
Manifesto (2022)

Don't mourn, organise.

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 29М

Директор : Daniel Draper

Краткое содержание

Over three pivotal years in party politics, activists in the safest Labour seat in the country campaign for change under the banner of Jeremy Corbyn's 'For The Many' manifesto.


Dan Carden
Dan Carden
Ian Byrne
Ian Byrne
Alan Gibbons
Alan Gibbons
Maureen Delahunty
Maureen Delahunty
Lena Šimić
Lena Šimić
Tim Jeeves
Tim Jeeves
Claire Tierney
Claire Tierney
Syed Anwar-ul-Haq
Syed Anwar-ul-Haq
Susan Dykes
Susan Dykes
John Whearty
John Whearty
Alfie Hincks
Alfie Hincks
Maureen Royce
Maureen Royce
Jimmy Rutledge
Jimmy Rutledge
Richard Burgon
Richard Burgon


Daniel Draper
Daniel Draper
Daniel Draper
Daniel Draper
Christie Allanson
Christie Allanson
Daniel Draper
Daniel Draper
Christie Allanson
Christie Allanson
Allan Melia
Allan Melia
Director of Photography
Daniel Draper
Daniel Draper
Additional Photography
Cameron Brown
Cameron Brown
Additional Photography
Robbie Gibbons
Robbie Gibbons
Additional Photography
Sam Auguste
Sam Auguste
Sound Designer
Matthew Bell
Matthew Bell
Executive Producer
Susanne Levin
Susanne Levin
Executive Producer
Simon Higgs
Simon Higgs
Executive Producer


November 8th
In the hours leading up to Donald Trump’s unexpected victory on Election Day 2016, a cross-section of Americans go about their radically different lives: in Washington DC, Hillary Clinton’s Director of Video giddily anticipates a clean victory; in Massachusetts, a married couple who own a small business spar over how quickly Trump would be able to make America great again; in Utah, a Mormon mother canvases for a third party candidate; in West Virginia, a coal miner worries that the election could lead to the loss of his industry; in San Jose, a Mexican American “Dreamer” worries that the election could lead to deportation; in Alabama, a recently exonerated death row inmate celebrates his first time voting in over 30 years; and in Philadelphia, NPR’s Dave Davies follows the news of the day as it unfolds. As the country braces itself for a surprising turn of events, what emerges is a portrait of American democracy in all its chaotic glory.
Netanyahu at War
The inside story of the bitter clash between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Amid violence in the Middle East, the film traces Netanyahu's rise to power and his high-stakes fight with the president over Iran's nuclear program.
Lenin kam nur bis Lüdenscheid - Meine kleine deutsche Revolution
Miss Americana
В этом документальном фильме Тейлор Свифт откровенно рассказывает о себе, как о композиторе, исполнительнице и женщине, раскрывающей всю силу своего голоса.
Indian Rights for Indian Women
Three intrepid women battle for Indigenous women's treaty rights.
Third Party President: Citizen Rocky
This feature length high definition documentary follows one of the Nation's most controversial yet progressive leaders, 2012 Presidential candidate and Former two-term Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson.
Checks & Balances
Accommodated since Algeria's Bloody Decade of the 1990’s in the "House of the Press", the journalists of the famous daily newspaper El Watan await the completion of their new offices, a symbol of their independence. My camera is embedded in their newsroom as they follow the events of this new Algerian spring... President Bouteflika has set his sights on a 4th term. Beyond what we call the Arab revolutions and other mediatized terms, I wanted this film to serve as a memorial to the women and men, young and less young, who battle daily to safeguard the freedom of information in a politically and socially fossilized country.
Spin doctor — так называют политтехнологов, которые стараются минимизировать последствия от попадания в эфир негативной информации о своих клиентах. Это фильм об одном из специалистов в этой области, лорде Тиме Белле. Белл, начинавший в рекламе, всегда имел склонность к "людям с проблемами", как он их называл. Действуя напористо и жестоко, он разрабатывал и проводил пиар-кампании для непопулярных политиков, диктаторов и беспринципных корпораций. Используя архивные материалы, интервью с Беллом, с его коллегами и оппонентами, Дайана Нилл и Ричард Поплак представляют впечатляющее исследование политизации современных средств массовых коммуникаций.
Negroes with Guns: Rob Williams and Black Power
Rob Williams was an African-American living in Monroe, North Carolina in the 1950s and 1960s. Living with injustice and oppression, many African-Americans advocated a non-violent resistance. Williams took a different tack, urging the oppressed to take up arms. Williams was stripped of his rank as leader of the local NAACP chapter, but he continued to encourage local African-Americans to carry weapons as a means of self-defense. Wanted on a kidnapping charge, Williams and his wife fled to Cuba. His radio show Radio Free Dixie could be heard in some parts of the United States.
Living in an Unreal World
Short film for Vice Media about the illusion of stability, freedom, and prosperity in the West, comparing it to life in the Soviet Union during the 1970s. Ends with a trailer for HyperNormalisation.
49 Up
49 Up is the seventh film in a series of landmark documentaries that began 42 years ago when UK-based Granada's World in Action team, inspired by the Jesuit maxim "Give me the child until he is seven and I will give you the man," interviewed a diverse group of seven-year-old children from all over England, asking them about their lives and their dreams for the future. Michael Apted, a researcher for the original film, has returned to interview the "children" every seven years since, at ages 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 and now again at age 49.In this latest chapter, more life-changing decisions are revealed, more shocking announcements made and more of the original group take part than ever before, speaking out on a variety of subjects including love, marriage, career, class and prejudice.
The Spy Who Went Into the Cold
A documentary about Kim Philby, a British member of MI6 who was in reality a spy and defected to the U.S.S.R.
Америка: От свободы до фашизма
Автор - известный бизнесмен, продюсер, политик рассказывает о том как Америка, некогда основанная на принципах свободы превратилась в полигон на котором отрабатываются принципы управления глобальным обществом без национальностей, прав и свобод. Руссо рассказывает какой путь прошла его родина к тому, чем она стала сегодня, как американцы лишились своих прав и свобод, как они стали невольными спонсорами нового мирового порядка. Автор раскрывает глобальные цели мировой банковской элиты, как непосредственный участник процесса, которому в свое время было предложено стать одним из них. Руссо отказался и сделал этот фильм. Через год после выхода картины его не стало. Многие люди сегодня связывают эти два события.
Freedom From Choice
Freedom From Choice explores the endless layers of backroom dealing that is the US lobbying industry. Through a series of thought-provoking interviews, experts from numerous industries explain in simple terms how the political 'revolving door' creates unfair regulations which affect their industry. Supplemented by recent news clips and archival footage, the experts paint a startling picture of the overregulation of modern American life.
Políticas de Saúde no Brasil: Um século de luta pelo direito à saúde
A documentary about public health policy in Brazil.
Ela não vem mais para o jantar
United States vs. Reality Winner
A state of secrets and a ruthless hunt for whistleblowers – this is the story of 25-year-old Reality Winner who disclosed a document about Russian election interference to the media and became the number one leak target of the Trump administration.