
Loner (2008)

Family Secrets Are Revealed

Жанр : ужасы, триллер

Время выполнения : 1Ч 57М

Директор : Park Jae-sik

Краткое содержание

A student becomes a recluse in response to her best friend's suicide and locks herself in her room. She believes that someone is in the room with her. Her alarmed family hires a psychologist to intervene.


Go Eun-ah
Go Eun-ah
Jeong Soo-na
Chae Min-seo
Chae Min-seo
Choi Yoon-mi
Jung You-seok
Jung You-seok
Jeong Se-jin
Jung Young-sook
Jung Young-sook
Lim Dae-ho
Lim Dae-ho
Gwan Ri-in
Lee Da-in-IV
Lee Da-in-IV
Lee Ha-jeong


Park Jae-sik
Park Jae-sik
Park Jae-sik
Park Jae-sik


Neighbour No. 13
Jûzô Murasaki is a boy miscast in his classroom, being frequently abused, tortured, beaten and humiliated by the bully Tôru Akai and his gang of juvenile punks. After years of repression, rejection and fear without facing Akai, he develops a psychopathic dual personality with a violent alter-ego. While living in the apartment 13 of a tenement building, he becomes unable to control his violent dark personality, who plots an evil revenge against his upper floor neighbor Akai and his family.
The Cut
Seon-hwa is a new student at an elite medical school, and she is initiated into a dissection class headed by Dr. Han along with five other students, including her boyfriend Ki-beom. After the first class the students all start to share the same nightmare involving a one-eyed surgeon, and one by one they start to be murdered, the victims being discovered with their hearts removed. Seon-hwa and Ki-beom are convinced that these events are related to a beautiful cadaver with a rose tattoo on her breast, and they begin an investigation to uncover her identity.
Аджума — так в Корее обращаются к замужней женщине. Однажды мать узнает, что по пути домой её 10-летняя дочь была похищена и изнасилована. Полиция, куда обратилась женщина, не торопится искать виновного, бывший муж, известный дантист, не хочет огласки. Тогда женщина решает сама отомстить насильнику, но когда, наконец, добирается до него, полиция её же и арестовывает.
Cellular Boyfriend
High school student Ayumi kills herself and leaves behind a cryptic message that says "will be killed by boyfriend." Ayumi's classmates Satomi and Yuka investigate her suicide and quickly links her death to a popular cellphone dating simulation game called Keitai Kareshi. The main features of the game include a 'love gauge' that determines how well the player is faring and the ability to chat with other players. Satomi, Yuka download the game to their phones and begin interacting with their new virtual boyfriends. Soon after, Satomi shares the game with her co-worker who -- not long after the love gauge on her cellphone hit zero -- dies from electrocution. Meanwhile, Yuka sends the game to her manager who turns up dead the following day following a mysterious accident. The mystery deepens as Satomi discovers the image of Naoto, a senior student whom Satomi secretly admired, on her friend Hisami's cellphone. Written by Dr. Jay Trotter
Love Ghost
Teenager Midori's family moves back to the city where she lived as a child and is relieved to discover that her old friend Ryusuke still lives there. Her terrifying nightmares begin intersecting with her everyday life. Do her nightly dreams about an anonymous fortune-teller have anything to do with the tragedies plaguing her high school?
Красный глаз
Ох Мин-су, рано потерявшая своих родных и близких, выросла, закончила колледж и устроилась работать проводницей на железнодорожную линию, где в своё время работал её отец. Она впервые вышла на работу в день своего рождения, попросив подругу разрешить ей выйти в рейс вместо неё. Её старший коллега рассказывает ей историю о том, что к их составу когда-то подцепили несколько уцелевших вагонов от другого поезда, который 15 лет назад потерпел ужасную катастрофу. И с тех пор пассажиры начали жаловаться на то, что их состав одержим призраками.
Ghost Game
Ghost Game tells the story of 11 contestants who sign up for a scary reality show which forces them to confront the supernatural and their innermost fears. They're brought to an ancient war museum in Cambodia, which was used as a Khmer Rouge prison twenty years before. Thousands of innocent people were tortured and killed there during the Cambodian war in the 1970s.
Джет с рождения обладал уникальными способностями к ясновидению, и хотя порою это изрядно облегчало ему жизнь, он всегда был настоящим изгоем, поскольку люди считали его мутантом. Когда однажды парень влюбляется в очаровательную Джум, это совершенно меняет его жизнь. Теперь, используя свои паранормальные способности, Джет пытается помочь девушке, оказавшейся в сложной ситуации, однако вскоре это приводит к печальным последствиям...
Secret Sunday
According to his mother's request, Nat, a young architect, unwillingly takes a journey to visit 9 different temples in order to clean up his bad karma. He is accompanied by Poon, his beautiful columnist girlfriend, and Sujitto, a young novice monk. All three characters have different purposes for taking this trip. But later they discover that they were put together for an unforeseeable reason. The karma of one person can effect the karma of others as well. Horrifying acts done in their previous lives reveal themselves as the journey goes by. The more they try to clean up Nat's bad karma by making merit, the closer they get to them. This journey is going to change their faith forever. How is Nat going to clean up his own mess? Would Nat be forgiven? How can an act of making merit overcome relentless vengeance?
A documentary crew who specialize in recording paranormal phenomena accept a stranger’s offer to shoot in his house. As the house begins to reveal its secrets, though, the friends discover that they’ve stumbled onto something truly evil.
Inner Senses
This is the story of Yan, a young woman haunted by fleeting images of what she believes to be dead people. Told that it is all in her mind by her psychologist Jim, Yan still cannot find any other explanations for her visions. Soon, her suspicions are confirmed when Jim begins seeing the same things she does and the two begin to unravel a mystery that leads to a forgotten past
Three apparently unrelated suicides occur on the same day in Tokyo. One involves a young athlete, one a groom at his wedding reception, and the third an elderly man celebrating his wife's birthday. A middle aged detective investigating one of the cases begins to suspect a connection between the three when he discovers that each person mentioned a "green monkey" before they died. With the help of a young psychiatrist he formulates the theory that hypnosis is somehow involved. In the mean time other bizarre "suicides" are reported and the mystery intensifies. Who will be next? What is the truth? Can more deaths be prevented?
Когда Со Ни с мужем и младшей сестрой Ю Рин въезжают в новый дом, чтобы воспитывать ее осиротевшего племянника Бина, она еще не знает, какую ужасную тайну скрывает ее новое жилище. Странное поведение Бина, ревность Ю Рин, смерть родителей мальчика и невозможность покинуть дом из-за долгов мужа — все это приводит к тому, что ей предстоит узнать ужасную правду, связанную с рождением Бина и тем, что происходило в этом доме много лет назад. Сможет ли она спасти себя и своих близких от жуткой участи?
Жуткие прятки
Прятки — безобидная детская игра. А как вам жуткие прятки? Вы выполняете некие ритуальные действия и затем прячетесь, а на поиски выходит призрак
The Evil Twin
In coma for a decade, the twin So Yeon wakes finally up. But she can't recall many things. Her other twin sister, Hyo Jin, died in the accident that led to So Yeon's coma. Now that So Yeon has gained her consciousness back, strange things start to happen.
4 Horror Tales: Roommates
At a prep school, a secret horror begins to unfold as the students begin to die.
Длинный уик-энд
Группа друзей отправляется на уик-энд в пятницу 13-го, чтобы бросить вызов вере в сверхъестественное. Но вскоре они поймут, что с некоторыми вещами не стоит связываться…
The Road
A 12 year old cold case is reopened when three teens are missing in an old abandoned road where a gruesome murder is left undiscovered for three decades.
Diary of June
Two teenagers joining the same class in a high school die on the same day. The one to be top of the class is killed by a big knife on the street, the other - the second best of the class indeed - seems to be jumped from the top of the school building. Everybody believes that he first killed his classmate and than himself. But when the police finds small pill boxes into the stomachs of both kids confessing their murder two South Korean cops are torn into a new case of murder series. While they try to hunt down the serial killer, more pupils are getting killed...