
Bright Spark: The Reconciliation of Trevor Southey (2022)

The Art & Belief Movement

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 15М

Краткое содержание

Bright Spark: The Reconciliation of Trevor Southey follows the journey of artist Trevor Southey, a convert to the LDS Church from British Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) who dreamed of being a Latter-day Michelangelo and transforming Temple Square into a place where people came from around the world to look at the art. He immigrated to Utah in the mid-1960s and soon found a gang of like-minded artists at BYU. These artists formed a loose art colony in Alpine, Utah to pursue their dreams. It all came crashing down when Trevor's homosexuality was exposed and he was excommunicated from the Church. Thirty years later, as his adult daughter suffers a major health crisis, the Church steps in to help and he finds himself in the strange position of being fellowshipped and invited to rejoin the Church that rejected him. "Bright Spark" explores conflicts of personal freedom, religious belonging, and artistic expression with honesty and compassion.


Trevor Southey
Trevor Southey
Nathan Florence
Nathan Florence
Gary E Smith
Gary E Smith
Dennis Smith
Dennis Smith
Neil Hadlock
Neil Hadlock


Nathan Florence
Nathan Florence
Matt Black
Matt Black
Geralyn White Dreyfous
Geralyn White Dreyfous
Executive Producer
Nathan Florence
Nathan Florence
Brandon Purdie
Brandon Purdie
Brian Wilcox
Brian Wilcox
Matt Black
Matt Black
Nathan Florence
Nathan Florence


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