
The Way of All Flesh (1927)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 34М

Директор : Victor Fleming

Краткое содержание

The story takes place in Milwaukee during the early 1900s with a bank clerk named August Schiller who is happy with both his job and his family. He is tasked with transporting $1,000 in securities to Chicago. On the train he meets a blond seductress who convinces him to buy her a bottle of champagne, and takes him to a saloon. The next morning he awakes alone in a dilapidated bedroom and without the securities.


Emil Jannings
Emil Jannings
August Shilling
Belle Bennett
Belle Bennett
Mrs. Schilling
Donald Keith
Donald Keith
August Jr.
Phyllis Haver
Phyllis Haver
The Temptress
Fred Kohler
Fred Kohler
The Tough
Philippe De Lacy
Philippe De Lacy
August, as a child
Mickey McBan
Mickey McBan
Betsy Ann Hisle
Betsy Ann Hisle
Carmencita Johnson
Carmencita Johnson
Gordon Thorpe
Gordon Thorpe
Jackie Combs
Jackie Combs
Dean Harrell
Dean Harrell


Victor Fleming
Victor Fleming
Victor Milner
Victor Milner
Director of Photography
Henry Hathaway
Henry Hathaway
Assistant Director
Perley Poore Sheehan
Perley Poore Sheehan
Lajos Biró
Lajos Biró
Jules Furthman
Jules Furthman
Lajos Biró
Lajos Biró


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Не такой как все
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Картина рассказывает о жизни русского императора Павла I.
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