Gertrud Roll
Рождение : 1936-03-17, Heidelberg, Germany
Martha Janssen
While four nuns of a women's monastery in the Eifel begin their day, Bishop Rentschler decides to sell their monastery. The Prioress agrees, Novice Ruth is outraged. Bittner, who runs the village shop, is appalled by the news and worries about former Prioress Philippa, who is suffering from dementia. The bishop receives a protest letter, which is why a mediator is sent to the nuns. It is the psychologist Ulrike Purscheck. Her motivation seminar, however, with the appeal to let go of the old, but with the nuns on closed ears - except for sister Brionie.
Gertrud Rosch
An unspoken connection between two elderly neighbors, who share a daily ritual but who have never actually met, deepens when they face the inevitable... together.
Honesty is the best? The original comedy tells of a farmer's clever family, which comes to this insight after some confusion. Director and author Thomas Kronthaler packages a fine morality about money, family ties and charity with a black sense of humor and a sense of subtle punchlines. In addition to Saskia Vester and Heinz-Josef Braun, who is mainly known through the films of Marcus H. Rosenmüller, shines not least the multi-award winning Gertrud Roll as a clever senior.
Liese Werner
Once again, the "border crossing" is celebrated, as every seven years in the Upper Hessian town of Bergen. It is really turbulent at this folk festival, when the municipal boundaries are confirmed from old tradition and everything is upside down. For this occasion leaves Thomas Weidmann his girlfriend and flees because of his botched university career from the city of Berlin back to his native village. At the party, he meets Kerstin Werner, whose life has just come out of joint - her marriage is broken and her husband Jürgen on the jump to another, younger woman.
Alte Annie
Гамбургский мальчишка Лео Ванденбрук не обрадовался, когда мама Пия потащила его в Богом забытую баварскую деревню провести свой долгожданный отпуск. Там она сняла деревенский домик у местного доктора Петера Хьюбера, который был женат на Марии, ее сводной сестре, о которой она узнала в завещании своего недавно умершего отца. Лео, скучающий по своему отцу, так как карьера Пии разрушила их брак, мгновенно нашел общий язык и подружился с Петером. И в конечном итоге мальчик становится связующим звеном между Петером и его отцом Карлом, очень озлобленным из-за смертельной болезни своей жены.
Группу русских солдат отправляют в Северную Германию в конце Второй мировой войны, где они занимают детский дом в непосредственной близости от большой немецкой части. Несмотря на все разногласия здесь формируется дружба между немецким сиротой и бездетным советским капитаном.
Hannas Mutter
Ханна и Симон долгие годы живут вместе и вполне счастливы. Но не все в их отношениях идет гладко — безуспешные попытки исправить ошибки молодости, отсутствие детей, романы на стороне. Вместе ими пережито слишком многое, а что впереди? Все меняется, когда в их жизни появляется Адам. Для каждого из них он становится больше, чем другом. Любовный треугольник может оказаться не вполне традиционным.
Harriet van Driel
Six weeks after the accidental death of her husband, Wessendorf Vicky decides to travel to Bangkok to investigate the background of the scene of the tragedy. Her husband George had bought a luxury apartment in the city, Vicky wants to sell as quickly as possible.
Maria Stirner
Ten years have passed since Benedikt Stirner left his home in Bavaria after the fatal accident of his brother. Now he returns - the father is dying. But the strict family patriarch reacts dismissively, as does Benedict's brother, Anton. He is now betrothed to Benedict's great love Johanna and fears that his brother could take Johanna away from him. In fact, the two fall in love again. As a result, Benedict draws to Anton's open hatred. He does not suspect that Anton is the only one who knows the whole truth about the accidental death of his youngest brother.
Schwester Agathe
Feride Hatun
Schwester Erika
Katharina Hofer
Small war among pensioners: The charming chaotic Walter Hofer and the pedant Eberhard Gatzweiler have had a love-hate relationship for decades. Not even their grandson Martin can change that. During the lovable tug-of-war for the favor of Martin's attractive teacher Hanna, the waves get even higher, but Hanna has completely different worries.
Frau Hoffmann
Anna Siebert, Sekretärin der Unternehmensberatung "Christian Hoffmann Consulting", ist in ihren Chef verknallt. Aber Christian möchte sich weder an Anna noch an eine andere Dame binden. Alle wissen das, nur Anna will es nicht wahrhaben. Während einer Betriebsfeier kommen sich die beiden im angetrunkenen Zustand doch näher und verbringen eine Nacht zusammen. Annas Glück währt nicht lange, denn ihr Angebeteter kann sich an nichts erinnern ...
Frau Schachtschneider
Helga Korte
Rosa Rosenzweig
When Michael Rosenzweig, a working-class German Jew, is charged with the murder of a neo-Nazi leader, he and his family find themselves fighting for justice in the face of a brick wall of prejudice.
A complex and enigmatic plot that evokes the life of Bachmann. The story develops around an unusual triangular relationship, a threesome between a woman of unknown name, a man named Malina and a Hungarian, Ivan, with whom she falls in love. Ivan will be his last great love, but their need for exclusivity in love is so strong that it can not be understood or matched. Malina is a struggle, a confrontation between two worlds strange and hostile.
Portrait of a great lady based on the real life of Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky, an Austrian architect, who joined the resistance movement against Hitler.
Karl's wife
Critical crime movie about a young, idealistic television reporter who is a loser in a world of cynicism and economic pressure.
In 1912, in Austria, the painter Egon Schiele is sent to jail accused of pornography with the nymphet Tatjana in his erotic paints. His mate, the model Vally, gets help from a famous lawyer to release him. Then he leaves Vally, marries with another woman and goes to the war.
I Want to Live (German: Ich will leben) is a 1976 Austrian drama film directed by Jörg A. Eggers. The film was selected as the Austrian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 50th Academy Awards, but was not nominated.
Fanny Rigaud
Junge Frau
Sekretärin Georgette
Aretha Roubakis