
Consumed: Inside the Belly of the Beast

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 52М

Директор : Richard Heap

Краткое содержание

A documentary about modern consumerist culture. Evolution and psychology underpin a narrative of our times, constantly locating man at its centre with an unhealthy dose of pathos. Fantastic 20th century archive and interviews.


Jonathan Chapman
Jonathan Chapman
Tim Cooper
Tim Cooper
Alastair McIntosh
Alastair McIntosh
Geoffrey Miller
Geoffrey Miller
Aimee Ploudee
Aimee Ploudee


Richard Heap
Richard Heap
Eve Wood
Eve Wood
Janey Walklin
Janey Walklin
Richard Heap
Richard Heap
Lucas Jedrzejak
Lucas Jedrzejak
Editorial Staff


Titanic: 100 Years On
The "unsinkable" floating palace set sail from Southampton on 10th April 1912 on her maiden voyage to New York. An iceberg ended this monumental journey 5 days later. Only 705 of the passengers and crew survived. This program features an exclusive look at the Sea City Museum Titanic Exhibit in Southampton, interviews from both survivors and the cast of the blockbuster film.
Emanuelle and the Erotic Nights
Emanuelle hosts this peculiar sexploitation Mondo film that looks at several examples of bizarre sexual behavior.
Spider-Man Tech
This documentary discuss all the laws of physics , genetic biology and reflexis which Peter Parker (Spiderman) uses and how he become so powerful dispite of having comparatively weak body.
Buying Sex
Timely and wise, this feature documentary explores the state of prostitution laws in Canada. Buying Sex captures the complexity of the issue by listening to the frequently conflicting voices of sex workers, policy-makers, lawyers and even the male buyers who make their claim for why prostitution is good for society. Examining the realities in Sweden and New Zealand, and respecting the differences of ideology as Canada works its way toward an uneasy consensus, the film challenges us to think for ourselves and offers a gripping and invaluable account of just what is at stake for all of us.
Once Upon a Time: The Super Heroes
The historical saga of American superheroes. Born in the period between the Great Depression and the World War II to combat the hobgoblins of the modern world, these mutant human beings with superhuman powers colonized the funny papers, radio dramas, television and films, to become a truly national industry in the United States: they gave expression to the fears and obsessions of the twentieth century and bolstered American ideals.
Зомби: Живая история
Зомби — самые жуткие монстры в нашей истории. Но что стоит за рассказами о них? Слово «зомби» означает «оживший мертвец». Оно пришло к нам из гаитянского вуду, а туда — из Западной Африки. В Китае оживших мертвецов именуют «джанг-ши», а в странах арабского мира зомби называют «гул». Существуют ли зомби в реальности? Известны болезни, симптомы которых уподобляют людей зомби. Чтобы понять зомби, мы должны выяснить, как мы вообще узнали о них.
The Fear of God: 25 Years of The Exorcist
A behind-the-scenes retrospective made for the twenty-fifth anniversary of the classic horror film, The Exorcist. Includes interviews with Linda Blair and the other stars of the film, along with commentary from the director and writer on some of the deeper meanings behind the elements they used to terrify their audiences, and previously unreleased footage including make-up tests and deleted scenes.
Жизнь после карьеры в порно
Фильм знакомит с одними из самых старых звёзд индустрии для взрослых и рассказывает об их жизни после завершения карьеры. Кто-то принимает её с гордостью и без сожаления как путь к обретению гармонии и счастья в жизни. Других карьера в порно привела к отчаянию и страданиям, и они всеми силами пытаются избавиться от последствий работы в индустрии.
Кэти Перри: Частичка меня
Фильм – твоя возможность осуществить вместе с Кэти Перри мечту! Кэти Перри – наглядный пример того, что, оставаясь самим собой, можно стать кем угодно! Приглядитесь к Кэти повнимательней и узнайте, как самая обычная девушка из Калифорнии, умевшая мечтать, стала одной из самых ярких мировых звезд.
The Roots of the Matrix
Disc 8 of 10 of 'The Matrix: Ultimate Edition': Probe the philosophical and technological inspirations of The Matrix Trilogy through two insightful documentaries: - Return to Source: Philosophy & The Matrix documentary – Scholars, philosophers and theorists deconstruct the intellectual underpinnings of the trilogy - The Hard Problem: The Science Behind the Fiction documentary – Is the notion of a real Matrix plausible? An investigation of the technologies that inspire the metaphor of the Matrix.
Pablo Escobar: Angel or Demon?
Pablo, Angel o Demonio is the untold story of a man who changed our world forever. He created the multinational enterprise of cocaine trafficking and through terror brought a country to its knees, but through altruistic generosity he transformed the lives of his people, the underprivileged.
The Matrix Recalibrated
The making of Matrix Revolutions, The (2003) is briefly touched on here in this documentary. Interviews with various cast and crew members inform us how they were affected by the deaths of Gloria Foster and Aaliyah, and also delve into the making of the visual effects that takes up a lot of screen time. Written by Rhyl Donnelly
Взгляд на жизнь медведей, обитающих на приморских горах Аляски и на побережье.
Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th
Taking inspiration from Peter M. Bracke's definitive book of the same name, this seven-hour documentary dives into the making of all twelve Friday the 13th films, with all-new interviews from the cast and the crew.
Проклятие Ведьмы из Блэр
Этот документальный фильм в подробностях описывает историю Легенды о Ведьме из Блэр. Описание хронологии мистических событий, происходивших с давних времен до 1994 года в городе Беркитсвилле. Фильм рассказывает о студентах, пропавших в девяностых годах, в лесах штата Мэрилэнд; интервью с их родными, с поисковой группой. А также информация об нахождении снятого ими видеоматериала.
His teachers, coaches, childhood friends and Barça teammates, together with journalists, writers and prominent figures from the history of football, come together in a restaurant to analyze and pick apart Messi's personality both on and off the field, and to look back at some of the most significant moments in his life. Viewed from Álex de la Iglesia's unique perspective, Messi recreates the player's childhood and teenage years, from his very first steps, with a football always at his feet, through to the decision to leave Rosario for Barcelona, the separation from his family, and the role played in his career by individuals such as Ronaldinho, Rijkaard, Rexach and Guardiola.
No Half Measures: Creating the Final Season of Breaking Bad
A documentary about the making of season five of the acclaimed AMC series Breaking Bad.
Marvel Renaissance
Documentary about the rise of Marvel Studios after their near-bankruptcy in the mid-1990s.
Marvel Studios: Создание Вселенной
Фильм предлагает ближе узнать историю Marvel Studios и кинематографическую вселенную Marvel. Заглядывая за кулисы съемок кинолент и беря интервью у звезд, авторы предоставляют поклонникам этой Вселенной эксклюзивный взгляд на мир кинокомиксов.
A Fan's Guide to Spider-Man: Homecoming
Zendaya and Tom Holland give fans an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at Spider-Man Homecoming.