
Watching the Back of your Neck (1988)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 58М

Директор : Grupo Hacedor
Писатель : Grupo Hacedor

Краткое содержание

We learn about arbitrary rule under the dictatorship, the torture, the ill-treatment in prison and the plight of the Tupamaro hostages, told in the words of former political prisoners, psychologists and family members who had their lives turned upside down in a raid, or who suffered the anguish of searching for someone who had been “disappeared”.


Walter Reyno
Walter Reyno


Grupo Hacedor
Grupo Hacedor
Grupo Hacedor
Grupo Hacedor
Grupo Hacedor
Grupo Hacedor
Eduardo Saraiva
Eduardo Saraiva
Executive Producer
Hugo Videckis
Hugo Videckis
Executive Producer
Wilfredo Camacho
Wilfredo Camacho
Director of Photography
Wilfredo Camacho
Wilfredo Camacho
Camera Operator
Hugo Martínez
Hugo Martínez
Camera Operator
Hugo Martínez
Hugo Martínez
Sound Director
José Aprile
José Aprile
Fernando Ulivi
Fernando Ulivi
Mario Delgado Aparaín
Mario Delgado Aparaín


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