Volunteers Unleashed (2015)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 54М

Директор : Brad Quenville

Краткое содержание

Leading this story is 22-year-old Pippa Biddle, who after a series of voluntourism experiences over six years posted a critical blog. It went viral with over 15 million hits, and instantly launched her as the poster child against privileged young white women volunteering overseas. Volunteers Unleashed shows that going overseas with good intentions does not guarantee good will be done. Inspired by his daughter Jennica's life-changing experience as a volunteer in Tanzania in 2012, Vancouver filmmaker Brad Quenville (The Dolphin Dealer, Ice Pilots, Pyros, Highway Thru Hell) went back to Africa with his daughter and DOP Kyle Sandilands to shoot and develop the documentary.


Pippa Biddle
Pippa Biddle


Brad Quenville
Brad Quenville
Brad Quenville
Brad Quenville
Brad Quenville
Brad Quenville
Dennis Burke
Dennis Burke
Kyle Sandilands
Kyle Sandilands
Jean Baillargeon
Jean Baillargeon
Lead Editor
Brad Quenville
Brad Quenville
Sondra Moyls
Sondra Moyls
Dialogue Editor
Brad Quenville
Brad Quenville
Camera Operator
Nick Quenville
Nick Quenville
Assistant Editor


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