
Defcon 2012 (2010)

Who Will Survive After The End?

Жанр : фантастика, боевик

Время выполнения : 1Ч 32М

Директор : R. Christian Anderson
Писатель : Brian Shotwell

Краткое содержание

On October 30, 2009 an independent filmmaker and his cast and crew are reported missing a month before the release of their controversial film predicting the end of the world. Authorities have reason to believe the film's 2012 doomsday scenario may have something to do with their disappearance. An agent for CEA (Central Extraterrestrial Agency) discovers the footage to the film and watches the film on September 10, 2012, three months before the world is to come to an end.


Brian Shotwell
Brian Shotwell
Shy Pilgreen
Shy Pilgreen
Xu Razer
Xu Razer
Thema Johannsen
Thema Johannsen
Justin Brusca
Justin Brusca
Albertossy Espinoza
Albertossy Espinoza


R. Christian Anderson
R. Christian Anderson
Brian Shotwell
Brian Shotwell
Aubrey G. Young
Aubrey G. Young
Original Music Composer
Blake Rennie
Blake Rennie
Brian Shotwell
Brian Shotwell
Carolina Liechtenstein
Carolina Liechtenstein
Executive Producer
Ryken Zane
Ryken Zane
Executive Producer
John Wessman
John Wessman
Associate Producer
Ryken Zane
Ryken Zane
Production Design
Justin Doucette
Justin Doucette
Special Effects
Charles Street
Charles Street
Director of Photography
Stephanie Navarro
Stephanie Navarro
Makeup Artist
Erica Quintero
Erica Quintero
Makeup Artist
Jason Doucette
Jason Doucette
Frank Pannuci
Frank Pannuci
Stefan Weichelt
Stefan Weichelt
Albertossy Espinoza
Albertossy Espinoza
Script Editor


Боевые крысы
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Android Insurrection
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