
Chicago So Far (2021)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 2М

Директор : Ross Chavez

Краткое содержание

A video self portrait created with excerpts from Ross Chavez's personal journal.


Ross Chavez
Ross Chavez
Emma Lacy
Emma Lacy


Ross Chavez
Ross Chavez
Ross Chavez
Ross Chavez


Фильм-эссе, по форме напоминающий некоторые ленты Криса Маркера, представляет собой высокоритмичную нарезку документального и сфабрикованного видеоматериала, который перемежается игровыми фрагментами с участием самого Уэллса и его подружки Ойи Кодар. Основная тема — сложная диалектика истинного и фальшивого в искусстве — иллюстрируется примерами неординарных судеб фальсификаторов Эльмира де Хори и Клиффорда Ирвинга. Во второй половине фильма Уэллс мистифицирует зрителей историей о том, как Ойя Кодар якобы позировала для Пикассо.
Две или три вещи, которые я знаю о ней
Молодая домохозяйка вынуждена заняться древнейшей профессией, чтобы прокормить мужа и сына. Кажется, что муж даже не догадывается, чем занимается жена. Но долго ли будет длиться это неведение даже в таком большом городе, как Париж?..
Province of Ciudad Real, Spain, December 29, 1990. During the annual march to the Herrera de la Mancha prison, held in support of the members of the terrorist gang ETA imprisoned there, the Basque rock band Negu Gorriak holds a concert, which is recorded, edited on video and turned into a tool of vindication. Decades later, a film crew tries to elaborate a personal essay around this event and its meaning.
Vampir Cuadecuc
An atmospheric essay, which is an alternative version of Count Dracula, a film directed by Jess Franco in 1970; a ghostly narration between fiction and reality.
Образы Европы
Twenty-five films from twenty-five European countries by twenty-five European directors.
Зеленый туман
Этот фильм сделан в традициях фильмов Хичкока. Он не имеет сюжетной линии, а состоит из кадров фильмов разных лет, связанных одной темой - городом Сан-Франциско и мостом Золотые ворота, расположенном в нем.
How do you put a life into 500 words? Ask the staff obituary writers at the New York Times. OBIT is a first-ever glimpse into the daily rituals, joys and existential angst of the Times obit writers, as they chronicle life after death on the front lines of history.
An essay-film about images and politicians.
Fear Itself
A girl haunted by traumatic events takes us on a mesmerising journey through 100 years of horror cinema to explore how filmmakers scare us – and why we let them.
40 Days to Learn Film
For just forty days, filmmaker and writer Mark Cousins embarks on a peculiar journey in order to explore topics as the passion for cinema and certain aspects related to making films as style, ideas, emotions and practicalities; an ambitious exploration of the universal language of cinema by analyzing pieces of work that cross every artistic and cultural boundaries.
A provocative and poetic exploration of how the British people have seen their own land through more than a century of cinema. A hallucinated journey of immense beauty and brutality. A kaleidoscopic essay on how magic and madness have linked human beings to nature since the beginning of time.
Land of Dreams
"Land of Dreams" - When the daughter Johanna is born in 1983, Jan Troell tells the story about his childhood Sweden and how things were when he grow-up in the land of fairy tales and potential prosperity.
Cremaster 4
CREMASTER 4 (1994) adheres most closely to the project's biological model. This penultimate episode describes the system's onward rush toward descension despite its resistance to division. The logo for this chapter is the Manx triskelion - three identical armored legs revolving around a central axis. Set on the Isle of Man, the film absorbs the island's folklore ...
John McEnroe: In the Realm of Perfection
An immersive film essay on tennis legend John McEnroe at the height of his career as the world champion, documenting his strive for perfection, frustrations, and the hardest loss of his career at the 1984 Roland-Garros French Open.
Parallel Lives
Born June 8, 1964, Frank Matter films four "twins", born the same day as him, but in other latitudes. Interweaving their life stories with rich archival material, the filmmaker links these Parallel Lives with elements from his own biography, to compose a fascinating fresco where intimate trajectories are part of the advent of the global village.
Когда наступает «сейчас»
Толчком к созданию «Когда наступает “сейчас”» послужило любительское видео, снятое матерью режиссера в Китае в 1966 г. Ее путешествие пришлось на время первого, самого радикального этапа «культурной революции». Кадры из Китая соседствуют с архивными изображениями событий 1968 г. во Франции, Чехословакии и, в меньшей степени, Бразилии. Работая с архивными материалами в традиции фильма-эссе, режиссер прослеживает, что стало с участниками тех событий после того, как страсти улеглись. Фильм наводит на размышления о хрупкой и мимолетной природе наиболее ярких и напряженных моментов истории и жизни.
Locations: Looking for Rusty James
A personal meditation on Rumble Fish, the legendary film directed by Francis Ford Coppola in 1983; the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, where it was shot; and its impact on the life of several people from Chile, Argentina and Uruguay related to film industry.
Visit, or Memories and Confessions
A long-hidden, personal doc about leaving a beloved house by the late, revered Portuguese director Manoel de Oliveira.
Prison Images
A film composed of images from prisons. Quotes from fiction films and documentaries as well as footage from surveillance cameras. A look at the new control technologies, at personal identification devices, electronic ankle bracelets, electronic tracking devices.
What Is Neorealism?
Filmmaker Kogonada unpicks what defines the Golden Age of Italian cinema with a side-by-side comparison of two edits of the same film, one according to Italian director Vittorio De Sica, and the other according to Hollywood producer David O. Selznick.