
From Both Ends

You just need the right guide.

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 7М

Директор : Alex Lee

Краткое содержание

A man with night terrors is greeted by an unexpected and supernaturally gifted guru.


Michael Kuya
Michael Kuya
Mitch Narito
Mitch Narito
Jeff Hahn


Justin Ricafort
Justin Ricafort
Derek Aiello
Derek Aiello
Director of Photography
Alex Lee
Alex Lee
Wester Demandante
Wester Demandante
Second Assistant Camera
Justin Ricafort
Justin Ricafort
Michael Kuya
Michael Kuya
Derek Aiello
Derek Aiello
Derek Aiello
Derek Aiello
Mitch Narito
Mitch Narito
Wester Demandante
Wester Demandante
Evelyn Price
Evelyn Price
Production Designer
Ryan Bunma
Ryan Bunma
Production Assistant
Christian Flores
Christian Flores
Sound Mixer
Brian Kim
Brian Kim
Jacob Ugalde
Jacob Ugalde
Script Supervisor
Jacob Ugalde
Jacob Ugalde
Music Score Producer


У очаровательной Кэролин Мак Даффи — сказочная жизнь: богатая семья, шикарный ухажер, престижный колледж, прекрасная машина и самые радужные планы на будущее. Беззаботная жизнь гламурных девушек, подобных Кэролин, как правило, лишена значительных потрясений и идёт легко и непринужденно, «как по маслу».Но однажды нашей со всех сторон идеальной девушке посчастливилось встретить самого несовершенного юношу со странным именем Тыква. Наша беззаботная героиня и представить себе не могла, что эта встреча изменит ее жизнь-сказку навсегда и сделает ее… еще лучше!
Чарли Чен в Египте
Профессор археологии Арнольд обнаруживает гробницу египетского фараона Амети. Но после того, как гробница была вскрыта, профессор таинственным образом исчез, а на чёрных рынках мира стали появляться старинные драгоценности, которые должны были находиться в гробнице. Французское археологическое общество отправляет знаменитого детектива Чарли Чена в Египет...
Horsing Around
Alex, dealing with debt, responds to an odd online ad.
Чэн исчез
Два таксиста прочесывают китайский квартал Сан-Франциско в поисках человека, который скрылся с принадлежащими им четырьмя тысячами долларов. Их поиски вскрывают множество курьезов, с которыми сталкиваются китайцы, старающиеся стать частью американского общества.
Where No One Will Find Her
Upon seeing her best friend Rin being assaulted and captured by her crime boss, Sung-Mi must decide if she will fight through bodyguards in order to rescue her.
Self Tape
A struggling actor's home is broken into by the famous acting coach, Sebastian Navarro Rodrigo Rivera, who offers to coach him.
Langit sa Piling Mo
A Filipino woman searches for her father in America.
War Baby
Meet Duewand Collier Jr.-Male, 68 years old, American Citizen, a child conceived in the backdrop of the Philippines-American Mutual Defense Treaty, born and raised with Catholic guilt. He has made peace with his past and now tells his story-a story of love.
The Delano Manongs - Forgotten Heroes Of The United Farm Workers Movement
The Delano Manongs tells the story of farm labor organizer Larry Itliong and a group of Filipino farm workers who instigated one of the American farm labor movement’s finest hours – The Delano Grape Strike of 1965 that brought about the creation of the United Farm Workers Union (UFW). While the movement is known for Cesar Chavez’s leadership and considered a Chicano movement, Filipinos played a pivotal role. Filipino labor organizer, Larry Itliong, a cigar-chomping union veteran, organized a group of 1500 Filipinos to strike against the grape growers of Delano, California, beginning a collaboration between Filipinos, Chicanos and other ethnic workers that would go on for years.
Closer to Home
Closer to Home weaves a universal, haunting tale of two people inexorably drawn together for vastly different reasons. Dalisay struggles to journey from the Philippine countryside to New York City to marry Dean, a disillusioned ex-merchant marine. She's hoping to buy a cure for her dying sister and, ultimately, a future for her debt-ridden family, while he hopes to escape his disintegrating American family through love and a family of his own. A powerful, controversial film that quietly builds to a shattering collision of aspirations and cultures.
The Fall of the I-Hotel
The Fall of the I-Hotel brings to life the battle for housing in San Francisco. The brutal eviction of the International Hotel's tenants culminated a decade of spirited resistance to the razing of Manilatown. The Fall of the I-Hotel works on several levels. It not only documents the struggle to save the I-Hotel, but also gives an overview of Filipino American history.
Coby and Stephen are in Love
Through handmade outfits and dancing, Coby, a 93 year old retired Chinatown nightclub performer, and Stephen, an artist twenty years her junior, find unlikely love, despite dissimilarities in culture and age. As their last performance in Las Vegas approaches, Coby and Stephen prepare a final routine.
Two roomates become acquainted during a game of chess.
Trying to Be Some Kind of Hero
Lester Alfonso travels to the Philippines to find out the truth about this real grandfather...the investigation of a family secret following in the footsteps of a missing man.
Sunny, a young Asian American woman with anger management issues, returns home to the San Gabriel Valley seeking respite from her recent career failures - but a simple grocery shopping trip with her mother may prove more than she can handle.
A simple a story of revenge. But it doesn't have to be. There's an alternate universe of possibilities and we never know what the world will bring when someone in a mask comes knocking on your door. You - have the choice to answer.
A young girl and her family experience a peculiar holiday and she must overcome her differences by seeing things from a unique perspective.
A valuable package is intercepted and stolen, but it may not be what it seems.
Double Solitaire
The filmmaker's father and uncle, Norm and Stan, are third generation Japanese Americans. They are "all American" guys who love bowling, cards and pinball. Placed in the Amache internment camp as children during World War II, they don't think the experience affected them that much. But in the course of navigating the maze of her father's and uncle's pursuits while simultaneously trying to inquire about their past, the filmmaker is able to find connections between their lives now and the history that was left behind.