
Открытая пятёрка (2010)

Жанр : мелодрама, комедия

Время выполнения : 1Ч 4М

Директор : Kentucker Audley

Краткое содержание

A blend of reality and fiction, "Open Five" follows the story of Jake, a struggling musician and his sidekick, Kentucker, a maker of "poor" films and what happens when two girls (Lucy and Rose) venture down to Memphis for a long weekend.


Kentucker Audley
Kentucker Audley
Jake Rabinbach
Jake Rabinbach
Genevieve Angelson
Genevieve Angelson
Shannon Esper
Shannon Esper
Amy Seimetz
Amy Seimetz
Caroline White
Caroline White
Josh Weintraub
Josh Weintraub
Cole's brother


Kentucker Audley
Kentucker Audley
Genevieve Angelson
Genevieve Angelson
Kentucker Audley
Kentucker Audley
Shannon Esper
Shannon Esper
Jake Rabinbach
Jake Rabinbach
Nick Case
Nick Case
Guy Cobb
Guy Cobb
Associate Producer
Reece Crothers
Reece Crothers
Associate Producer
Adam Hohenberg
Adam Hohenberg
Executive Producer
Barry Magid
Barry Magid
Associate Producer
Nicki Newburger
Nicki Newburger
Kent Osborne
Kent Osborne
Associate Producer
Jeni Stephens
Jeni Stephens
Associate Producer
Ryan Watt
Ryan Watt
Joe Swanberg
Joe Swanberg
Director of Photography
Leonard Zelig
Leonard Zelig
Associate Producer


Невидимая сторона
Реальная история игрока в американский футбол команды Baltimore Ravens Майкла Оэра. Оставшийся без крова молодой афроамериканец взят под опеку зажиточной семьёй. Жизнь в новом окружении полностью меняет судьбу замкнутого подростка, помогает реализовать свой потенциал. Поступив в университет штата Миссисипи, он играет в студенческой команде и познаёт скрытую сторону спортивной игры, учится стратегии и тактическому анализу. Знание того, что в игре зачастую именно мозг побеждает мускулы, вскоре поможет попасть Майклу в профессиональную лигу.
Письмо милосердия
Потеряв сына в результате несчастного случая, Мак МакДональд последующие 17 лет живет разъедаемый горечью и болью. Любовь навсегда покидает его сердце и наполняется злобой ко всему, включая Бога. Слепая ярость разрушает его карьеру полицейского, а семейные отношения превращаются в склоки, которыми полны улицы Мемфиса. Ему становится туго с деньгами, он отмахивается от жены и бросает на произвол судьбы воспитание оставшегося в живых второго сына — Блейка, который заводит неправильные связи и находится под угрозой отчисления из школы.
Таинственный поезд
Картина состоит из трёх самостоятельных новелл, действие которых происходит в отеле «Аркадия», Мемфис, штат Теннеси. Герои первой — молодая японская парочка, совершившая паломничество на Родину короля рок-н-ролла.Казалось бы, тривиальный туризм, но для Джармуша нет ничего более смешного и абсурдного, чем обыденность. Когда в последующих новеллах появляется призрак и начинается пальба, никто уже ничему не удивляется.
Пропажа алмаза «Слеза»
Главная героиня — высокомерная и дерзкая Фишер Уиллоу, дочь владельца плантаций из Мемфиса. Вернувшись домой после учебы за рубежом, она влюбляется в безработного Джимми, сына отца-алкоголика и сумасшедшей матери, работающей на плантации. Чтобы успокоить свою тетушку, которая контролирует семейное состояние, Фишер выдает своего любимого за представителя высшего сословия. Однако после пропажи алмаза, являющегося семейной реликвией, ситуация накаляется до предела…
Прощай, дядя Том
«Прощай, дядя Том» — псевдодокументалистика, в которой режиссеры возвращаются в прошлое и посещают рабовладельческий Американский Юг. Они рассматривают и исследуют в ярких графических деталях экстремально-невыносимые условия жизни негров, ставших рабами на американской земле. Жизнь раба изображена как безостановочная эксплуатация, насилие, пытки, издевательство, унижение, совершаемое белыми хозяевами. Авторы используют много документов того времени, поэтому показанное на экране очень близко к реальности.
Рождество в Грейсленде: Родина праздника
После путешествия по миру Харпер возвращается в Мемфис на каникулы и подрабатывает няней для детей богатого вдовца Оуэна в ожидании новостей о работе за границей. Харпер и Оуэн готовятся к совместному мероприятию в Грейсленде, где будет организован сбор средств для компании Оуэна, а также рождественская выставка Элвиса Пресли, которую проводит Харпер. Между ними вспыхивают чувства, и Харпер понимает, как ей нравится жить рядом с семьёй. Теперь ей предстоит решить, станет ли дом на каникулы её домом навсегда.
The Seven Ages of Elvis
Documentary about the life and career of Elvis Presley produced for Sky Arts. Includes rarely seen clips and photos from throughout Elvis' career as well as comments from music historians and musicians, songwriters, producers, actors, etc. who worked with him. Narrated by producer/director David Upshal.
Открытая пятёрка
A blend of reality and fiction, "Open Five" follows the story of Jake, a struggling musician and his sidekick, Kentucker, a maker of "poor" films and what happens when two girls (Lucy and Rose) venture down to Memphis for a long weekend.
Memphis Heat: The True Story of Memphis Wrasslin'
Memphis Heat: The True Story of Memphis Wrasslin' is the definitive documentary about the history of Memphis wrestling from the 1950's with legendary battles between Sputnik Monroe and Billy Wicks, the 1960's with strutting Jackie Fargo, & the glory days of the '70s with Jerry "the King" Lawler, Tojo Yamamoto, "Superstar" Bill Dundee, & Jimmy Hart.
Coffee and Cigarettes II
A brother and sister, sitting in a coffee bar, bicker mildly about whose idea it was to come to Memphis and which kind of cigarette is fresher. Danny, their waiter, comes by offering refills; after determining they are twins, he guesses which is the evil one. Without a pause, he sits down and offers his theory about Elvis's twin. He drones on. The good twin finally speaks up, giving her own opinion. The waiter is unfazed. After his boss finally calls him back to work, the twins are free to resume their bickering amidst the coffee and cigarettes.
Открытая пятёрка 2
A relationship drama set amid a winter van trip from New York to New Orleans. A loose continuation of the 2010 film.
Primal Scream: The Lost Memphis Tapes
The programme shows Primal Scream's Bobby Gillespie's fascination with music from an early age, listening to the sounds of Elvis and Aretha Franklin before graduating to punk. He talks about his passion for music and how to keep creativity on the right track. In the early 90s the UK music scene was changing - with Oasis and Blur emerging, this alternative rock band was recording in Memphis but suddenly sounded out of step with the music scene.
Dreams to Remember: The Legacy of Otis Redding
Able Bodies
Longing for a relationship with a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, a MAN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY becomes a target for her ABUSIVE BOYFRIEND.
Dreaming in America
At the heart of "Dreaming in America" is Lucero's story about that amazing thing, too often overlooked: a blue-collar rock group's struggle to survive. As the music industry has exploded over the past few decades and the ability to "move units" has become the defining calculus of the business, it's an incredibly emotional experience to see a band who does it because they have to, because their lives depend on it, and because they love it. There are hundreds of such bands criss-crossing the country at any given moment. This is a film about one of them-a band on the edge of greatness, working to break through. In a happy bit of rock kismet, "Dreaming in America's" cameras started rolling just as Lucero was breaking from its indie rock past and considering the treacherous leap to a major label deal unlike anything seen by the industry before. At that point, the band was between labels and, though it had sold north of 20,000 records.
This Is What Love in Action Looks Like
In the summer of 2005 a 16yo Memphis, TN wrote on his MySpace blog about his parents sending him to a "Fundamentalist Christian" program that strives to turn gay teens straight. This documentary follows the inspirational story of this teens local community standing up for their friend with daily protests at the facility in what would become an international news story. The documentary features several former clients of the organization who tell their personal stories about the time they spent within the programs walls.
Very Extremely Dangerous
Jerry McGill slipped from a rock'n'roll career into a life of crime, robbing banks and running from the FBI while touring with legends of country music and appearing in movies. After three jail sentences (under two different names), aged 70 and suffering from terminal cancer, he announced his return to music. We follow a gun-toting McGill and his fiance Joyce through four states as he steals whatever's not nailed down and charms his way into and out of trouble. But when you point a camera at a man who will do anything for notoriety, how responsible are you when he goes too far?
Lucero: Bright Stars on Lonesome Nights
Southern indie rockers Lucero hit the road in this documentary, which shows the Memphis, Tennessee band on tour and in the studio. In addition to candid interviews with band members Ben Nichols, Roy Berry, John Stubblefield and Brian Venable, the video features footage of the band on tour with The North Mississippi All-Stars, in the studio for the recording of "Tennessee" and performing live at the Memphis in May Music Festival.
Lights Camera Bullshit
A failed filmmaker returns to Memphis with the hope of jump starting his career but is thwarted by the insanity of the film crew, the selfish conniving of his racist new boss, and the psychotic war between two gangs of historically inaccurate presidential impersonators while trying to maintain his commitment to his family. Featuring Eric Tate (Craig Brewer’s The Poor and Hungry), Ron Gephart ( Ira Sachs’ The Delta), and narrated by Michael Horse (Twin Peaks).
Negro Terror
A portrait of a punk band and their role in the vibrant and eclectic underground music scene from which they were born. The idiosyncratic personalities of these three musicians demonstrates that, like all great artistic or political collectives, individuals with conflicting and confounding ideologies can be drawn together around a common cause. Championing the music, community, and politics of their beloved city of Memphis, TN, Negro Terror are far more than just another hardcore punk band with a provocative name.