Simon Thomas

Simon Thomas


Simon Thomas


Into the Woods
Rapunzel's Prince
Stephen Sondheim’s Into the Woods weaves together many famous fairy tales in an allegorical story of family, love, growing up and the hazy areas between right and wrong. This production was captured by Digital Theatre live at London’s Regent’s Park Open Air theatre and was directed by Timothy Sheader. Into the Woods takes the stories of the Brothers Grimm and gives them a dark and humorous twist. The popular tales of Red Ridinghood, Jack (of Beanstalk fame), Cinderella and Rapunzel are interwoven with that of the Baker and his Wife and their quest to have a child. However this re-telling goes beyond "happily ever after" as the familiar characters find themselves in unfamiliar circumstances and hopes and dreams are questioned and revisited.
Сумеречная сеть
Student Mugger
Прикованный к инвалидному креслу, Деклан посвятил все свое время созданию уникальной компьютерной технологии, которая могла бы поставить его на ноги. Работая на грани между наукой и черной магией, Деклану удается получить невероятный результат! Он получает не только возможность ходить, но и обретает сверхъестественное могущество. Опьяненный полученной силой, очень скоро Деклан теряет контроль над своими способностями и становится опасен для всего человечества…
A Tale of Two Cities: In Concert
Charles Darnay
Two men in love with the same woman. Two cities swept up by revolution. Charles Dickens' classic Live in concert. Experience the acclaimed Broadway production - now on tour worldwide - and capture all the thrills and romance of this timeless tale in this once-in-a-lifetime event. Featuring members of the acclaimed Original Broadway Cast. Narrated by Michael York. Special song selection 'Never Say Goodbye' and 'Without A Word' performed by Brandi Burkhardt and Michael York interviews Charles Dickens' heir Lucinda Dickens Hawksley. This is a rare Broadway musical performance on home video. The production and creative team are part of Les Miserables original Broadway cast. The performance was aired on PBS. The musical is currently on tour worldwide, including Europe and Japan starring a top shelf cast of Broadway veterans.