Normalisace (1952)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Karel Baroch, Karel Vrba
Писатель : Karel Baroch, Karel Vrba

Краткое содержание


Antonín Zíb
Antonín Zíb
Commentary (voice)


L. Jetmar
L. Jetmar
Karel Baroch
Karel Baroch
Karel Baroch
Karel Baroch
Karel Vrba
Karel Vrba
Karel Vrba
Karel Vrba
Ivan Frič
Ivan Frič
Director of Photography
Vladimír Lorenc
Vladimír Lorenc
Director of Photography
Miloš Smatek
Miloš Smatek
Original Music Composer
Marie Čulíková
Marie Čulíková
Josef Franěk
Josef Franěk
Vladislav Koželuh
Vladislav Koželuh
Production Manager


Подручный Хадсакера
Безработный паренек из провинции оказывается в самом центре Америки — Нью-Йорке, в поисках работы. Благодаря счастливому стечению обстоятельств, его зачисляют в число клерков одной из крупнейших компаний. С этого момента новоиспеченному клерку начинает везти. В результате чиновничьих интриг парень из провинции оказывается председателем компании, и этот поворот судьбы резко меняет его жизнь. Но слава и деньги, о которых когда-то мечтал герой, могут не только возвеличить, но и порядком испортить ему жизнь.
Джози и кошечки
Это история о том, как маленькая и неизвестная группа пробилась на верхние строчки хит-парадов и превратилась во всем известных рок-звезд. Многие хотели быть похожими на них, многие были тоже талантливыми и красивыми. Но почему это удалось сделать именно им, трем молоденьким симпатичным девушкам? Через что они прошли и что им пришлось сделать ради славы и поклонников?
Морган Салливан, уставший от занудной жизни и нелюбимой жены, охотно соглашается заниматься шпионажем для могущественной корпорации «Диджикорп». Он получает новое имя и простое задание с помощью секретного устройства передавать выступления конкурентов на конвенциях по всей стране. Несмотря на начавшиеся мигрени и странную боль в затылке, Морган наслаждается новой, тайной жизнью, но случайная встреча с загадочной Ритой вселяет в него страх и подозрения. По словам Риты, скучные собрания всего лишь ширма для зловещих операций «Диджикорпа», превращающего своих «шпионов» в послушных марионеток, утративших свое «я». Она делает ему укол и просит на следующей конвенции никак не реагировать на то, что он там увидит…
Наследие гадюки
Кип и Джози Рили - брат и сестра. Продажа наркотиков - это не только их семейный бизнес, но и единственное средство выживания. Одна из сделок становится фатальной и Кип пытается вырваться из преступного бизнеса. В ответ зажигается пороховая бочка мести, насилия и предательства, ставя под угрозу жизни Кипа, Джози и их младшего брата Бутса...
Side Effects
America! Built on a better pill. Karly Hert has spent the last ten years selling drugs. Legally, that is. Karly is a pharmaceutical sales representative. She sells pills to doctors. She makes lots of money. She has a company car. She has a nice fat expense account. But there's a growing pit in Karly's stomach. Something isn't right behind the scenes at big pharma. Based on the director's decade working directly for the industry.
Manufactured Landscapes
MANUFACTURED LANDSCAPES is the striking new documentary on the world and work of renowned artist Edward Burtynsky. Internationally acclaimed for his large-scale photographs of “manufactured landscapes”—quarries, recycling yards, factories, mines and dams—Burtynsky creates stunningly beautiful art from civilization’s materials and debris.
Bathtubs Over Broadway
When he started as a comedy writer for the Late Show with David Letterman, Steve Young had few interests and not many friends outside of his day job. But while gathering material for a segment on the show, Steve stumbled onto a few vintage record albums that would change his life forever.
Tie Xi Qu: West of the Tracks
A detailed look at the gradual decline of Shenyang’s industrial Tiexi district, an area that was once a vibrant example of China’s socialist economy. But industry is changing, and the factories of Tiexi are closing. Director Wang Bing introduces us to some of the workers affected by the closures, and to their families.
A film about fireworks, the people who make them and the cultures behind them across the globe.
From the Sea to the Land Beyond
From the Sea to the Land Beyond is a film about the British coast made from 100 years of our film heritage stored in the British Film Institute collection, edited by Penny Woolcock with a soundtrack by British Sea Power
All for the good of the World and Nosovice
An original portrayal of a small Czech village where – as the locals put it – an UFO has landed in the form of a kilometre-long silverish factory: a Korean Hyundai automobile plant. The village, hitherto famous mostly for its sauerkraut and the “Radegast” beer was thus turned into an industrial zone – the largest greenfield investment project in the Czech Republic’s history. Nonetheless, for a long time many farmers resisted selling the land upon which the factory was now standing. Eventually, they all succumbed under the pressure from the neighbours, and even the anonymous death threats. The filmmakers returned to Nošovice two years after the dramatic property buyouts, at the time when the factory has just started churning out cheap cars. Combining the perspectives of seven characters, they have composed a portrayal of a place suddenly changed beyond recognition that is playful and chilling at the same time: a politically engaged absurd flick about a field that yields cars.
Мы, нижеподписавшиеся
Главные события разворачиваются в поезде. Приемочная комиссия из Москвы, выявив недоделки в построенном хлебзаводе, не подписала акт его сдачи. Но от этого зависит судьба не только многих людей, связанных со строительством, но и жизнь городка в целом. Леня Шиндин — человек совестливый и порядочный — всеми силами и любыми средствами пытается изменить решение комиссии…
Действие фильма разворачивается в течение полутора-двух часов в одной комнате, где проходит не совсем обычное заседание парткома строительного треста. В повестке дня — отказ целой бригады строителей от премии за «липовые» трудовые достижения!
Industrial Britain
Grierson set out to make "propaganda," and this film--with it's voice-over proclaiming the great value of the British industrial worker, without a hint of ambiguity or doubt--fits that category well. The authoritatarian narrator feels out-of-date and unsophisticated, but the footage is well shot and interesting, and the transparency of the propaganda aspect is almost a reflief at a time when so many films have hidden agendas.
The Mallet
In a futuristic, antiseptic food factory, workers select healthy chicks, while the rejects are carried along a conveyor belt until they are crushed by a mallet and drop into a garbage bin. A single black chick appears among the yellow and is shoved toward the garbage bin. Before the mallet strikes, the gasping chick rebels.
Where the Stone Dropped
Created in the Victorian era to widen the mouth of the River Tees for shipping, South Gare is a man-made peninsula extending four kilometres into the cold North Sea. Today, the industry it was built for has gone, but the Gare remains as a haven for all sorts of unexpected communities - kite-surfers, photographers, bird-watchers, scuba-divers and the people who simply appreciate its strange, lonely beauty.
What happened - No one knows
An unlikely band of misfits has made their home on a roof between a feed mill and the municipal waste treatment plant. But life is good, away from society and living of this leftovers. Lisbeth, Herbert and Walther have created their own self-sufficient little paradise. While Herbert is hunting cats, Lisbeth tends to the self-grown vegetables and Walther angles for usable scrap from the dump down below. One morning though, the peace is disrupted: A nameless, suit wearing stranger has appeared overnight and set up his tent among their huts. He does not speak, but obviously he intents to stay. The rooftop dwellers are anxious. Will he destroy their perfect little society? Or can he be part of it… incorporated so to speak... ?
SCHICHT (SHIFT) is both a reckoning and a search for traces of the past. Layer by layer the film unfolds the portrait of the filmmaker's family - brought to life by records from private archives - and embarks on a dizzying trip through the shrinking industrial city of Salzgitter, Germany.
Sweet Jam
The doors of the jam produced by a company do not open. In order for them to be able to sell their jam, they reward the one who can open the jam. All the people try to open the door of the jam.
Lingerie - The Industry Exposed
Lingerie--a word that conjures up silk, seduction and sensuality, the items that can create a curve or a mood. Underwear is the first thing to touch you in the morning and the last to touch you at night. Whether or not it's seen by anyone else, what you're wearing next to your skin matters. This sexy documentary shows you who makes these all-important articles, who sells them, and what influences people to buy them.