Peter Maris


Zombie Hunters
A crack team of professional Zombie Hunters team with a top female British security agent to save her sister from a mad scientist and stop his plan to procreate a new half-human half-zombie master race.
Zombie Hunters
A crack team of professional Zombie Hunters team with a top female British security agent to save her sister from a mad scientist and stop his plan to procreate a new half-human half-zombie master race.
Supervising Producer
Branded a killer and hunted by the police, a half Native American newlywed must return to the ways of his fore-fathers to discover the truth behind the disappearance of his bride
Branded a killer and hunted by the police, a half Native American newlywed must return to the ways of his fore-fathers to discover the truth behind the disappearance of his bride
The Killer Inside
A sexy young women journey through a film noir full of deceit, murder, and dangerous romance.
Alien Species
Huge Motherships from an alien species sneak ominously into orbit around Earth. Lethal bat-winged fighters descend on the planet. Citizens are abducted. Homes are destroyed. The invasion has begun! A small town sheriff, two deputies and a professor discover the alien plan. With the secret to destroy the attacking ships, there's a chance they could stop the alien invasion... for now!!!!
Разгневанные ангелы
Музыка Баха - музыка Бога, а там, где звучит другая музыка, появляется Дьявол. Молодые рок-исполнители Крис и Лила приходят на прослушивание к легендарному музыканту Колину Грамерси, и никто в эти минуты еще не знает, что у ангелов Тьмы - свои планы на рок-группу Колина...
Кулак закона
Jesse Gavin is an undercover cop, part of an elite police team and highly skilled in lethal martial arts! She is suspended from the force after a witness that she was supposed to protect is killed. She must now find out what happened and clear up her name.
Can It Be Love
Tim and David want to have fun during vacation so they join a private detective agency. Their first job is to find a delta girl who has inherited a fortune. But the job seems easier than it turned out to be... Written by Volker Boehm
Diplomatic Immunity
Cole Hickel, a Marine, pursues his daughter's killer when he is allowed to go back to Paraguay because of "diplomatic immunity."
Diplomatic Immunity
Cole Hickel, a Marine, pursues his daughter's killer when he is allowed to go back to Paraguay because of "diplomatic immunity."
Затяжной выстрел
Однажды утром в штате Нью-Мексико на шоссе случилась авария: легковая машина на полном ходу врезалась в автоцистерну с ядовитым газом. Ветер понес облако с токсичными веществами в сторону тюрьмы штата. Пришлось начать срочную эвакуацию заключенных. В суете один из самых жестоких рецидивистов Билли угнал автобус с зэками — и в результате отряд головорезов, готовых на все, забаррикадировался в маленьком городке Сонора, взяв в заложники многих жителей. Два крутых ветерана вьетнамской войны вынуждены вспомнить личный армейский опыт, чтобы остановить банду преступников, терроризирующих жителей маленького городка.
Ministry of Vengeance
David Miller is a Vietnam vet who renounced violence and became a minister after he was forced to blow up a Viet Cong kid in self defense, but years later, when David's wife Gail and daughter Kim are killed by a group of terrorists led by Ali Aboud, in a massacre at an airport in Rome, Italy, David is devastated. Going against his faith, David sets out to find and kill Ali Aboud.
Ministry of Vengeance
David Miller is a Vietnam vet who renounced violence and became a minister after he was forced to blow up a Viet Cong kid in self defense, but years later, when David's wife Gail and daughter Kim are killed by a group of terrorists led by Ali Aboud, in a massacre at an airport in Rome, Italy, David is devastated. Going against his faith, David sets out to find and kill Ali Aboud.
Кровные узы
Преступные улицы большого города… герой фильма попадает в сети Паука — главаря кровавой банды. Любимая девушка пытается спаси его от неминуемой гибели. Брат героя приходит на помощь, вызывая паука на решающую схватку…
Terror Squad
A squad of Libyan terrorists infiltrate the city of Kokomo, Indiana, with the goal of car bombing a nuclear power plant. While attempting to escape local law enforcement, a massive car chase ensues, terrorizing the entire town before the terrorists end up at the local high school and take the detention class hostage. Will they escape? Will the crafty delinquents foil their plans? Will Chuck Connors step more than two feet away from his car? Watch and find out!
After Laura's husband James is murdered, she decides to find out who did it and why. She finds herself in a fight against an anti-terrorist organization in her desire for revenge.
Гиблые земли
Земля опустошена ядерной войной. Солдат удачи помогает женщине-воину в поисках места под названием «Рай». По пути они вынуждены вступать в битвы с бандитами и преодолевать другие опасности.
Гиблые земли
Земля опустошена ядерной войной. Солдат удачи помогает женщине-воину в поисках места под названием «Рай». По пути они вынуждены вступать в битвы с бандитами и преодолевать другие опасности.
Curse of the Red Butterfly
People search for an ancient jewel in Istanbul.
As a maniac slashes his way through the city, a lone survivor tries to stop his vicious murder spree, only to discover there is far more going on than just murder.
As a maniac slashes his way through the city, a lone survivor tries to stop his vicious murder spree, only to discover there is far more going on than just murder.
As a maniac slashes his way through the city, a lone survivor tries to stop his vicious murder spree, only to discover there is far more going on than just murder.