13: The Life & Career of Ted Christopher

The Life & Career of Ted Christopher

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 2Ч 21М

Директор : Bonssa Tufa

Краткое содержание

Ted Christopher was, and still is, known as one of the greatest Modified drivers of all-time. His incredible skills behind the wheel, his polarizing driving style, and his personality both on and off the track made Ted one of the most unique characters at the track. A person we lost way too soon. Get to learn more about the man New England Modified fans call "The King" in this full-length documentary!


Tommy Heslin
Tommy Heslin
Michael Christopher, Sr.
Michael Christopher, Sr.
Shawn Waddell
Shawn Waddell
Judy Christopher Mannix
Judy Christopher Mannix
Lucy Christopher
Lucy Christopher
Chuck Zettergren
Chuck Zettergren
Mike Mastrianni
Mike Mastrianni
Mike Widger
Mike Widger
Dave Martino
Dave Martino
Mark Longo
Mark Longo
Ted Christopher
Ted Christopher
Ben Dodge
Ben Dodge
Jen Christopher
Jen Christopher
Matt Buckler
Matt Buckler
Dan Avery
Dan Avery
Michael O'Sullivan
Michael O'Sullivan
Doug Coby
Doug Coby
Shawn Courchesne
Shawn Courchesne
Woody Pitkat
Woody Pitkat
Tom Fox
Tom Fox
Lisa Arute
Lisa Arute
George Bessette, Jr.
George Bessette, Jr.
Michael Christopher, Jr.
Michael Christopher, Jr.
Nicole Christopher
Nicole Christopher
Quinn Christopher
Quinn Christopher
Tom "Sid" DiMaggio
Jim Galante
Jim Galante
Joe Hamm
Joe Hamm
Shawn Monahan
Shawn Monahan
Bryan Narducci
Bryan Narducci
Keith Rocco
Keith Rocco
Scott Tapley
Scott Tapley


Bonssa Tufa
Bonssa Tufa
Bonssa Tufa
Bonssa Tufa
Bonssa Tufa
Bonssa Tufa


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