Sofie Uretsky


Введение в детективы: Убийственное образование
Docudrama Nicole
Исследования молодой писательницы побуждают полицию снова открыть дело об убийстве коллеги Эми, в которым признали виновным профессора Элмстенда. Теперь у Трэвиса и Эми появился шанс очистить его имя.
The Waiting Room
Make-up (Installation)
Jasmin, once a successful actor in former Yugoslavia, dreams of returning to Sarajevo to continue his career, but fears losing his son Daniel if he follows through with his plan.
Sam's Formalwear
Shannon Parish
Sam's Formalwear examines a central human concern: the search for connection. Sam Parish can't divorce himself from the past; he refuses to grow up. With child-like oblivion, Sam is unaware of just how much he hurts those he loves most.