Horehronie (1954)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Ján Beer
Писатель : Ján Beer, Roman Kaliský

Краткое содержание


Viliam Záborský
Viliam Záborský
Commentary (voice)


Ján Beer
Ján Beer
Ján Beer
Ján Beer
Ján Beer
Ján Beer
Roman Kaliský
Roman Kaliský
Roman Kaliský
Roman Kaliský
Jaromír Holpuch
Jaromír Holpuch
Director of Photography
Tibor Andrašovan
Tibor Andrašovan
Original Music Composer
Štefan Fuzia
Štefan Fuzia
Jaroslav Plavec
Jaroslav Plavec
Juraj Židlický
Juraj Židlický
Alexander Kuzma
Alexander Kuzma
Production Manager
Konrád Machaj
Konrád Machaj
Assistant Camera


Географ глобус пропил
Молодой биолог Виктор Служкин от безденежья идет работать учителем географии в обычную пермскую школу. Он борется, а потом и дружит с учениками, конфликтует с завучем, ведет девятиклассников в поход — сплавляться по реке. Еще он пьет с друзьями вино, пытается ужиться с женой и водит в детский сад маленькую дочку. Он просто живет…
In 2013, the world's media reported on a shocking mountain-high brawl as European climbers fled a mob of angry Sherpas. Director Jennifer Peedom and her team set out to uncover the cause of this altercation, intending to film the 2014 climbing season from the Sherpa's point-of-view. Instead, they captured Everest's greatest tragedy, when a huge block of ice crashed down onto the climbing route...
Хождение за три моря
Тверской купец Афанасий Никитин давно мечтал о путешествиях и дальних странах. Мечты становятся реальностью, когда он отправляется в Индию - страну чудес, которую не посещал ни один европеец. Невероятные приключения, опасности и предательство, настоящая любовь и верность - всё пришлось испытать путешественнику...
Земля Санникова
Более ста лет загадка земли, затерянной среди арктических льдов, волновала путешественников, но никто не мог достичь её. Герой фильма, политический ссыльный Ильин, отправляется в экспедицию, которую финансирует богатый золотопромышленник. Отважные путешественники обнаруживают среди ледяного безмолвия цветущий оазис. Но выясняется, что во время землетрясения он должен исчезнуть. Ильин с товарищами стремится снова достичь материка в попытке предотвратить катастрофу...
Фильм снят на основе литературной версии событий из жизни известного русского этнографа, антрополога, биолога и путешественника, изучавшего коренное население Юго-Восточной Азии, Австралии и Океании.
Vietnam from Above
Travel across Vietnam on a breathtaking cultural and historical journey. Uncover ancient Chinese influences on Vietnamese traditions and striking examples of French Colonial architecture, and trace the impact of the Vietnam War in the north and south. Visit the country’s lively modern cities, taking in temples, floating markets, and the world heritage sites of Huế and Ha Long Bay.
Podkarpatská Rus
Řeka života a smrti
Czech paradise
Algeria from Above
Algeria from above is the first documentary made entirely from the sky on Algeria. Through the eye of the famous Yann Arthus-Bertrand this documentary vividly depicts this great country, and its vibrant cultural and natural treasures. From North to South and from West to East, it shows us the entirety of Algeria, lives in the large hectic coastal cities, Atlas mountains, oases of the Sahara or gentle hills of the Sahel. With a rich past that seems to have crossed all civilizations, and a territory where all natural environments amalgamate, Algeria appears here in all its diversity and its unity.
The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey
Many geneticists and archaeologists have long surmised that human life began in Africa. Dr. Spencer Wells, one of a group of scientists studying the origin of human life, offers evidence and theories to support such a thesis in this PBS special. He claims that Africa was populated by only a few thousand people that some deserted their homeland in a conquest that has resulted in global domination.
The Lost Forest
How would natural habitats develop without human interference? In this documentary we follow an international team of scientists and explorers on an extraordinary mission in Mozambique to reach a forest that no human has set foot in. The team aims to collect data from the forest to help our understanding of how climate change is affecting our planet. But the forest sits atop a mountain, and to reach it, the team must first climb a sheer 100m wall of rock.
Sambesi - Der donnernde Fluss
Three Gorges: The Biggest Dam in the World
Explores the plans for the construction of the monumental dam on China's Yangtze River, the structure that when completed in 2009 will become the Three Gorges Dam. It is slated to be 610 feet high, 1.3 miles across, creating a reservoir 400 miles and the largest power plant in the world.
Krušné hory.
Over Washington
Take to the sky and come face-to-face with Washington states majestic mountains, including one of the Pacific Northwests most well-known symbols: Mount Rainier. Celebrate the diversity of the states landscapes in Over Washington, from the glittering Puget Sound in the west to the rolling Palouse in the east. Stunning aerial cinematography and original music bring these spectacular images to life.
The Animated Atlas of the World
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Sambesi - Quelle des Lebens
The Scrambled States of America
Disenchanted with their fixed places on the map, the states swap spots in hopes that each can get to see a different part of the country and do something different for a change.