Peter D. Smith


Дитя робота
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
После глобального катаклизма человечество вымирает. В подземном бункере автоматически активизируется аварийная программа, и робот-гуманоид «Мать» выращивает из эмбриона человеческого ребенка. Девушка, воспитанная под бережным присмотром «Матери», никогда не видела ни поверхности Земли, ни других людей. Но однажды ее мир переворачивается, когда на пороге убежища появляется женщина с просьбой о помощи…
Дитя робота
Dialogue Editor
После глобального катаклизма человечество вымирает. В подземном бункере автоматически активизируется аварийная программа, и робот-гуманоид «Мать» выращивает из эмбриона человеческого ребенка. Девушка, воспитанная под бережным присмотром «Матери», никогда не видела ни поверхности Земли, ни других людей. Но однажды ее мир переворачивается, когда на пороге убежища появляется женщина с просьбой о помощи…
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
После отпуска в Гранд-Каньоне семья возвращается домой, невольно прихватив с собой нечто сверхъестественное. Не заставив себя долго ждать, это нечто начинает питаться их страхами и секретами…
52 вторника
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
16-летней Билли приходится ускорить свой переход к независимости, когда ее мать решает сменить пол, и теперь они проводят время вместе только по вторникам во второй половине дня…
Волчья яма 2
Dialogue Editor
Туристы Рутгер, Катарина и Пауль приезжают к знаменитой австралийской достопримечательности, кратеру потухшего вулкана Волчья Яма. Их мечты о приключениях вскоре обращаются в чудовищную реальность, когда они сталкиваются с печально известным местным жителем, садистом-убийцей Миком Тэйлором…
My Year Without Sex
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A tender story from Australia highlights the realistic ups and downs of an Australian family in the year following a parent's emergency medical procedure.
My Year Without Sex
Dialogue Editor
A tender story from Australia highlights the realistic ups and downs of an Australian family in the year following a parent's emergency medical procedure.
Dialogue Editor
Мирный круиз по первобытным районам Австралии превращается в кошмар, когда на туристов открывает охоту огромный крокодил-людоед. Заманив путешественников в ловушку, он ставит не готовых к экстремальным ситуациям людей перед выбором: сражаться или быть съеденным заживо.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Мирный круиз по первобытным районам Австралии превращается в кошмар, когда на туристов открывает охоту огромный крокодил-людоед. Заманив путешественников в ловушку, он ставит не готовых к экстремальным ситуациям людей перед выбором: сражаться или быть съеденным заживо.
Читая мысли
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Психолог-криминалист Салли Роу должна решить, достаточно ли улик для обвинения в убийстве 17-летнего Алекса Форбса, выстрелом оборвавшего жизнь своего одноклассника Найджела. Салли приходится нелегко: «крутой» отец Алекса давит на следствие изо всех сил. Но, как выясняется, дело не только в отце мальчика: даже погибший, Найджел оказывает на Алекса странное, поистине гипнотическое воздействие…
Look Both Ways
Sound Mixer
During one unusually hot weekend, four friends struggle after hearing some life-changing news.
16 лет. Любовь. Перезагрузка
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
После очередного скандала с матерью Хейди убегает из дома и устраивается работать на заправочную станцию рядом с горнолыжным курортом. Она знакомится с богатым фермером Джо, с которым у нее начинается страстный роман. Отношения с Хейди пугают Джо, заставляя его изменить свои взгляды на секс, на свое место в жизни и свои планы на будущее.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
After a near death experience, five Boys, all devoted AC/DC fans, make a pact to bury their best friend next to the grave of Bon Scott. 12 years later, having gone their different ways, they come together to fulfill the promise.
Sample People
Sound Mixer
Sample People is an upbeat dramatic thriller that follows four groups of Sydney-siders as they seek escape routes over one sweltering weekend. 'Len the dreamer' who stutters shyly just wants the gorgeous DJ Lush Puppy. Sem is a funky musician who has a premonition warning him that his girlfriend, Cleo, is in danger. He just wants to get them both out of their inner-city world. Andy is the charismatic drifter who's conned his way through life and stolen money from his boss, TT. He just wants to head up the coast with TT's girlfriend, Jess, but seems to be falling deeper into a love triangle of drugs and delusion. Finally, there's Joey, a TV affected homeboy, who reveals to his best friend Gus that he's got a gun and will use it sooner or later. The inevitable moment will arrive whin his violent gangster fantisies become reality. As the lives of our heroes become dramatically entwined, the consequences of their actions ricochet off each other.
Sample People
Supervising Sound Editor
Sample People is an upbeat dramatic thriller that follows four groups of Sydney-siders as they seek escape routes over one sweltering weekend. 'Len the dreamer' who stutters shyly just wants the gorgeous DJ Lush Puppy. Sem is a funky musician who has a premonition warning him that his girlfriend, Cleo, is in danger. He just wants to get them both out of their inner-city world. Andy is the charismatic drifter who's conned his way through life and stolen money from his boss, TT. He just wants to head up the coast with TT's girlfriend, Jess, but seems to be falling deeper into a love triangle of drugs and delusion. Finally, there's Joey, a TV affected homeboy, who reveals to his best friend Gus that he's got a gun and will use it sooner or later. The inevitable moment will arrive whin his violent gangster fantisies become reality. As the lives of our heroes become dramatically entwined, the consequences of their actions ricochet off each other.
Sample People
Sound Effects Editor
Sample People is an upbeat dramatic thriller that follows four groups of Sydney-siders as they seek escape routes over one sweltering weekend. 'Len the dreamer' who stutters shyly just wants the gorgeous DJ Lush Puppy. Sem is a funky musician who has a premonition warning him that his girlfriend, Cleo, is in danger. He just wants to get them both out of their inner-city world. Andy is the charismatic drifter who's conned his way through life and stolen money from his boss, TT. He just wants to head up the coast with TT's girlfriend, Jess, but seems to be falling deeper into a love triangle of drugs and delusion. Finally, there's Joey, a TV affected homeboy, who reveals to his best friend Gus that he's got a gun and will use it sooner or later. The inevitable moment will arrive whin his violent gangster fantisies become reality. As the lives of our heroes become dramatically entwined, the consequences of their actions ricochet off each other.
Sample People
Sound Designer
Sample People is an upbeat dramatic thriller that follows four groups of Sydney-siders as they seek escape routes over one sweltering weekend. 'Len the dreamer' who stutters shyly just wants the gorgeous DJ Lush Puppy. Sem is a funky musician who has a premonition warning him that his girlfriend, Cleo, is in danger. He just wants to get them both out of their inner-city world. Andy is the charismatic drifter who's conned his way through life and stolen money from his boss, TT. He just wants to head up the coast with TT's girlfriend, Jess, but seems to be falling deeper into a love triangle of drugs and delusion. Finally, there's Joey, a TV affected homeboy, who reveals to his best friend Gus that he's got a gun and will use it sooner or later. The inevitable moment will arrive whin his violent gangster fantisies become reality. As the lives of our heroes become dramatically entwined, the consequences of their actions ricochet off each other.
Sample People
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sample People is an upbeat dramatic thriller that follows four groups of Sydney-siders as they seek escape routes over one sweltering weekend. 'Len the dreamer' who stutters shyly just wants the gorgeous DJ Lush Puppy. Sem is a funky musician who has a premonition warning him that his girlfriend, Cleo, is in danger. He just wants to get them both out of their inner-city world. Andy is the charismatic drifter who's conned his way through life and stolen money from his boss, TT. He just wants to head up the coast with TT's girlfriend, Jess, but seems to be falling deeper into a love triangle of drugs and delusion. Finally, there's Joey, a TV affected homeboy, who reveals to his best friend Gus that he's got a gun and will use it sooner or later. The inevitable moment will arrive whin his violent gangster fantisies become reality. As the lives of our heroes become dramatically entwined, the consequences of their actions ricochet off each other.
Sample People
Sound Editor
Sample People is an upbeat dramatic thriller that follows four groups of Sydney-siders as they seek escape routes over one sweltering weekend. 'Len the dreamer' who stutters shyly just wants the gorgeous DJ Lush Puppy. Sem is a funky musician who has a premonition warning him that his girlfriend, Cleo, is in danger. He just wants to get them both out of their inner-city world. Andy is the charismatic drifter who's conned his way through life and stolen money from his boss, TT. He just wants to head up the coast with TT's girlfriend, Jess, but seems to be falling deeper into a love triangle of drugs and delusion. Finally, there's Joey, a TV affected homeboy, who reveals to his best friend Gus that he's got a gun and will use it sooner or later. The inevitable moment will arrive whin his violent gangster fantisies become reality. As the lives of our heroes become dramatically entwined, the consequences of their actions ricochet off each other.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Teenager Jamie moves with his mother, sister and grandfather to an island off the South Australian coast where mum has a job running a marine research station. To his discomfort, Jamie discovers he`s a "selkie" - half human, half seal - that explains the webbing on his hands and also why he changes completely into a seal as soon as he hits water.
Бэйб: Поросенок в городе
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Здесь в огромном мегаполисе Бэйбу снова удастся очаровать новых знакомых своей галантностью и добротой. Поросенка и его старого приятеля гуся Фёрди ждут новые захватывающие и невероятно смешные приключения.
Alien Visitor
Sound Editor
In this sci-fi adventure a gorgeous alien woman is sent to Earth by mistake from the planet Epsilon. Landing in the Australian outback she meets a surveyor and they cross the continent together. However, she spends the trip haranguing him for the ecological recklessness and avarice of the human race.
Hammers Over the Anvil
Sound Mixer
Set in the summer of 1910 in Australia the film follows the story of 14 year old Alan Marshall (Alexander Outhread) as he stumbles out of childhood towards the exciting yet forbidding world of adulthood. For Alan, despite the effects of polio, there is only one passion in life - to become a great horseman just like his hero, the reclusive horse trainer East Driscoll (Russell Crowe). Alan is one of East's few friends and also one of the few who knows about the affair between East and the aristocratic English woman Grace McAlister (Charlotte Rampling). Things inevitably take a turn towards the tragic when East becomes determined to force Grace to leave her husband and run away with him. Hammers Over The Anvil is an evocative coming of age film from Australian director Ann Turner.
The Battlers
Sound Mixer
Fairly sensitive melodrama about life on the back-roads in Australia at the height of the Great Depression. Centring on the developing romance between two drifters this presents a commendable level of period detail. Based on the novel by Kylie Tennant.
Incident at Raven's Gate
Scoring Mixer
Ex-con Eddie Cleary gets a job working on his older brother's isolated farm. It's not long before bizarre things start happening--dead birds falling out of the sky, family pets attacking their owners, strange apparitions beginning to appear, and people who had been "normal" suddenly going insane.
Run Chrissie Run!
Sound Mixer
The action moves along quickly, jumping over holes in the script, in this made-for-television drama about Eve, an ex-terrorist from Germany who is forced to escape to Australia with her teenage daughter Chrissie when she is sought by Riley, a lover from 17 years in the past. In turn, the IRA has sent two members after Riley because he shot an IRA soldier and must pay the consequences. The two IRA operatives looking for Riley come across a really nasty biker who wants vengeance on Eve for setting his car on fire -- and the three men finally track her and Chrissie to the wine-growing country of Barossa Valley. The final denouement is about to explode, as Riley also arrives on the scene. With under-par acting and a patchy plot, this film was never released theatrically.