The Female Chivalry (1967)

Жанр : боевик, приключения, детектив

Время выполнения : 1Ч 43М

Директор : Lo Yu-Kei
Писатель : Lo Yu-Kei

Краткое содержание

Wan Cho-sin has two daughters. The elder sister Wai-man is genteel and graceful, and the younger sister Wai-ping, taken under the tutelage of Lady Knight Silver Fox, is extrovert, outgoing and gregarious. The drug kingpin Chung Chi-wang has his eyes set on Wai-man but the girl is in love with Ma Kim-leung. Ko Tin-yam, who fearlessly wields his journalistic pen against the gangster, joins forces with his girlfriend Wai-ping to beat off Kong Yau-ming and the thugs dispatched by Chung. The encounter, leads to Kong's recognition of Wai-ping as his flesh and blood entrusted to Cho-sin's care years ago. Wai-ping pleads with her father to turn over a new leaf but fails to save him from Chung's murderous hand. Wai-man and Ma ingratiate themselves with the gangster, who uses the duo to elude the police while transferring drugs to a secluded villa. Wai-ping tips off the authorities about the traffickers' whereabouts and cracks down on the drug ring.


Connie Chan Po-Chu
Connie Chan Po-Chu
Lui Kei
Lui Kei
Ko Tin-yam
Fong Sum
Fong Sum
Sek Kin
Sek Kin
Chung Chi-wang
Kwan Hoi-shan
Kwan Hoi-shan
Ma Kim-leung
Lok Kung
Lok Kung
Tycoon Wan Cho-sin
Ko Lo-Chuen
Ko Lo-Chuen
Si Ma Wah-lung
Si Ma Wah-lung
Kong Yau-ming
Yung Yuk-Yi
Yung Yuk-Yi
Lady Knight Silver Fox
Lee Sau-Kei
Lee Sau-Kei
Li Shou Chi


Lo Yu-Kei
Lo Yu-Kei
Lo Yu-Kei
Lo Yu-Kei
Sit Siu-cheung
Sit Siu-cheung
Executive Producer
Yim Ngau
Yim Ngau
Tong Kai
Tong Kai
Action Director
Liu Chia-Liang
Liu Chia-Liang
Action Director


Остин Пауэрс: Человек-загадка международного масштаба
Мир в опасности: великий и ужасный Доктор Зло угрожает запустить ядерную ракету, требуя 100 миллиардов долларов! Но на каждого суперзлодея есть свой супергерой. Спустя 30 лет, проведенных в криогенной камере, неподражаемый Остин Пауэрс, лучший секретный агент Ее Величества и любимец всех женщин, разморожен и вновь готов к действиям! Вместе с напарницей, очаровательной Ванессой, он легко обойдет все хитроумные ловушки, расставленные коварным противником, и спасет человечество!
Остин Пауэрс: Голдмембер
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