Za poklady země (1954)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Vladimír Šilhan
Писатель : Vladimír Šilhan, František Břetislav Kunc

Краткое содержание


Karel Pech
Karel Pech
Commentary (voice)


Vladimír Šilhan
Vladimír Šilhan
František Břetislav Kunc
František Břetislav Kunc
Vladimír Šilhan
Vladimír Šilhan
Svatopluk Malý
Svatopluk Malý
Director of Photography
Otmar Mácha
Otmar Mácha
Original Music Composer
Josef Pejsar
Josef Pejsar
Vladimír Vojta
Vladimír Vojta
Production Manager
Miloš Volák
Miloš Volák
Production Manager
Ladislav Čapek
Ladislav Čapek
Vladimír Dvořák
Vladimír Dvořák


Документальный фильм рассказывает о людях, влюбленных в горы и о таинственной силе, которая тянет их на вершину величественных природных творений.
Антропоцен: Эпоха людей
Группа кинематографов побывала на шести континентах, чтобы изучить последствия воздействия деятельности человека на планету Земля.
Into the Lost Crystal Caves
NGC goes inside one of the greatest natural marvels on the planet - a giant crystal cave described as Superman's fortress, with magnificent crystals up to 36 feet long and weighing 55 tons. A team of experts venture into the cavern, enduring scorching-hot temperatures that could kill a human after just 15 minutes of exposure. They'll push the boundaries of physical limitation to explore a crevasse that could lead to another - and perhaps more spectacular - crystal cave.
NOVA: Life's Rocky Start
Four and a half billion years ago, the young Earth was a hellish place-a seething chaos of meteorite impacts, volcanoes belching noxious gases, and lightning flashing through a thin, torrid...
Как вырастить планету
В этом сериале профессор Йен Стюарт рассказывает нам о новой, увлекательной версии истории формирования биогенеза, которую прошла наша планета. Показывая нам, сколь велики изменения, которые были вызваны, прежде всего обитателями растительного царства. Его рассказ повествует о древней эволюции представителей флоры и фауны Земли.
Holy Grail in America
In 1898, a Minnesota farmer clearing trees from his field uprooted a large stone covered with mysterious runes that tell a story of land acquisition and murder. The stone allegedly dates back to 1362. Initially thought to be a hoax, new evidence suggests the find could be real, and a clue that the Knights Templar discovered America 100 years before Columbus, perhaps bringing with them history's greatest treasure... the Holy Grail. Follow the clues as experts use erosion studies on the rune stone and match symbols in Templar ruins all over Europe to support this theory. Stones with similar markings have been found on islands across the Atlantic Ocean, and in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Is it possible the Knights Templar, long thought to have been massacred, escaped on an incredible journey and were leaving clues to the whereabouts of the stone?
A Day in the Life of Earth
Presenter Hannah Fry reveals how much our planet can change in just a single day and how these daily changes are essential to our existence.
Алёшкина любовь
Робкий парень, геолог-буровик, любит красивую и задорную стрелочницу Зинку. Преданная и безоглядная любовь Алешки постепенно пробуждает у нее ответное чувство, что заставляет окружающих другими глазами посмотреть на неприметного паренька.
Tsunamis: Facing a Global Threat
A worldwide scientific investigation on tsunamis. Thanks to exclusive access in Palu, Indonesia, follow the UN’s hand-picked scientific team of "tsunami hunters". Where do they strike? How do they submerge us? What can we do to survive them?
INFINITY minus Infinity
INFINITY minus Infinity draws on several inspirations: the modernist verse of the Jamaican poet Una Marson, the alluvial invocations of the Martinican philosopher and poet Édouard Glissant, the black feminist poetics of the Brazilian philosopher Denise Ferreira da Silva, and the racial formation of geology theorised by British geographer Kathryn Yusoff amongst others in order to envision a black feminist cosmos animated by the principles of mathematical nihilism.
Scotland's First Oil Rush
Documentary telling the story of the shale oil industry and its lasting impact on the community of West Lothian. Presented by geologist Professor Iain Stewart.
Ring of Fire
Ring of Fire is about the immense natural force of the great circle of volcanoes and seismic activity that rings the Pacific Ocean and the varied people and cultures who coexist with them. Spectacular volcanic eruptions are featured, including Mount St. Helens, Navidad in Chile, Sakurajima in Japan, and Mount Merapi in Indonesia.
Ein Tsunami auf dem Genfer See
Rainier the Mountain
In this retrospective tribute, acclaimed filmmaker Jean Walkinshaw hails the 100th anniversary of Mount Rainier National Park in Washington by talking to those who know it best: the scientists, naturalists, mountain climbers and artists whose lives have been touched by the peak's far-reaching shadow. The result is a harmonious blend of archival material and high-definition footage celebrating an icon of the Pacific Northwest.
Mysteries of the Driftless
What strange forces saved one isolated section along the Upper Mississippi River from the repeated crushing and scouring effects of glaciers during the last two million years? And what pre-Ice Age throwbacks survived here in this unique geologic refuge that holds more Native American effigy mounds, petroglyph caves, strange geological features, and rare species than anywhere in the Midwest? These questions and more are answered in this captivating new documentary. A team of scientists embarks on a journey of exploration to expose both the science and threats behind three unique features of the zone - rare plants and animals, odd geological phenomenon, and striking remnants of a Native American pilgrimage like no other.
Birth of Europe
This 3 episode series details the epic story of the origin of Europe - a place with a surprisingly diverse nature stretching from the snowy far north to the coast of Africa. Defined by volcanoes, ice ages, the collision of continents and even asteroids, the legacy of human history masks its awe-inspiring geological past. Born in the early days of the Earth, Europe is constantly being affected by the powerful forces of Mother Nature. It was forged in the fire and crushed by the collision of continents, carved by water and fire.
Risiko Polsprung - Wenn aus Norden Süden wird
Za poklady země
Earth: The Inside Story
Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and extreme weather. Has Earth always been this way? Featuring footage of top geologic hot spots on every continent, the film traces the scientifically-based story of the 4.5 billion-year-old Earth, from the core to the crust and up into the atmosphere.