
Ironland (2022)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 41М

Директор : Lucas Bambozzi
Писатель : Christiane Tassis

Краткое содержание

After living in the United States for decades, Brazilian geographer Camila decides to return to her native state of Minas Gerais when a mining-related environmental disaster strikes the area. A dam burst, destroying several villages with heavily polluted wastewater from an iron ore mine. In this documentary road movie, Camila shows how mining has shaped the state’s history.


Ailton Krenak
Ailton Krenak


Lucas Bambozzi
Lucas Bambozzi
Christiane Tassis
Christiane Tassis
André Hallak
André Hallak
Executive Producer
Eder Santos
Eder Santos
Executive Producer
Andrea Lanzoni
Andrea Lanzoni
Production Assistant
Eder Santos
Eder Santos
Production Director
Barão Fonseca
Barão Fonseca
Production Director
Leandro Aragão
Leandro Aragão
Production Director
Joana Braga
Joana Braga
Production Director
Alcione Rezende
Alcione Rezende
Production Director
André Hallak
André Hallak
Production Director
Fabian Remy
Fabian Remy
Bruno Risas
Bruno Risas
Director of Photography
Osvaldo Ferreira
Osvaldo Ferreira
Alexandre Martins
Alexandre Martins
Sound Mixer
Stephen Vitiello
Stephen Vitiello
Original Music Composer
Michael Geidel
Michael Geidel
O Grivo
O Grivo
Original Music Composer


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Спасти планету
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Прими свои таблетки
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