
Morecambe & Wise: The Lost Tapes (2021)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 0М

Директор : Simon Harries

Краткое содержание

A series of sketches taken from the recently-unearthed Morecambe & Wise tape that contained footage which had not been seen for 50 years, and was believed to have been lost forever. The newly discovered half-hour show featured a series of gag-packed routines involving stage curtains, ventriloquism and a daring sketch in which Eric eavesdrops on a newly wedded couple in the flat next door. Now, contributors including Jonathan Ross, Ben Miller and Eddie Izzard look back at this rare slice of classic comedy once again.


Eric Morecambe
Eric Morecambe
Self (archive footage)
Ernie Wise
Ernie Wise
Self (archive footage)
Toby Jones
Toby Jones
Self - Narrator (voice)
Ben Miller
Ben Miller
Eddie Izzard
Eddie Izzard
Bonnie Langford
Bonnie Langford
Jonathan Ross
Jonathan Ross
Charlie Baker
Charlie Baker
Nathan Caton
Nathan Caton
Barry Cryer
Barry Cryer
Michael Grade
Michael Grade
Ivo Graham
Ivo Graham
Derek Griffiths
Derek Griffiths
Ann Hamilton
Ann Hamilton
Michael Hassan
Michael Hassan
Rosie Jones
Rosie Jones
Gail Morecambe
Gail Morecambe
Gary Morecambe
Gary Morecambe
Joan Morecambe
Joan Morecambe
Robert Rinder
Robert Rinder
Wayne Sleep
Wayne Sleep


Simon Harries
Simon Harries
Simon Harries
Simon Harries
Executive Producer
Will Smith
Will Smith
Executive Producer


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