
Louis Theroux: The Ultra Zionists (2011)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 0М

Директор : Andy Wells

Краткое содержание

Louis Theroux spends time with a small and very committed subculture of ultra-nationalist Jewish settlers. He discovers a group of people who consider it their religious and political obligation to populate some of the most sensitive areas of the West Bank, especially those with a spiritual significance dating back to the Bible. Throughout his journey, Louis gets close to the people most involved with driving the extreme end of the Jewish settler movement - finding them warm, friendly, humorous, and deeply troubling.


Louis Theroux
Louis Theroux
Louis Theroux


Andy Wells
Andy Wells
Louis Theroux
Louis Theroux


Иди и живи
События фильма происходят в конце 1984 года, когда руководителями государства Израиль было решено привезти на Святую Землю несколько тысяч репатриантов из Эфиопии, которые проживали в трудных условиях в пустыне. Больная женщина, спасая своего сына, посылает его в Эрец Исраэль, но сама остаётся в Эфиопии. В Израиле мальчика усыновляет семья выходцев из Туниса и вскоре он становится полноценным гражданином Израиля с гордым именем Шломо, несмотря на то, что мать воспитала его христианином. Он ощущает себя израильтянином, выходцем из Туниса, носителем французской культуры, не забывая о своих корнях. Впрочем, трудности абсорбции не миновали его. Он страдает от расизма, ему постоянно напоминают о тёмном цвете кожи.
Фильм о Якове Боке — еврее, проживающем в Российской империи. Он несправедливо обвинен в кровавом заговоре.
Louis Theroux: The Ultra Zionists
Louis Theroux spends time with a small and very committed subculture of ultra-nationalist Jewish settlers. He discovers a group of people who consider it their religious and political obligation to populate some of the most sensitive areas of the West Bank, especially those with a spiritual significance dating back to the Bible. Throughout his journey, Louis gets close to the people most involved with driving the extreme end of the Jewish settler movement - finding them warm, friendly, humorous, and deeply troubling.
The Settlers
In the nearly 50 years since Israel's decisive victory in the 1967 Six-Day War, hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens have established expanding communities in the occupied territories of the West Bank. Frequently coming into direct conflict with the region's Palestinian inhabitants, and facing the condemnation of the international community, the settlers have been viewed by some as the righteous vanguard of modern Zionism and by others as overzealous squatters who are the greatest impediment to the possibility of peace in the region.
Marching to Zion
Documentary tracing the history of the Jewish people from the destruction of the temple in AD 70 to the modern-day nation of Israel. Through scriptural and historical evidence, DNA, mathematics, and testimony from rabbis and pastors, it attempts to answer the question, "Who are God's chosen people?".
With God On Our Side
With God On Our Side takes a look at the theology of Christian Zionism, which teaches that because the Jews are God's chosen people, they have a divine right to the land of Israel. Aspects of this belief system lead some Christians in the West to give uncritical support to Israeli government policies, even those that privilege Jews at the expense of Palestinians, leading to great suffering among Muslim and Christian Palestinians alike and threatening Israel's security as a whole. This film demonstrates that there is a biblical alternative for Christians who want to love and support the people of Israel, a theology that doesn't favor one people group over another but instead promotes peace and reconciliation for both Jews and Palestinians.
The Raven – Ze'ev Jabotinsky
Ze’ev Vladimir Jabotinsky? Most people don’t know much about him. Most people know he was the father of Herut movement, a revisionist. And who really knows what revisionism really means. A few people know that he translated Allan Poe’s Annabel Lee; even fewer read his historical novel, Samson. The Raven tries to fathom Jabotinsky’s deceptive character. The film follows his conflicted, controversial character, the meaningful choices, desires and abilities that eventually led him to end his life prematurely but left a huge mark on Zionism and Israel. - See more at: http://nfct.org.il/en/movies/the-raven-zeev-jabotinsky/#sthash.WoPKutbi.dpuf
The Other Israel
Compiled after 15 months filming and editing, this fast-moving, professional video documentary will give you a unique education on the inner teachings of Judaism and the Talmud. Through the television camera "The Other Israel" takes you where few Christian scholars have gone before.
A Goy Guide to World History
Spanning over 2,000 years, this study looks at the complex relationship between Jewish and Catholic thought from a social and historical perspective. Examining different significant moments for both religions throughout the centuries, this commentary on the book analyzes and explains the conflicts that have arisen between the two religions since their beginnings.
The Illustrated Protocols Of Zion
Based on the book, The Illustrated Protocols of Zion. The original Protocols of Zion have been read by countless millions of people over the last 117 years. This movie takes the basic assertions of the protocols and proves them in the present time. It is a brand new edition of the classic work which takes the “old” Protocols of Zion and shows, using present-day practical examples, its prescience and astonishing accuracy—despite being more than century old.
The Zionist Matrix of Power
The Zionist Matrix of Power is an amazing video that exposes the real seats of power in the world. It demonstrates the three most important, Media, Finance, and Politics. This video shows the extremists that now dominate this matrix that leads the West the destruction and the World to war and degeneracy.
Holy Land: A Year in the West Bank
Palestinians and Israelis pursue conflicting visions of justice in the West Bank, zeroing in on the explosive issue of the Israeli settlements: its protagonists are both Israeli settlers and the Palestinians and Israelis who oppose them.
Looking for Zion
A multi-generational journey exploring the archives of the director's grandfather Ephraim Erde, an official Zionist photographer from the 30s, confronted with the director's current vision in an attempt to create an utopia of her own.
The First 54 Years: An Abbreviated Manual for Military Occupation
An exhaustive explanation of how the military occupation of an invaded territory occurs and its consequences, using as a paradigmatic example the recent history of Israel and the Palestinian territories, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, from 1967, when the Six-Day War took place, to the present day; an account by filmmaker Avi Mograbi enriched by the testimonies of Israeli army veterans.
I ragazzi di Hebron
Coffee Pot
Jomu’a is a Palestinian who lives in a refugee camp. Every early morning, he goes to the entrance of the refugee camp to earn his living selling coffee. He tries to find additional work but the only job available is to demolish a house.
Natural Born Settlers
A self-described liberal from cosmopolitan Tel Aviv, Zaki wanted to get behind the politics of Israel’s controversial settlements in the occupied territories — so she moved there, temporarily, setting up an improvised cafe where she could chat with settlers from her own generation.
Придурки 2.5
Компания великовозрастных отморозков возвращается, чтобы поднять ставки выше, чем когда-либо. Они совершают перед камерой настолько изощренное членовредительство, такие сумасшедшие трюки, которые точно никому не стоит пытаться повторять. Вы готовы спрыгнуть с моста, будучи привязанным за причинное место к другому человеку?
Inside Deep Throat
In 1972, a seemingly typical shoestring budget pornographic film was made in a Florida hotel, "Deep Throat," starring Linda Lovelace. This film would surpass the wildest expectation of everyone involved to become one of the most successful independent films of all time. It caught the public imagination which met the spirit of the times, even as the self appointed guardians of public morality struggled to suppress it, and created, for a brief moment, a possible future where sexuality in film had a bold artistic potential. This film covers the story of the making of this controversial film, its stunning success, its hysterical opposition along with its dark side of mob influence and allegations of the on set mistreatment of the film's star.