
The Yearning of Maria D. (2018)

Жанр : ужасы, мелодрама

Время выполнения : 1Ч 16М

Директор : Marian Dora

Краткое содержание

On a trip to the Aegean, Maria D., who lives withdrawn and is shy of people, is confronted with the impressions of an archaic culture. Fascinated by the morbidity and religiosity of the people living on a Cycladic island, she decides to put an end to her loneliness.


Shivabel Coeurnoir
Shivabel Coeurnoir
Maria D.
Marco Klammer
Marco Klammer
Marietta Fiori
Marietta Fiori
Johnatan Maria von Gross
Johnatan Maria von Gross
Jörg Wischnauski
Jörg Wischnauski


Marian Dora
Marian Dora
Marian Dora
Marian Dora
Cornelio Gisella
Cornelio Gisella
Executive Producer
René Wiesner
René Wiesner
Executive Producer
Patrick Templin
Patrick Templin
Assistant Production Coordinator
Marian Dora
Marian Dora
Claudio Scalia
Claudio Scalia
Gustav Ljungdahl
Gustav Ljungdahl
Assistant Director
Marian Dora
Marian Dora
Scoring Mixer
Marian Dora
Marian Dora
Sound Designer
Marian Dora
Marian Dora
Marian Dora
Marian Dora
Yersinia B.
Yersinia B.
Jeffrey Clark
Jeffrey Clark
Jeff Clark
Jeff Clark
Adrian d'Angelo
Adrian d'Angelo
Gerd Naumann
Gerd Naumann
Martin Trafford
Martin Trafford
Graphic Designer
Patrick Templin
Patrick Templin
Executive Producer


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