
Start Wearing Purple (2022)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 14М

Директор : Müge Süer, Hendrik Kintscher

Краткое содержание

Choosing hope over despair, Berliners are banding together to get their houses back from big investors. [...] This documentary film follows five Berlin citizens of different backgrounds, countries, and diverse stories. They find themselves among almost two thousand similarly dedicated people to fight together for one cause. While their personal motivations differ, they all believe they can convince Berlin that the only way to make housing affordable again is to drive real estate companies out of their city. The stakes are high, the movement is strong. But with almost nothing in their hands, they have to prevail against an overwhelming opposition of the real estate lobby and politicians willing to sell out the city they call home.


Leilani Farha
Leilani Farha
Leilani Farha


Müge Süer
Müge Süer
Hendrik Kintscher
Hendrik Kintscher


Пробуждая мертвецов
Молодой офицер береговой охраны Филдинг Пирс встречает девушку своей мечты. Это была настоящая любовь, которая не должна была закончится никогда. Но однажды Сара трагически погибает… Спустя несколько лет успешная карьера дала Филдингу почти все, чего он желал, кроме утраченной любви. Он жил в Чикаго с другой женщиной, только временами ему стало казаться, что Сара жива…
Лула, сын Бразилии
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Я любопытна - фильм в синем
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The Second Civil War
When a planeload of Pakistani orphans are shipped to his state for permanent relocation, the governor of Idaho defies the president and closes the state's border. News Net Television, a cable news program that makes hay by reporting on political scandals, quickly spins the racist act into an overnight media sensation, creating a divide in national opinion over the issue.
A detailed and compelling portrait of one of the most formidable characters in British politics as she faces her final days in power. The year is 1990 and Margaret Thatcher's support within the government is wavering - her hold on the premiership hangs in the balance. Then, long-serving politician Sir Geoffrey Howe resigns over Thatcher's attitude to Europe. His resignation speech sparks a chain of events that leads to the overthrow of Britain's first woman prime minister. This modern dramatic tragedy illustrates the strengths and fatal flaws of this iconic woman more clearly than ever before and reveals how the very aspects of her character that helped her secure power are the ones that ensured her downfall. Drama starring Lindsay Duncan.
Казино Джек
Байопик о бывшем республиканском лоббисте Джеке Абрамоффе, который в марте 2006 года был приговорен к пяти годам и десяти месяцам лишения свободы за мошенничество при заключении сделки по покупке кораблей-казино, ущерб от его незаконных операций оценивался в 21 миллион долларов.
Особые отношения
Фильм повествует о личных взаимоотношениях Тони Блэра и президента США Билла Клинтона, тесно общавшихся друг с другом в 1997—2000 годах
Это история Москвы начала пятидесятых, в которой компании молодых людей приходится бороться за право быть не такими как все, слушать другую музыку, по-другому одеваться и конечно же любить.
Кукольный мультфильм от режиссерского тандема братьев Лауэнштейн. На плоской платформе, парящей в воздухе, находятся пять человек, одетых в серые пальто с номерами на спине. Они почти не отличимые друг от друга. Плита находится в равновесии, пока люди действуют согласованно. Стоит одному сделать шаг в сторону — баланс нарушается, и неустойчивая платформа начинает крениться. Фильм показывает важность взаимосвязи людей и их зависимость друг от друга. Картина получила награду Американской киноакадемии (1990), призы международного фестиваля в Клермон-Ферране, фестиваля анимационного кино в Оттаве и другие награды.
Эммануэль в деревне
Красивая женщина-врач прибывает в маленькую итальянскую деревушку, где она быстро завоевывает сердца местных мужчин. Мужчины готовы пойти на все, чтоб попасть на прием к новому сексуальному доктору.
Эрос + Убийство
В центре событий анархист Сакаэ Осуги и его возлюбленная Ноэ Ито, которые были задушены 16 сентября 1923 года по приказу лейтенанта военнной полиции Амакасу. Вместе с ними был убит 6-летний племянник Осуги. По задумке режиссера молодые студенты реконструируют шаг за шагом взаимотношения между Осуги и тремя женщинами, с которыми он открыто поддерживал связь.
Billy Jack Goes to Washington
After a senator suddenly dies after completing (and sealing) an investigation into the nuclear power industry, the remaining senator and the state governor must decide on a person who will play along with their shady deals and not cause any problems. They decide on Billy Jack, currently sitting in prison after being sent to jail at the end of his previous film, as they don't expect him to be capable of much, and they think he will attract young voters to the party.
The Lawyers
In the early 1970s, Otto Schily and Hans-Christian Ströbele were part of the group of attorneys of the left-wing extraparliamentary opposition in Germany. In this function, they, for instance, represented the militant Horst Mahler in court. One thing that united all three of them was their goal to create a new and different republic. They viewed Federal Germany as an oppressor of political freedom and as a vassal of the United States. Today, Schily is a former Federal Minister of the Interior with a firmly conservative stance and Ströbele is a well-respected member of the left wing of the Green Party in the German parliament while Mahler has again come into conflict with the law because of his extremist right-wing activities.
Zenda (Marathi: झेंडा) is 2010 Indian Marathi film directed by Avdhoot Gupte and starring Santosh Juvekar. Avdhoot Gupte himself composed the music for the film. The film depicts the journey of four young ambitious scholars to succeed in life and the impact of a split in a major political party on their journey. Zenda depicts a feud between two cousins in rival political parties, inspired by the real-life feud between Raj Thackeray, chief of Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) and his cousin, Uddhav Thackeray, Executive President of Shiv Sena. Avdhoot Gupte however believes that it is more about the Marathi youth, with just a couple of characters in the movie representing Uddhav Thackeray and Raj Thackeray. The film was released in early 2010, in theatres across Maharashtra state.
Руки над городом
Накануне выборов в Городской совет в городе обрушилось здание. Это происшествие вызывает большой общественный резонанс, грозящий потерей мест в муниципалитете ставленникам девелоперской компании.
The Invisible Wall
June 27, 1980, an Italian DC 9 flying from Bologna to Palermo falls in the sea close to the Ustica island. 81 people die. The official version is "structure failure" of the airplane, but a number of clues lead the journalist Rocco Ferrante toward a different truth. Thanks to his perseverance against the invisible wall erected by air force officers, politicians, judges, secret agents, we come to know that, with all probability, the DC 9 has been mistakenly shot by a missile during a sort of air fight among U.S., French and Libyan top guns.
Annanukku Jey
The son of a toddy seller decides to become a politician to take on bar owner who tries to bring down his father.
Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey threw himself into the race for Minnesota governor on January 13, 2006. His "coming out" to the media as a Hecate Witch, Satanic Dark Priest and Sanguinary Vampire grabbed international attention, and his candidacy marked the beginning of the largest amount of media coverage ever given to an unknown third party candidate running for governor in American history.
Programming the Nation?
Programming the Nation? takes an encompassing look at the history of subliminal messaging in America. According to many authorities, since the late 1950s subliminal content has been tested and delivered through all forms of mass-media including Hollywood filmmakers Alfred Hitchcock and William Friedkin. Even our modern military has been accused of these practices in the "war on terror" against soldiers and civilians both abroad and at home. With eye-opening footage, revealing interviews, humorous anecdotes, and an array of visual effects, the film categorically explores the alleged usage of subliminals in advertising, music, film, television, anti-theft devices, political propaganda, military psychological operations, and advanced weapons development. Director Jeff Warrick makes it his personal mission to determine if these manipulative tactics have succeeded in "programming the nation?" Or, if subliminal messaging belongs in the category of what many consider urban legend.
В фильме рассказывается о бывшем офицере английской армии, нанятом генералом Батистой для подавления партизанского движения в период, предшествовавший восстанию Кастро.