Director of Photography
The attractive Malena listen to after telling the history of her life. Her treasure is not just an emerald that she inherits from her grandfather, but the key to discover the path of her existence, the eternal fight with her sister, and the passionate relationships with men. Based on the bestselling novel by Amanda Grandes.
Padre de Carmen
Salamanca, 1973. A congressman in love with his daughter's teacher hires an assassin to kill his wife.
Pablo Jordan
A guy named Santos is released from prison after having killed his best friend. The dead friends father then organizes a manhunt to kill Santos. Santos escapes and then turns things around as he starts hunting the hunters.
Padre de Rodrigo
Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, “Mio Cid”, is in love with Jimena, but the Count of Oviedo, his father, challenges him to a duel and is killed. He before him curses Rodrigo, that if he marries Jimena, he will lose his manly faculties. And, in fact, when he gets married, Rodrigo becomes effeminate.
Mingo, a kid whose father and brother have disappeared in shipwrecks, finds an amnesic man lying on the beach. Might he be St. Elmo?
Mallorca, 1865. Mr Bearns' funerals, "better to dye thant to mix blood". Juan Mayol, orphan unknow his past and decides to rebuild his family history
Victor is the engineer who has set up the Nuclear Power Plant Zapater. Alongside his professional problems he also hasa difficult family situation: a divorce, a teenage homosexual son, a relationship that is not satisfactory, the emergence of a new woman. With just a few days to the inauguration, Luis Maria, an engineer close friend of Victor, responsible for a serious accident in the past and addicted to alcohol, warns of the possibility of a malfunction of the plant. Nothing guarantees the truth of this warning, but to find it out the inauguration is suspended
Fray Diego de Deza
Clussá's Grandfather
The monarchy has returned. The Leguineche, too.
In this film Paul Naschy embodies the Roman general Agrippa Vipsanio in a fierce battle against the tribal leaders Cantabrians, Corocota. Fierce battles, gladiators fighting, adventure and intrigue in this film as in the Roman conquest of Hispania.
Three childhood friends; when they grow up, the poor boy is shut out from the possibility of romancing the girl because of class issues. He leaves town, learns to play pro-level poker, wins a fortune, then goes home to ruin his rival's life.
An oceanographer diving in the Bermuda Triangle discovers an undersea world.
Don Fulgencio
Lord Killarney, delegate of the British Museum, acquires in Córdoba, at an auction, an incunabule, a valuable treatise on Arabic botany, but he is killed and the book disappears. The suspicions fall on El Lince, an old-fashioned antiquarian who had bid with the English to get the book. When he is arrested, he asks his nephew to warn Curro Jiménez, who discovers that the famous treaty actually contains the key to accessing a fantastic treasure that a caliph has hidden in the Mosque of Córdoba and that has been, for centuries, cause of deaths and betrayals. But the stolen book is split in half. The other half is, for years, in the power of El Lince, which he bought from the famous bandit Mariano Romero, who has been presumed dead for thirty years.
Padre de Aurelia
Ограбленный и избитый в порту одного из карибских островов Виктор отстал от своего судна. Без денег и документов он опустился на самое дно жизни — туда, где нищие и обездоленные вынуждены продавать свою кровь хозяевам острова, чтобы выжить. Контрабанда крови и плазмы является основным источником дохода для правителя крохотного государства Альмейды. Основным, но не единственным. Есть еще соляные прииски, на которых работают обращенные в рабство бездомные. Вскоре в их число попадает и Виктор.
Whatever his reasons or intent, when the young man carrying a cello begins working at the old-folks home, he strikes up an acquaintance with the man known as "the Maestro" (Fernando Fernan Gomez), who is full of plans to produce a play based on a Caribbean love affair and adventure in his youth. As he listens to the old man's reminiscences of love, he thinks of his own girlfriend (both are played by Angela Molina). Eventually, the beloved eccentric's play is produced, accompanied by the boy's cello music.
D. Ernesto
Documentary made immediately after Franco's death, which includes interviews with the dictator's sister and with Alfredo Mayo, the actor who played the lead role in the film 'Raza'.
Sr. Bustos
Enrique Tolosa is a boss administrator of a small company which employs 50 workers. There never has gotten into politics, has made himself stood professionally and created a family and no one has asked opinion on how would be the destiny of their country. The story begins whenheI first asked to give their vote at the polls for the election of political parties. With the decision to vote is faced with doubt and decides to investigate on their own to know which political trends that are managed as possible, is the one he goes to his temperament.
Rodolfo Ortiz
The second feature length movie of Paulino Viota, this is a disillusioned and biting look at the years of Spanish democratic transition, narrated in a dry and scrawny style that shows the political intrigues, struggles and frustrated hopes of the first years of Spanish transition to democracy.
A girl enters the service of the owner of a brothel who will initiate her into the profession.
Manuela and Juan, a young couple who has been married for four years, likes to practice sexual games. As part of that games they want to include Juan's secretary, an old nun, secretly in love with Manuela.
A movie actress is being raped by an admirer in the night of the release of her last movie. But instead of accusing the man she begins to fall in love with him.
Sergio, a film heartthrob in the decline of his career, agrees to spend 24 hours with the winner of a radio contest. The fate of the prize lies with Tina, a girl from the small town of Algarrobo of Mijares, a fervent admirer of the actor.
Don Pedro
Hombre emocionado / Emiliano / Alfredo
Doctor Armayor, Director del sanatorio
Don Carlos
The world of prostitution, where women meet men of all kinds. These young women who have often left their families by rebellion, but who find themselves in a universe that they will generally no longer be able to leave
Dr. Ángel Alcántara
Don Pedro
When John is released from a psychiatric center where he has been hospitalized for a long time, he decides to move into the house of his dead mother, whose inheritance is in dispute.
Dr. Kessling
The mummy of long dormant, but powerful Caribbean voodoo priest Gatanebo gets revived on a luxury South Seas ocean liner as a big buff bald guy and proceeds to terrorize the passengers. Gatanebo beheads several folks, occasionally reverts back to his prune-faced mummified state, and falls for the ravishing Sylvia, who reminds him of his old flame Kenya.
Héctor Goizueta
Don Juan Alcántara, who from a village apothecary became a financier, is ruined. He does not dare to confess it to the family, since the unanimous opinion of those who know him is that he is a squawk. His lack of character is remedied by his doctor, who provides the recipe for everyone to obey: pretend that he suffers a crisis of madness and that if he takes the opposite may lead to homicide.
D. Juan Manuel
South of France, XIX century. Alfredo de Quiroga, a Spanish gentleman in exile, is reluctant to admit that Vera, his wife, has died. Very concerned, begins to rebuild its surroundings as if she were still alive. The objects, dialogues, gestures ... again everything is back to make sense to him. Even his faithful butler rests on this fiction. But one day, by accident, he meets the daughter of the notary and his world begins to crumble.
Don Alfonso
Enrique is a thirty-year-old lawyer who is married to Ana. Apparently he is a normal man who has only one obsession: the commercials. He feels a real passion for the erotic world of the ads either in billboards, trash cans, public transport, magazines or television. The continuous publicity bombardment ends up leading him towards a neurosis that changes his personality.
Padre de Toni
Tony wants to carry out a perfect robbery and get a lot of money during the celebration of the 24 Hours of Montjuic, a motorcycle race. To accomplish this, he counts with the complicity of Peter, a runner who wants to switch to professional level. Everything is carefully planned, but at the last moment a crime is committed and Peter is trapped in the house of the victim unable to get out as the gate has been locked. The only way to help Peter is that Tony gets a copy of the key that Carmen has, the girl who took care of the victim, before she returns home.
A group of Sephardic perform the "Trial of Jesus" in an ancient temple and before a baffled audience. The purpose of the play is to understand whether the condemnation of Jesus was justified or not, since they are not resigned to accept that history found guilty the Jewish people.
Colonel Randolf Quint
Банкир Морган нанимает старого авантюриста и когда-то быстрейшего стрелка Запада, полковника Рэндольфа Квинта спасти свою похищенную дочурку бандитом Эспартеро. За которую он с его бандой требует неподъемный для банкира выкуп. Полковник, прихватив с собой для пущей уверенности случайно встреченную парочку разбитных шалопаев, начинает рискованное предприятие. По дороге дополнив свою шайку ещё кучкой разношерстных персонажей, герои с хитрым планом по освобождению заложницы отправляются в логово бандитов...
Моника — менеджер Алекса, его ближайшая подруга, помощник и соратник. Она влюблена в Алекса, и ради этой любви готова пойти на все. Она мечтает увезти Алекса куда-нибудь подальше, чтобы быть с ним наедине, влюбить его в себя и заставить забыть обо всем. В ее голове рождается безумный план, о котором она рассказывает Алексу и его друзьям — Майку и Ольге, молодым певцам и который она готова осуществить якобы ради рекламы. По плану, во время одной из пресс-конференций Майка и Ольги, вдруг должен появиться Алекс и выстрелить в них якобы из ревности, после чего он должен стремительно исчезнуть. Разумеется, он будет стрелять холостыми патронами и никого не убьет, зато шуму из этого будет столько! Об этом будут писать все газеты, а это отличная реклама и для Алекса и для Майка с Ольгой. План безумный, но он с легкостью принимается Майком и Ольгой и даже самим Алексом. Но случилось непоправимое.
Don Ramón
Trini is the daughter and granddaughter of thieves. Before it was a specialist in the art of opening safes, but one day decided to change their way of life and is now a cashier at a supermarket. It has also taken a law student boyfriend, but all will be dashed when his father stop, Mr. Baldomero, for stealing 36 kilos of appliances.
Gov. Fuller
XVII век, город Салем, штата Массачусетс. Хестер Прин обвиняется в незаконной связи с мужчиной. Общество отвернулось от нее из-за незаконнорожденной дочери. Теперьона всегда должна носить на груди пришитую букву «А» (adultery) в знак нарушения супружеской верности. Муж Хестер, вернувшийся в город после многолетнего отсутствия, решил разузнать, кто является подлинным отцом ее ребенка.
General Muller / Lopez
Captain Chadwell, Lieutenant Junger and Sergeant Smith are sent by Washington to help their colleagues of Fort Apache to recover stolen arms. A bounty hunter accompanies them.
Judge Miller
1896 год. Юконская золотая лихорадка в самом разгаре, и потому цены на собак, незаменимых при перевозке грузов в снежном безмолвии Севера, неимоверно подскочили. Из-за собак совершаются преступления. Впервые познает здесь "закон кнута и клыка" холеный красавец Бэк, похищенный из солнечной Калифорнии. Умный пес наблюдает, запоминает жестокие уроки, учится быть сильным. Судьба сводит его с Торнтоном, человеком мужественным и честным, и Бэк признает в нем Хозяина и Друга. Взаимопонимание, привязанность человека и собаки, их взаимопомощь в условиях, где правит закон Силы, состовляют основную мысль фильма, насыщенного сценами столкновения сильных характеров, Добра и Зла, опасностей, предательства, поисков таинственного золота индейцев.
John Wolley
Thanks to his ability, Danny can draw each of the bandits who robbed the stage coach in which he was traveling with his father, who was killed. When he arrives to the next town he looks for a job helped by the sheriffs` daughter. In the bulletin board there are some posters of people and they offer a dollar reward for providing information about them. After many obstacles, each of the components of the band gradually disappears. Danny believes that only fits the sheriff, but he is in love with his daughter.
This dark, dusty western concerns a wealthy criminal, a blind man, and four mercenaries. The blind man wants to get his mitts on the crooks' gold. He can't do it alone, so he hires the quartet of soldiers-of-fortune to help him. There's bloodshed in abundance in pursuit of that goal.
Неуловимый убийца устраняет каждого, кто хоть на дюйм приблизится к его тайне - к давнему нераскрытому делу о похищении и последующем убийстве девочки и её отца. Душителю противостоит инспектор Лука Перетти. Он встречается с людьми, которые хоть как-то могут помочь в расследовании, а следующей же ночью приходит убийца... Как же найти маньяка, если его основная улика - рисунок маленькой девочки?
Padre de Paco
After giving a ride to a man who recently ripped-off his thieving business partner, Sabata and his buddy are unaware that a group of men have been hired to kill them and bring back the loot!
Doctor Márquez
A professional runner can't run anymore since he has a heart condition.
Police inspector (as Alfredo Majo)
Pascal Gorriot, an escaped criminal, accidentally witnesses Lucille disposing of her second husband Andre's body at sea. Thirteen years later, Andre's cousin turns up at Lucille's villa with his Alastian dog. It's not long before creepy Colin, Andre's son, strangles the unfortunate hound and Falaise, Andre's daughter, stabs their unwelcome family member to death. Another unwanted visitor friend arrives and rapidly seduces Falais. Colin is jealous and warns the Don Juan about the dangers of being a male praying mantis and it's not long before Falaise decapitates him. Pascal, the ex-convict who witnessed the murder of Andre is the next intruder. He takes the family hostage and demands blackmail money, prompting them to do away with him in an acid bath. The police investigate and a chain of deception and murder is revealed...
Don Nicolás de Valcárcel
Benito Freire, a pedlar in a small village in northern Spain suffers from epileptic seizures and rumours start to spread that he may be a werewolf and responsible for a series of killings. The local Abbot is called upon to form a team to investigate, in an effort to halt the harrowing murders.
Pedro Astófano
Mario Colomer, prime minister, is burdened by overwork. His problems seem solved when his assistants tell him about Juan Brandel, a possible substitute, just like him physically, but with a funnier and more adventurous personality. At first the plan seems to work and the politician begins to gain popularity. The plot thickens when the 'original' becomes jealous of the 'copy' and the substitute exceeds his functions.
English officer
Картина описывает драматические события 1940-го года. Фашистская Германия несет угрозу всему миру, Англия противостоит ей, но постоянные вражеские диверсии и провокации противника истощают силы страны. И на фоне всего этого — нормальные человеческие взаимоотношения…
Professor van Kolstrum
Members of a German tank crew become trapped behind enemy lines.
Alfredo, el amante
Musical. Thaddeus (Juanjo Menéndez) is a taxi driver who is about to experience a busy work day. Throughout the day you climb into his cab heteogéneos the more characters, which give rise to the most varied situations. When one of them left in the taxi leaves a baby, Thaddeus will have to find out who's not forget that at the end of the day has a date with a mysterious woman (Concha Velasco), apparently, have to tell you something very important.
Don Pedro
A village priest protects a young mother rejected by the people and the mayor.
Matilde is a former prostitute who gets married to an american soldier with an uncertain future, due to the possibility of being recruited to the Vietnam War.
The lieutenant Miguel Aguirre's dream is to become a military pilot, but a dispute with a superior is about to make him abandon his studies, had it not been for the intervention of his mother and his girlfriend, Luisa. Miguel's first destination is Granada Air Base. There he meets an attractive young woman, Patricia, whom he takes for an American tourist.
Хулиан — доктор средних лет, который однажды встречается с путешественником Пабло и влюбляется в его жену Елену. Та отшивает его, после чего Хулиан решает воссоздать образ Елены в своей помощнице Ане…
Три ветерана гражданской войны в Испании возвращаются на старое поле битвы, где развелось полным-полно кроликов. Хосе, организовавший выезд, надеется занять денег у своего боевого друга Пако, ставшего богатым бизнесменом. Но в отношениях нарастает конфликт, старые обиды и злоба вымещаются с зверской жестокостью на бедных кроликах...
Morrow / Leikman
Agent Lemmy Logan is investigating the case of a missing NASA scientist and discovers that an ex nazi is developing a new super weapon.
Sir Hillary
Lady Chaplin is a beautiful woman, she is a fashion stylist and she owns an atelier in Paris. Zoltan is a rich American specialized in submarine researches. Dick Malloy is an American secret agent. What have the three in common? Perhaps a sunk American atomic submarine with sixteen missiles still on board? And why every other scene one, two, ten or more men are trying to kill Malloy in every conceivable way?
Juan de la Cierva
Al Pereira, a wise-cracking superspy, investigates a series of assassinations being performed by ruthless killers with bronze skin and horn-rimmed glasses. The trail of these mindless automata leads him to the lair of a seductive villainess who has formulated a computer-powered plot to overthrow the governments of Europe. 'Cartes sur table' is at once an homage to classical Hollywood thrillers and a playful riff on the newly-popular James Bond films.
An international gang pretends to have the means to destroy a small country in 30 seconds. The authorities have reason to believe this may be true, and the spying battle is on.
Automobilista Affeminato
Nefarious villain Goldginger (Fernando Rey) is thwarted by bumbling secret agents Franco (Franco Franchi) and Ciccio (Ciccio Ingrassia) in his scheme to spark an international war by zombifying all government employees in this Italian spoof of the James Bond movies.
Agent 077 - Mission Bloody Mary or Agente 077 missione Bloody Mary is a 1965 Italian action spy adventure film. The first of the Secret Agent 077 film series directed by Sergio Grieco.
A famous American secret service agent tries to rescue a German 17-year-old prodigy scientist who has been captured by the Russians.
Mortimer Lasky
The Masters and the Cherokees living in relative peace until a key member of this tribe falls in love with a woman from the Masters family. From there the situation is complicated to unknown heights.
Eduardo Montalbán - inspector de policía
An inexperienced and naive thief, Susan, associated with two other thieves of the same character meets a skilled thief and elegant, Alberto. The rivalry between them arising initially manifested in the fact that Alberto always robs his opponents of stealing the product. But the love that seems to come between the expert professional and amateur cause an awkward turn of events. Based on the book "All right, Susan?" of Carlos Llopis.
I Brutos arrive in the town of Fresno during a gunfight and mistakenly think it is a celebration of their arrival and start shooting their guns and kill all the villains and the town undertaker. They take over the undertaking duties but bury the bodies in an Indian burial ground upsetting the local Indian tribe.
Don Fernando Mendoza
The racing stables of Gandia family go to auction. Tomy, son of the owner, manages to save his favorite horse, "Cantador". Now, his only obsession is to resolve the problems of his father, providing him a new wife and riding his horse at the races. After a while, in the Official Prize, "Cantador", ridden by Tomy wins. This fact causes everyone to be interested in the horse and eventually Tomy will be forced to auction it to liquidate their debts. But the new owner is the father of Luchy, Tomy's classmate , and he will do everything possible to recover it.
История о мужестве и борьбе за жизнь военных и дипломатов, в 1900 г. попавших в западню в закрытой зоне Пекина. С молчаливой поддержки императрицы Китая, их осадили тысячи восставших против иностранцев китайских фанатиков. Разногласия забыты перед лицом опасности, забыта и борьба за сердце прекрасной, русской графини. Все вовлечены в ужасные события…
Don Luis
Padre Antonio
A French Foreign Legion commander is told to assemble a unit and capture an Algerian rebel leader. He gathers in his old unit, most of whom are no longer in top form. One is having nightmares of past indiscretions, another is now drinking, another has lost his nerve. He takes them in captures the leader, but then is unable to make it to the pick up. He encounters a rebel patrol and is trapped unless they can escape before their water runs out.
Del Río
After a few years, Víctor Morel comes back to the city. He has been a happy and Bohemian man who spent an authentic fortune. His first meeting with the past is with Laura, an extraordinary woman with he had intense relationships. She is now married with Daniel Romero, a man dedicated to the business that, precisely in the last days, has had a money problem. Due to this matter, Daniel will have to ask Víctor for help because it knows that he can extract it of the difficulty, in spite of the fact that he does not have any sharm.
Don Juan de Porres
Duchess Patrizia is determined to marry, although against her will, effeminate but powerful Prince Stefano. This is the only way she has found to thwart the plans of Count Keller, her aggressive neighbor, who wants to grab her land.
Coronel Gadea
A child suffering from leukemia craves getting on a plane, so at a U.S. base located in Zaragoza will make the kid a favor and grant his wish.
The life and tribulations of Carmelist nun Teresa de Jesús, who had transcendental experiences. She would write several works and would reform the Carmelist order.
In 1913 a family of traveling musicians goes to the house of a rich marquise. Lolita, daughter of one of the musicians, encounters the son of the wealthy lady.
Comandante Guzmán
Rafael, Miguel and Gabriel are three boys of different social status, who come to the call of the Flags of Hunters Parachute enroll in their ranks. Between them comes a great friendship and starring a host of incidents, until Rafael starts a relationship with Milagros, an attractive girl of Alcala.
Brother Pío, intending to collect charity for a group of nuns who run an orphanage, travels to Madrid with a statue of the Baby Jesus. On the train ride there, he meets Lucio, a slick-talking small-time thief, who steals the statue from him in order to collect the donations for himself.
Sor Giovanni
Claudio is a kind mand who works as cashier in a company for several years. Whe he finds closed the bank where he has to deposit a millon of pesetas, he decides to go to a friends party. Due to alcohol effects, he share out the money to the people who need it more.
A modern re-telling of the Robinson Crusoe story. But, this time, our hero is a macguivering expert. So he creates himself a modern paradise based on his beloved delivery tricycle that we saw in the previous movie"The tricyclist".
Octavio secretly sent his consul Curridio to Alexandria in a final attempt to reach peace. In the city, he meets Berenice, a mysterious and beautiful dancer who falls in love. Actually, the dancer is the queen Cleopatra who leads a double life using this name.
Major Selim Naruf
During a trip to Morocco, an American oil tycoon is involved in a murder and other intrigues. To solve the riddle, Bruce Reynolds will investigate the death in mysterious circumstances of his companion Kennedy.
Raimundo Aymat - el Canciller
Mercedes is a very simple girl from Valladolid who marries a plenipotentiary minister. They are in America with the mission to seize some oil concessions. Patricio is forced to seduce the wife of a Chancellor as Mercedes, casually gets more information of the diplomat.
Coronel Gonzalo Rivas
Don Juan, a widowed teacher, asks to be transferred to the capital to create a painting school and improve his son's future.
Gran Duque Vladimir de Rusia
A musical drama featuring a tragic love story. Relates a singer's rise to fame and her subsequent downfall because of the death of her lover. She manages to return to the stage only to die after her first public performance.
After her father has been murdered, the beautiful but allegedly insane Isabella lives in the house of her two nephews. A scenarist in need of inspiration walks on the beach and slowly unravels a series of murders.
The story of two students in a school of terrorism installed in the south of France and considered a "sanctuary" and not by the Virgin of Lourdes, sent to Spain to fulfill a dark mission that failed dismally when mistaken for a priest with his link.
Alberto Campos
Don Fernando is a senior engineer of Sevilla for years as a partner had a friend working. But his partner died and his son, Albert, wants to take the management of the company and the farm, one of the most important of Seville, whose property also shared. Alberto secretly courting Esperanza, a daughter of Don Fernando. Juan Antonio, the son of the late foreman of the farm, is an honest young man who, in silence, also loves Esperanza. Both will vie for her love.
Tona, model of a fashion house goes to see her ex-boyfriend to claim for some letters and finds him dead. Under the fear that the crime is attributed to her and also because she will soon marry Ramon, a rich young man of good family, she says nothing and goes to work as usual to show models. Meanwhile, the police opens an investigation.
Javier is crazy in love for Bibiana, a beautifull acctress who is foing out with a wicked buisiness man. Javier suspects that his beloved is keeping a double set with another man, however, and despite the warnings of his friends, the boy decides to investigate on their own.
Chronicle of the daily activity of a newspaper called La Jornada. Through the events covered by the gossip columnist that occupy precisely the seventh page, a portrait emerges of different classes of Spain in the 50's and a vision of reality where facts are mixed comedy, police, emotional, dramatic and even tragic.
Crown of Castile, 1520. The Comuneros rise up against Charles I, king of Castile and Aragon and emperor of the Hispanic Monarchy. While Juan de Padilla, leader of the uprising, and his captains, Juan Bravo and Francisco Maldonado, fight against the imperial armies, his wife, María de Pacheco, rules the city of Toledo, capital of the rebels.
Eduardo Miranda
Through a pictoric play, this movie tells the story about the painter Eduardo Miranda who, one night, while he was lokking to a gipsy group that was dancing, discovers a beautifull girl called Carmen. Dazzled by her beauty he decides to paint a picture. This causes roumours in the neighborhood, and it also arouses the jealousy of his wife.
José de Salamanca
José de Salamanca was arguably one of the most influential figures of the Spanish 1800s. This films tells his story.
Teniente Padilla
Raúl Pituá
Two women claim the custody of a child, a son of single mother. They have very different social positions: one is a lady of high society, the other is a nurse working at a maternity clinic. Both will face in a public trial.
César Jiménez
On the day that they receive their university diplomas, three young men make a bet: they will marry a rich woman and meet again one year later.
Ernesto Azavedo
A young couple who doesn´t know each other prepare their wedding in order to receive an inheritance. As time pass through their life together makes true love appear.
Malvaloca is a good girl who goes wrong until she finds a good man that really loves her, yet her past marks her life.
El Grajo
In North Africa, in a detachment of the Spanish Legion, el Grajo, a brave veteran, and Mauro, who has just enlisted, become close friends. When an unfortunate circumstance results in the death of a man, suspicions fall on one of them.
José Churruca
The troubled story of the Churruca family, a noble lineage of brave seamen, descendants of Cosme Damián Churruca, the Spanish hero of the Battle of Trafalgar; from the Spanish-American War (1898) to the end of the Spanish Civil War (1936-39). (In 1950, a new cut of the film was released with less ideological depth and ten minutes shorter.)
Servando, a young Galician who acts as judge in Seville, discovers while snooping old files, a case of suicide a little suspicious. He believes that in reality it is a crime that was hidden and decides to clarify the case, forgetting his girlfriend, who lives in a village in Galicia.
Pablo Sarasate
Teniente Miguel
Capitán Santiago Balcázar
In North Africa, Captain Valcázar and Lieutenant Herrera's harka, great friends, stands out for its heroism in actions. The wife and the sister of a dead Captain travel to Morocco. At the time, Herrera falls in love with the sister in law, Amparo, who wants to return to Madrid. So does the lieutenant, but soon learns the harka has been undone in combat and the Captain Valcázar died with it. Herrera runs to take charge of the harka to reorganize it.