
An Atrocious Slut Market. Ena Satsuki (2022)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 50М

Директор : Yu Mabuki

Краткое содержание

Sakura, who works as a maid at the mansion of the wealthy Hojo Fuyuhiko, marries Fuyuhiko. However, there is one woman who is jealous of the love of a different class, Miyako, a maid who also serves Fuyuhiko. Miyako collaborates with her butler, Kirisaki, to plot to take over the Hojo family. After receiving the request, Hirunuma trains Sakura and puts it up for auction at the slave market. The person I met again at the auction site was Fuyuhiko, who was also auctioned as a slave.


Ena Satsuki
Ena Satsuki


Yu Mabuki
Yu Mabuki


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