
Phantom Project (2022)

Pablo's new roommate is NOT all there.

Жанр : комедия

Время выполнения : 1Ч 37М

Директор : Roberto Doveris
Писатель : Roberto Doveris

Краткое содержание

Waiting for his big dream (a film role) to come true, Pablo works as a training actor in a patient-care programme at a medical faculty and a paid participant in group therapy sessions. To make ends meet, he sublets a room in his apartment in a suburb of Santiago de Chile. However, he seems to have lost control when his housemate departs, leaving him with rent arrears, a collection of plants, a dog, a woolly jumper, and ... a house ghost. Pablo is 30, and when it comes to romance he is also chasing apparitions. He is secretly still in love with his ex-boyfriend, a popular YouTuber.


Juan Cano
Juan Cano
Ingrid Isensee
Ingrid Isensee
Violeta Castillo
Violeta Castillo
Fernanda Toledo
Fernanda Toledo
Fernando Castillo
Fernando Castillo
Francisco Moraga
Yasmin Ludueñas
Yasmin Ludueñas
Natalia Grez
Natalia Grez
Ernesto Meléndez
Ernesto Meléndez
Alicia Scherson
Alicia Scherson
Tomás Abalo
Tomás Abalo


Roberto Doveris
Roberto Doveris
Roberto Doveris
Roberto Doveris
Roberto Doveris
Roberto Doveris
Aura Sinclair
Aura Sinclair
Sylvana Squicciarini
Sylvana Squicciarini
Patricio Alfaro
Patricio Alfaro
Director of Photography


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