял животное за шею, при этом горько зарыдав. Это был не кто иной, как всемирно известный философ Фридрих Ницше. Его с трудом увели от лошади, а когда привели домой, выяснилось, что он не в себе. Ницше поместили в лечебницу для душевнобольных, где он провел остаток жизни… Но что же случилось с лошадью и ее хозяином? Об этом и расскажет фильм.
Яркий летний день
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Минимализм. Документальный фильм о важных вещах
How might your life be better with less? The popular simple-living duo The Minimalists examines the many flavors of minimalism by taking the audience inside the lives of minimalists from various walks of life.
Жанна Дильман, набережная Коммерции 23, Брюссель 1080
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Einstein on the Beach
This seminal work of avant-garde opera from composer Philip Glass and director Robert Wilson arrives full-circle, coming to France, the site of its 1976 Avignon Festival world premiere, at the tail end of this 2014 revival tour for a landmark Theâtre du Châtelet production and a first ever filming by award-winning arts filmmaker Don Kent. Eschewing conventional narrative, the opera revolves loosely around pacifist Einstein’s relationship to the creation of the atomic bomb.
Lost Colony
While navigating life with his hyper-protective mother along the enigmatic Outer Banks of North Carolina's coast (site of the first attempted English settlement in the New World), conflicted teen Loren learns of his expecting girlfriend's ambivalence toward him. After a near tragic accident, he must learn to assemble the broken pieces into a stronger, wiser form and approach a more worldly consciousness. A searchlight cast upon the earliest traces of America and the mystery of settlers vanished, Lost Colony scans a once virgin watershed for signs of life.
Secret Ballot
A female election agent and a gun-toting soldier try to collect votes among the local islanders with mixed success.
The Eve
Simon is an eight-year-old boy who seems to have everything from life. He’s a handsome child, he’s rich yet unhappy. He senses that there’s something wrong with his life and this leads him to wander off thanks to his fervid imagination. His greatest wish is to leave the materialistic world behind since he isn’t fond of it. That’s why the only present he wants for Christmas is for Santa Claus to take him away to live in his fairyland toy factory. At the same time, a secret that his family has been keeping for a long time suddenly comes to the surface and it is feared that the worst might happen soon. The expectation for the stroke of midnight on the night before Christmas is transformed into reality for everyone on the eve of something truly different. Something terrible that might happen.
For the Coyotes
Wendell is trying to make peace with his earthly deterioration in the face of late-stage cancer. His son Josh is fighting it, fleeing it, denying it. After a five year estrangement, father and son are now thrown together in a remote cabin enveloped in the vibrant, buzzing, crawling redwood forest of Northern California. As Wendell forgives himself of his own inadequacies, Josh releases years of pain and anger, borne from living under the rigid principles of his father, a renowned Buddhist teacher who for decades pretended to be anything but the deeply flawed, selfish man he really was....but is he still? Human connection, obligation, illusion, enlightenment, love and fear -- it's all up for grabs in this meditative, probing, tender story of inevitability.
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Once More Unto the Breach
July, 1941. After the beginning of the German invasion, an Italian soldier, a veteran of the colonial wars, is sent to the Soviet front. As he remembers the fairy tales his Russian mother used to tell him, the train he is travelling in crosses Europe on its way to the vast Ukrainian plains, where the enemy and a cruel winter await him… (Based on the experiences of several Italian soldiers.)
The Assam Garden
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Nothing Happens
On the cold outskirts of town, something is about to happen. In our own way we are all waiting for something to happen.
Structured as a labyrinth-like game and inspired by Jorge Luis Borges, Aleph is a travelogue of experience, a dreamer's journey through the lives, experiences, stories and musings of protagonists spanning ten countries and five continents.