Снупи представляет: школа Люси (2022)
A tribute to teachers!
Жанр : семейный, мультфильм
Время выполнения : 38М
Директор : Raymond S. Persi
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«Мелочь пузатая» переживает из-за предстоящего перехода в новую школу, поэтому Люси решает открыть свою. Вскоре она понимает, что учить других труднее, чем она думала, а перемены могут быть и к лучшему.
A collection of commercials from 1960s DDR (GDR).
In a lifeless urban landscape where time itself has stopped its crawl, a mad ballet is commencing and a newly hatched butterfly is about to die.
A short film which has its emphasis on back street walls with peeling posters and the constant pedestrian traffic in the foreground. It has a static camera positioned in front of the walls; experimental editing techniques, no dialogue-just background music, and quick edits of blackness throughout.
Shows a market where puppies are bought and sold. Several puppies are placed in a cloth bag, and they struggle to break free. One bites through the bag, pokes his head, and is observed in his triumph and then confusion.
An allegory about the moment when a child is forced to choose between ideology and humanity while living and playing in a dangerous war environment.
A Japanese legend about a fisherman who rescues a turtle and is rewarded for this with a visit to Ryūgū-jō, the palace of Ryūjin, the Dragon God, under the sea.
Heather is a shy lady who works in a helpline call centre. When she receives a phone call from a mystery man, she has no idea that the encounter will change her life forever.
An unspoken incident unravels the lives of two families into nightmare, fracturing time and memory.
The Journey of Roy, a 17-year-old Israeli teenager, trying to win the affection of a girl from his class while they both travel in Poland with their school between Holocaust memorials and death camps.
A unique story told by nine different actors which explores the haunting of a conscience by lost souls that won't let go.
In order to demonstrate how to haunt a house, the narrator arranges for Goofy to temporarily be "not living" and selects Donald Duck to be the one whom Goofy's ghost will haunt.
Sofía, a little girl of seven, remembers the day she fractured her arm while being chased through the forest; a story full of fantasy that hides a heart rending moment in Sofía's life.
Trains travel through the night without stopping. The clatter of the carriages quickly disappears, along with the wail of the locomotive. The people at the station are all asleep. But why are they so exhausted ? And what are they waiting for? Set inside an isolated train depot, The Train Station is one of Sergei Loznitsa's most haunting films. It is also one of his most pointed social critiques. In this film, we are brought to a remote train station deep in the Russian woods. It's nighttime. In the distance, we hear the clatter of locomotives. The station, a small wooden building, sits silently, surrounded only by snow and train tracks.
Nulepsy: the pathological need to be nude. An elderly man recounts his life story characterised by the rare, exceptional and inconvenient disease he suffers from.
The 1975 Super-8 short Aquarium is Zulueta’s first available incursion into the psychodrama—in which the filmmaker dramatises a disturbed state of consciousness—in which appear lyrical passages of the kind that will be made by the fictional experimental filmmaker played by Will More in Zulueta’s 1980 feature Arrebato. (Senses of Cinema)
Spain, 1960. French student Monique Roumette lives in Madrid on a scholarship. Thanks to a friend who works in the production company Uninci, she has the privilege of attending the shooting of Viridiana, a film directed by Luis Buñuel.
Affectionate, experimental short documentary that paints a mosaic of Cuba by focusing on a microcosmic "old neighborhood", where the country's personality slowly emerges through its various dualities: young and old, day and night, sound and silence, Christianity and Santería, civilian life and military presence, poverty and abundance.
Эта странная история произошла в выдуманном мире Иблард. Мальчик по имени Нона брел по пустыне, когда встретил странную женщину по имени Ниня. Она приютила его на своей ферме, где Нона стал помогать по хозяйству. Однажды, когда Нона вез овощи на рынок для продажи, его тележка сломалась, и он не смог довести товар. Ему повезло: он обменял овощи на загадочное семя звезды. Вернувшись домой, он посадил семечко в самый обычный горшок. Вот только вместо растения у него выросла целая планета. Короткометражка создана для демонстрации исключительно в музее студии Гибли.
The short film's main character is a diving bell spider who seems to have fallen in love with a water strider. Although she is scared of him at first, the water strider soon gets used to the presence of the spider.
Chu Zumo is the story of an old farmer who discovers a group of rats heading to a sumo wrestling bout. After they lose miserably he decides to feed the rats to boost their chances of winning.