
Querdenker, Corona-Leugner, Wutbürger - Woher kommt der Frust im Südwesten? (2020)

Жанр : документальный, телевизионный фильм

Время выполнения : 45М

Директор : Kolja Schwartz, Joachim Auch

Краткое содержание

Supposedly innocent citizens from the middle of society who march with right-wing extremists, esotericists and conspiracy theorists against the corona measures, including entrepreneurs, single mothers, teachers, normal families. Michael Ballweg's "Querdenker" demos mobilize thousands of lateral thinkers from all walks of life and milieus who would otherwise not meet. What they have in common: the frustration, the anger and the hatred of the corona measures and the "elites" who have decreed them. Where does this frustration and anger come from in the rich southwest of Germany of all places? Why does a minority withdraw into their filter bubbles and ignore scientific facts? And why do they play such a big role in traditional and social media? The documentary accompanies participants and organizers at various corona demos, but also those affected who have experienced COVID-19 up close and have no understanding for these misguided extremists.


Frank Bräutigam
Frank Bräutigam
Self - Interviewee
Pia Lamberty
Pia Lamberty
Self - Interviewee
Erik Flügge
Erik Flügge
Self - Interviewee
Patrick Geisser
Patrick Geisser
Self - Interviewee
Markus Haintz
Markus Haintz
Self - Interviewee
Joachim Kurrle
Joachim Kurrle
Self - Interviewee
Johanna Welschen
Johanna Welschen
Self - Interviewee
Marcel Lang
Marcel Lang
Self - Interviewee
Michael Ballweg
Michael Ballweg
Self - Interviewee
Bodo Schiffmann
Bodo Schiffmann
Self - Interviewee
Guido C. Hofmann
Guido C. Hofmann
Self - Interviewee
Stefan Räpple
Stefan Räpple
Self - Interviewee


Kolja Schwartz
Kolja Schwartz
Kolja Schwartz
Kolja Schwartz
Joachim Auch
Joachim Auch
Joachim Auch
Joachim Auch
Dilek Kämmerle
Dilek Kämmerle
Ralph Warth
Ralph Warth
Harry Carius
Harry Carius
Director of Photography
Simon Class
Simon Class
Director of Photography
Axel Frank
Axel Frank
Director of Photography
Rick Pennington
Rick Pennington
Director of Photography
Moritz Rebholz
Moritz Rebholz
Director of Photography
Marcel Renz
Marcel Renz
Director of Photography
Thomas Schäfer
Thomas Schäfer
Director of Photography
Bartosz Bujar
Bartosz Bujar
Nathalie Gerst
Nathalie Gerst
Armin Büchele
Armin Büchele
Sound Mixer


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Приключения приходящей няни
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