Iron-beaked Hen's Sudden Rise to Power (1957)

The 'Iron-beaked Hen' is one of Tang Bik-wan's iconic comedic characters in her prolific career.

Жанр : комедия, музыка

Время выполнения : 1Ч 35М

Директор : Chan Pei
Писатель : Wong Hak

Краткое содержание

Iron-Beaked Hen and Fatso Bo on their way to the city to help a relative out of some trouble, they run into a band of robbers. They stop over an allegedly haunted house where they save the lovers To Lok-yin and Yu Mei-yung from their attemped suicide. Hen learn their story and decide to help them out. Yin comes from a rich family, he lost his father when he was very young and was brought up by his uncle. Now that he is old enough to claim his inheritance, the guardian, his uncle, in order to keep the fortune under control, forces him to marry a girl of his choosing. The couple cannot face separation and resolve to end their lives together. Hen thinks of a way to help them, which involves Yin pretending to comply; that is, to go ahead with the marriage arrangement. On the wedding day, they swap the bride with Yung. Disguised as a matchmaker and a county official respectively, Hen and Bo reprimand To's uncle who schemes to seize To's family fortune. To and Yu marry.


Tang Pik-Wan
Tang Pik-Wan
Iron-beaked hen
Leung Sing-por
Leung Sing-por
Fatso Po
Wong Cho-San
Wong Cho-San
Ching Hau
Leung Miu-Seung
Leung Miu-Seung
To Lok-yin
Chow Kwun-Ling
Chow Kwun-Ling
Yu Mei-yung
Chow Hoi-Tong
Chow Hoi-Tong
Ching Lai
Ching Lai
Gam Lau
Gam Lau
Chow Gat
Chow Gat
Cheung Sing-Fei
Cheung Sing-Fei
Cheung Chi-Suen
Cheung Chi-Suen


Chan Pei
Chan Pei
Wong Hak
Wong Hak
Lui Kei
Lui Kei
Hua Ku
Hua Ku
Assistant Director
Leung Cho
Leung Cho
Script Supervisor
Chan Ki-Yui
Chan Ki-Yui
Art Direction
Lai Chu
Lai Chu
Costume Designer
Fung Sin
Fung Sin
Makeup Artist
Chiang Hsing-Lung
Chiang Hsing-Lung
Lam Wah-Sam
Lam Wah-Sam
Law Bo-sang
Law Bo-sang
Oh King-Yee
Oh King-Yee
Production Manager
Lee Sau-Kei
Lee Sau-Kei
Production Manager


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