LOCKDOWN: The Doctor Who Fans' Survival Guide (2021)
Жанр : документальный, фантастика
Время выполнения : 46М
Директор : Roger Christopher Stevens
Краткое содержание
During the COVID19 pandemic, a call went out to fans of the BBC TV science fiction series DOCTOR WHO to film personal videos of how they coped with being confined in their homes for months on end. Shot on mobile phones, laptops, tablets and cameras …anything they could lay their hands on … the following film is the result.
It's an inspiring tale of the indomitable human spirit - all wrapped up in some utterly unique stories and videos!
Лондон, 2020 год. Из-за эпидемии коронавируса большинство жителей города вынужденно сидит дома, в их числе — Линда и Пэкстон. Она возглавляет региональное отделение международной компании, а он работает простым водителем в курьерской службе, и оба уже давно считают, что их ничего не связывает. Но вскоре судьба подкинет паре интересную возможность, и каждый внезапно обнаружит, что у них всё ещё очень много общего.
2024-й год. В мире уже четвёртый год свирепствует вирус COVID-23. Для всех обязателен режим изоляции, а инфицированных отправляют в карантинные лагеря. У курьера Нико редкий иммунитет к болезни, и он свободно передвигается по городу. Когда его девушка Сара заражается, Нико понимает, что за ней уже выехали военные и у него есть считанные часы, чтобы спасти возлюбленную.
The Worth Family has been divided for years but when the matriarch, Grandma Mabel dies suddenly, the family has to come together. The story of Family Squares takes the Worth Family on a journey discovering that not only did Grandma Mabel keep some secrets, so did everyone else. They find their way back to each other and realize that while you can’t choose your family, you can choose to be friends with them.
An anthology of nine horror shorts filmed under the social distancing and self-isolation requirements of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Пожилая женщина находится взаперти. Квартира становится подмостками для её домашних перфомансов, а окна — порталами в чужую жизнь.
Stage banter takes on a different — deeper — meaning as the comedian performs online shows to homebound viewers worldwide from his Mumbai residence.
Upon the announcement of another UK national lockdown, Flo and Rob find themselves stuck in their house in London. Meanwhile, Flo tries to maintain a brand-new relationship with Evelyn, who had to abruptly leave to her hometown in Mexico.
An anthology that brings five unique creators and filmmakers to tell stories about love, happiness, friendship, new beginnings, second chances and a glimmer of hope - set and filmed in the times of the COVID-19 lockdown.
When a couple meet illegally for a booty call during lockdown, they end up getting more than they bargained for.
Set five years on from the school days of director Stevan Filipovic's previous film Next to Me, a state of emergency exists and politicians are accused of capitalising on public anxiety around Covid-19, which makes the shocking situation that reunites the characters significantly more extreme. The story centres on Ksenija (newcomer Mina Nikolic), a driven young woman striving to move from tabloid hack to a career journalist in a world of click-bait headlines and showbiz scandals cooked up to feed the masses. Ksenija's personal and professional journey is hampered when Vera tests positive for Coronavirus and Ksenija must question how far she will bend to survive in a climate where political pressure is increasingly overt and can be said to capitalise on fear during the pandemic.
Джеймс Бонд выходит на связь с главой британской разведки, но с удивлением обнаруживает в его кабинете лишь болтливую пенсионерку.
Thursday shot from filmmaker Galen Johnson's high-rise apartment during COVID-19 “lockdown” in Winnipeg, captures people going about their daily routines in the city's eerily empty streets, yards and parking lots, on their balconies and on the riverbanks. The extreme distance and the diminutive scale of humans is paired with sound close-ups—a combination that embodies the strange, heightened intensity of feeling of the time, knowing an era-defining tragedy is happening yet being so physically removed.
Following the death of Sarah-Jane Smith, her friends and allies reunite at a memorial service to pay their respects.
The Daleks draft the Second Doctor into distilling the Human Factor. Once implanted, it will make the Dalek race invincible. Jamie’s faith in the Doctor is stretched to the limit as the Doctor appears to be collaborating with the Daleks. The Doctor has a few tricks up his sleeve, but then again so might the Daleks.
In lockdown isolation, a young man decides to stay in contact with the outside world through the vocal messages of his friends and lovers. But those voices, which initially seemed to fill the silence and keep him company, become increasingly full of suffering.
Be a part of Qabil's experience, in this international-challenge winning short, as he travels through his quarantine... but is all as it seems?
This was an animated Christmas webcast featuring the Thirteenth Doctor, released in December 2020. Following a line of animated Christmas webcasts released by BBC America, the previous being the TARDIS Yule Log, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas and Festive Thirteenth Doctor Yule Log
A documentary about Patrick Troughton's years as Doctor Who presented by Jon Pertwee. This also contains the following surviving episodes from the incomplete stories "The Abominable Snowmen" episode 2, "The Enemy of the World" episode 3 and "The Space Pirates" episode 2. It also includes excerpts from "The Web of Fear", "The Three Doctors", "The Five Doctors" and the "Two Doctors".