Paganini (1956)

Жанр : музыка, комедия

Время выполнения : 0М

Краткое содержание



Paul Knepler
Paul Knepler
Béla Jenbach
Béla Jenbach
Franz Lehár
Franz Lehár
Rudolf Lampa
Rudolf Lampa
Stage Director


The Metropolitan Opera: The Merry Widow
Renée Fleming lights up the Met stage as Hanna Glawari, the fabulously wealthy widow of the title in Lehár’s beloved operetta, set in Paris and seen in a glittering production directed and choreographed by Broadway’s Susan Stroman. Nathan Gunn is Danilo, Hanna’s former flame, who is supposed to woo and marry her in order to keep her fortune in their home country of Pontevedro. Kelli O’Hara sings Valencienne, the flirtatious young wife of the Pontevedrian ambassador in Paris, Baron Zeta, played by Thomas Allen, and Alek Shrader is her suitor, Camille. Andrew Davis conducts the waltz-rich score, and the new English translation is by Jeremy Sams.
Только не в губы
Главная героиня дважды вышла замуж — в США и во Франции, оба ее мужа об этом, само собой, не знают, но однажды встречаются и становятся друзьями.
Летучая мышь
Жена узнает о том, что муж постоянно ей изменяет. Их общий друг и знакомый Фальк решает подшутить над бедной семейной парой. Своей служанке, мечтающей стать актрисой, он дает пригласительный билет на бал-маскарад и костюм «летучей мыши», чтобы та «охмурила» незадачливого ловеласа. Этот разговор слышит жена и принимает решение тоже отправиться на бал, чтобы снова влюбить в себя собственного мужа, но только под маской.
Perfectly Normal
A shy young man with a passion for opera has his world turned upside down by a con artist who really does have a heart of gold.
Ottilie Van Zandt is forced to wed her cousin, despite her love for Richard Wayne, the gardener's son. Richard leaves, vowing to return a wealthy man and eligible suitor for her. He returns to find she has already married and, in turn, marries another girl on impulse. Two generations later, the grandchildren of Ottilie and Richard, who both have inherited their names as well, meet and develop a close friendship that culminates in the romance that their grandparents began but could not consummate years before.
Babes in Toyland
A young girl becomes lost in a department store during the Christmas shopping rush. The frightened child is comforted by a department store Santa Claus who tells her a tale of storybook characters brought to life - of Tommy Tucker's love for the lovely Jane Piper and the cold-hearted villainy of evil Silas Barnaby. Through the girl's dreams, the viewer is transported to Toyland. Based on the classic Broadway operetta by Victor Herbert and Glen MacDonough, this was its second live television special production, with some new cast members and some returning.
Die Fledermaus
Witty, fun, intoxicating film of Johann Strauss II's popular operetta, based on a stage production from Vienna State Opera; this is a showcase for the entire cast, but most especially Eberhard Wächter as the insufferably boorish Gabriel Eisenstein, and Gundula Janowitz as his long-suffering wife. Open the champagne, have yourself some torte, and enjoy this delectable comedy from Vienna.
Под крышами Монмартра
Скромная продавщица цветов, жившая из милости у хозяина кафе, внезапно оказалась без крова и в долгах. И вряд ли убереглась бы она от судьбы дамы с камелиями, если бы не три друга — художник, музыкант и поэт — и другие обитатели артистического Монмартра, люди бедные и талантливые. А поскольку все это происходит в оперетте, не стоит удивляться тому, что очаровательная Виолетта в конце концов становится звездой — фиалкой Монмартра. А это — совсем-совсем другой цветок…
Where the Lark Sings
Country girl Margit sits for the artist Sándor, from Budapest. She is fascinated and charmed by him, and agrees to accompany him to the capital, so he can complete the painting there. Disillusionment sets in, however, when Sándor wins a prize with the finished portrait and loses interest in her. Margit recognizes that her true happiness lies at home, with Pista, her faithful lover.
The Mikado
In a mythical Japan, Ko-Ko, a cheap tailor, has been appointed Lord High Executioner and must find someone to execute before the arrival of the ruling Mikado. He lights upon Nanki-Poo, a strolling minstrel who loves the beautiful Yum-Yum. But Yum-Yum is also loved by Ko-Ko, and Nanki-Poo, seeing no hope for his love, considers suicide. Ko-Ko offers to solve both their problems by executing Nanki-Poo, and an agreement is reached whereby Ko-Ko will allow Nanki-Poo to marry Yum-Yum for one month, at the end of which Nanki-Poo will be executed, in time for the arrival of the Mikado. But what Ko-Ko doesn't know is that Nanki-Poo is the son of the Mikado and has run away to avoid a betrothal to an old harridan named Katisha. The arrival of the Mikado brings all the threads of the tale together. This is the Stratford Festival of Canada, directed by Brian Macdonald. This is a filmed version of a stage performance, and the sets are beautifully spare and economical.
Gypsy Princess
Kálmán Imre's beloved operetta comes to the screen in this comedy of music, marriage and class set in Budapest and Vienna before the outbreak of the First World War, recorded at the Budapest Opera in 1963.
The Desert Song
French General Birabeau has been sent to Morocco to root out and destroy the Riffs, a band of Arab rebels, who threaten the safety of the French outpost in the Moroccan desert. Their dashing, daredevil leader is the mysterious "Red Shadow". Margot Bonvalet, a lovely, sassy French girl, is soon to be married at the fort to Birabeau's right-hand man, Captain Fontaine. Birabeau's son Pierre, in reality the Red Shadow, loves Margot, but pretends to be a milksop to preserve his secret identity. Margot tells Pierre that she secretly yearns to be swept into the arms of some bold, dashing sheik, perhaps even the Red Shadow himself. Pierre, as the Red Shadow, kidnaps Margot and declares his love for her.
В центральном парке
Оукли — мэр Нью-Йорка баллотируется на переизбрание. "Босс" Твид отвечает за его избирательную кампанию, и имеет фактически полный контроль над мэром. Он вовлечен во все виды незаконных действий и сильно обеспокоен статьями молодого репортера из "Нью-Йорк Таймс" по имени Джон Мэттьюс. Чтобы выиграть предвыборную гонку "Босс" решает покупать голоса избирателей — преступников и иммигрантов. Рози Мур и ее отец Тимоти прибывает в Америку из Ирландии. Девушка мечтает стать оперной певицей. Как только они сходят с теплохода, один из служащих "Босса" покупает их голоса по два доллара за голос, и они попадают в офис "Босса". Тимоти предлагают работу смотрителя парка, а девушке — перспективу стать певицей. Они с радостью соглашаются и не подозревают, что становятся марионетками в грязной игре "Босса" по растрате казенных денег…
The Desert Song
Live television version of the classic musical.
Ada, Don't Do That!
Call of the Flesh
A student nun falls in love with a Mexican singer starring in a cafe next door to her convent.
Natalka Poltavka
This film is the first adaptation of an operetta written by Ukrainian composer Mykola Lysenko. It follows the trials and tribulations of Natalka and Peter (Petro). The sweethearts planned to get married; however, Natalka's father does not approve of the marriage because Petro was not affluent enough to keep Natalka in the manner he thought that she should be kept. Petro goes off to earn the required fortune.
Lilla helgonet
Celestin is the singing teacher in a monastery and Denis is one of her students. They both dream about the life outside. (It's a Swedish version of the famous vaudeville-opérette "Mam'zelle Nitouche").
Bride of the Regiment
As they are leaving the church following their wedding, Count Adrian Beltrami and Countess Anna-Marie are told that the Austrians are marching on the town to quell an Italian uprising. The bride and relatives induce the count to flee to his castle, but Tangy, a silhouette cutter, brings word from the revolutionary committee asking him to return; the count goes, asking Tangy to pose as the count and protect Anna-Marie.
The Gypsy Baron
In the Temesvar Province, a landowner returned from exile marries a gypsy girl who is revealed to be the daughter of a Turkish Pasha and the rightful owner of a hidden treasure. Next to "Die Fledermaus", DER ZIGEUNERBARON is Johann Strauss’s most popular operetta. The libretto gave Strauss the chance to revel in such contrasting musical forms as the Csárdás and the Viennese waltz. The style of the lied forms and ensembles is so original and finely balanced that the "Gypsy Baron" can truly be called a comic opera. Among the leading names of the stellar cast in this exuberant 1975 film of the operetta are Wolfgang Brendel, Ivan Rebroff, Janet Perry, Ellen Shade, Martha Mödl and, in the role that launched his career, Siegfried Jerusalem as Sándor Barinkay.