Ricki travels to Cuba after many years to meet his girlfriend Beatriz, but she has changed a lot; Claudia, in a desperate search for money to buy a house, tries to scam a drug dealer; and Celina, a necrophiliac prepares to spend a weekend with a corpse.. Three dark love stories that, thanks to various unforeseen events, will intertwine until they become the revelation of the plot of a film that at the end of the story illuminates the drug dealer.
A pandemic that seemingly stops everything does not stop the human spirit. The six stories told in this film show that feelings like love, hate, sadness, loneliness, fear and hope bring out the best and worst in us in extreme circumstances. No illness, physical or soul, will prevent the confluence between people and their stories.
Luis Posada Carriles' Interviewer #3
Кубинское правительство направляет в Майами своих шпионов для предотвращения терактов, организуемых враждебными группировками США. Но агенты под прикрытием не только успешно исполняют свою миссию, но и оказываются вовлечены в подпольную торговлю кокаином, что грозит мировым скандалом.
Tito is 23 years old with a mother who loves him and a car that allows him to earn an honest living. His neighbors see him as a formal and educated boy. Nobody knows that behind that façade hides someone with a nihilistic vision of life. And that involves committing terrible acts for which he may have to pay someday. But Tito does not care about the future. There is only the present.
The story of a friendship in a city on the verge of substantial change. Miguel dreams of settling in New York while he waits for a visa that never seems to arrive, and Diego, a HIV-positive homosexual man, puts his dreams and cheerfulness to good use in his struggle to carry on enjoying every single day of his life from a rickety old bed in his small bedroom.
Позорный боксер постепенно формирует маловероятную дружбу с ВИЧ-положительным пациентом, которому поручено контролировать в военном санатории в 1980-х годах на Кубе.
Mirta is Cuban and lives in Madrid. As many others immigrants she works in cleaning industry. Today at six o'clock p.m. her daughter is going to marry. But nothing turns out as she hopes, and to reach this wedding is more difficult than it appeared at first sight.
Экспериментальный театр готовится к премьере нового спектакля, но в зале присутствует один-единственный зритель: полная, некрасивая девушка Луисита. Посреди представления она встает и уходит. Хавьер, исполняющий одну из ролей в постановке, бросается вслед за ней. Так начинается странная история любви-ненависти между одинокой толстушкой и молодым актером, в которую вмешивается главная звезда театра, Стелла Марис, чья холодная красота до встречи с Луиситой казалась Хавьеру недоступной.
When Spanish record producers express interest in Cuban musicians Ruy and Tito, the longtime friends are faced with the prospect of leaving their loved ones behind. After years of hoping and dreaming, they've finally earned the opportunity to bring their music to the rest of the world. But are the emotional trade-offs worth it in the end?