
Blade Runner: Mundos Replicantes (2018)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 0М

Краткое содержание


Bárbara Santa-Cruz
Bárbara Santa-Cruz
Ángel Sala
Ángel Sala
Nacho Vigalondo
Nacho Vigalondo
Paco Cabezas
Paco Cabezas



Бегущий по лезвию
Ноябрь 2019 года. Бывший охотник на андроидов Рик Декард восстановлен в полиции Лос-Анджелеса для поиска возглавляемой Роем Батти группы репликантов, совершившей побег из космической колонии на Землю. В полиции считают, что андроиды пытаются встретиться с Эндолом Тайреллом — руководителем корпорации, которая разрабатывает кибернетический интеллект. Декард получает задание выяснить мотивы репликантов и уничтожить их.
Бегущий по лезвию 2049
В недалеком будущем мир населен людьми и репликантами, созданными выполнять самую тяжелую работу. Работа офицера полиции Кей - держать репликантов под контролем в условиях нарастающего напряжения... Пока он случайно не становится обладателем секретной информации, которая ставит под угрозу существование всего человечества. Желая найти ключ к разгадке, Кей решает разыскать Рика Декарда, бывшего офицера специального подразделения полиции Лос-Анджелеса, который бесследно исчез много лет назад.
The tragic death of a polar bear triggers the end of the Buenos Aires Zoo. A superhero lover lawyer asks a court to declare the orangutan Sandra a Non-Human Person and revolutionizes the planet. A very Argentine story, full of passions, embarrassing missteps and memorable characters.
Los Zuluagas
Camilo, 35 years old, son of Colombian guerrillas, returns to his home country after 25 years of exile in Italy. In an attempt to understand his parents' radical choices, he dives into the family archive. Extraordinary amateur films and private writings reveal never-ending conflicts and painful memories. Those of a father, a revolutionary commander, who sacrificed everything in the name of political struggle, but who saw his dream of justice vanish. Those of a son, who grew up in the shadow of a charismatic but cumbersome man, unable to accept the needs of a child. Those of a mother. A ghost that has haunted Camilo's dreams since he was five years old. A unique opportunity to give life to an impossible dialogue, long desired but never really happened.
El triangle rodó
"Like" it or not, Facebook wants you to share everything, but how much information are they willing to share with you?
Slice of Life
Story about a low-life drug dealer who tries to turn his life around, but finds himself at the mercy of fate when he encounters a cop with an agenda of his own.
A man who is paranoid and deluded by his own conspiracies that someone out there is after him must come to terms with the root of his suffering.
In a future not far from the reality we live in, Nicolas, a fading artist, discovers a terrible secret about the big corporations, and desperate with such find, decides to force the M.A.B. Big Boss to reveal it to the population.
Moments full of peace, in which you do not believe that something can happen, but in which you are always alert. Alert though you see it far away. Suddenly everything becomes cloudy, reaches you and consumes you.
A fascinating and intimate exploration of the daily lives and struggles of 7 LGBT families in 7 different European countries: The Netherlands, Spain, Italy, France, Greece, Switzerland and in Catalonia. Although separated by borders, they are all united in their struggle to have LGBT family rights recognized. The differences between countries are highlighted, from having full equality in some, to a total lack of rights in others: we are exploring those different laws and irregularities, realizing how the children of LGBT families are being made vulnerable across Europe.
Luce, About Jean Vigo
Macao 2525
In the year 2525, Macao is the only surviving metropolis in the world. After the final wars our world is controlled by corrupt companies. Breeding children is illegal and are forced to move off World. To survive the earth, some people are forced to remain there and cloning has started to keep the planet alive. However a resistance group are against the this new brutal law and go against the company. Sebastian is working for the company and hunt down the resistance, however when he meet his own clone he relies he has been replaced and go against the company.
We All Are Santiago
Beiras, Vivir2Veces
Chagall dans son jardin a Saint-Paul-de-Vence
Extract of rushes from the unfinished documentary project written and produced by Henri Langlois on Marc Chagall.
A Cara De Perro Zoo – La Pelicula
Documentary about freestyle competition and hip-hop culture in Argentina.
Total Recall 2070: Machine Dreams
In the year 2070, the planet Earth is ruled by a single government entity and a conglomeration of corporations that hold absolute power. The crime rate is virtually nonexistent and the Citizens Protection Bureau defends the innocent from unchecked sociotechnological forces. But when the Bureau partner of Agent David Hume is dramatically gunned down, Hume's determination to uncover the dangerous truth behind this shocking crime leads him on a pulse-pounding race through the galaxy.
El sirviente