Max Laurence

Max Laurence

Рождение : 1852-08-07, Berlin, Germany

Смерть : 1926-05-26


Friedrich Rudolf Max Laurence (5 August 1852 – 26 May 1926) was a German stage and film actor.


Max Laurence


Blonde Poison
The major
Loni is a femme fatale who lives a depraved life with several lovers. She plunges her husband to ruin without any remorse. The film was banned shortly after the opening night.
Moderne Töchter
Die goldene Lüge
Ich lasse dich nicht
Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen
Глаза мумии Ма
Prince Hohenfels
Дженнингс и прекрасная Негри играют египтян, занимающихся мошенничеством и выманивающех деньги у туристов. Дженнингс заставляет девушку смотреть изнутри "мумии", якобы оживляя ее глаза. Однако она встречает британского лорда, влюбляется в него и уезжает с ним в Англию. Дженнингс, который сам испытывает чувства к Негри, следует за ними, вынашивая планы мести.
Der Cowboy
Der gelbe Ulster
Dora Brandes
Actress Dora marries journalist Gustav and lets down her art. She helps him in his political career but finally leaves him and commits suicide.
Deutsche Helden
This film tells the story of Wendhorst, a man who is constantly striving to do his duty for his country. He protects Germany’s secrets but when his wife lets them slip, he abandons her and decides to continue to protect his country but this time on the battlefield. He is depicted as a hero battling enemy troops, but also demonstrates kindness and benevolence when he listens to the story of two prisoners. His benevolence is rewarded, as the prisoners turn out to be his wife and his son, whom he has never met. His newfound son decides to join him in battle but is killed fighting, and at the end of the film only Wendhorst comes home to his wife. Wendhorst and his son depict ideal German soldiers whose belief in the glory and good of their country never falters, even to the very end.
Die Eisbraut
Where Is Coletti?
alter Graf
Jean Coletti, a popular police detective, criticized for not using the press to help catch criminals, wages 100.000 marks that he can lose himself in Berlin for forty-eight hours without being caught.
America to Europe in an Airship
The friend of an American millionaire is supposed to bring his daughter back on his behalf. The friend and the daughter get closer.
The General's Children
General von der Linde
Kind-hearted Thekla helps her frivolous brother and hides him on a remote farm.