Jean Bastia

Фильмы mourir de désir
To escape the police in the streets of Paris, a couple separates. The woman breaks into a hotel room and hides in a wardrobe. The occupant of the room discovers her and offers her to pretend to share his bed to deceive the policeman who controls the room. Heated by the situation, he then tries to rape her until the fleeing man appears and knocks him out. After giving leave to the young woman, the man begins to write. He recounts in voiceover the circumstances that led him to this situation.
Réseau secret
War criminals, escaped from Germany, joining the network in Morocco where, before going to South America they change their facial structure. Marchelier pretends to be one of them. Marchelier can therefore collect within the network the most valuable information, especially as he became the lover of Eva. But Herbert, deputy chief Nazi, gradually feeds suspicions. Betrayed by a double agent, Marchelier is unmasked. Thanks to the intervention of his leaders and the Moroccan police, Marchelier is rescued. Herbert was shot, as Philippe. The man with The Bandaged face is none other than Hitler himself.
The Boss of Champignol
Dynamite Jack
Antoine Espérandieu, a French tenderfoot, lands in Windows Canyon, Arizona, a remote place under the thumb of dangerous outlaw Dynamite Jack, only to discover the friend he was to meet there has been murdered. Worse, it is not long before Antoine realizes he is Jack's perfect lookalike. All the same, he decides to settle down in the small town, where he becomes the local tax collector. One day, he finds himself face to face with the bandit...
Dynamite Jack
Antoine Espérandieu, a French tenderfoot, lands in Windows Canyon, Arizona, a remote place under the thumb of dangerous outlaw Dynamite Jack, only to discover the friend he was to meet there has been murdered. Worse, it is not long before Antoine realizes he is Jack's perfect lookalike. All the same, he decides to settle down in the small town, where he becomes the local tax collector. One day, he finds himself face to face with the bandit...
Пригородные поезда
Эмиль Дюран, изобретатель инсектицида, он обеспеченный человек, но как часто бывает, в семье у него проблемы. Его сын Жерар влюблен в комедиантку, которая играет в бродячем театре, во главе которого Цезарь Беоминет. Жерару нравится театр и он покидает родные пинаты и пускается во всякие вместе с труппой артистов. Эмиль находит выход из этого положения, он использует театр в качестве рекламы своего препарата…
Пригородные поезда
Эмиль Дюран, изобретатель инсектицида, он обеспеченный человек, но как часто бывает, в семье у него проблемы. Его сын Жерар влюблен в комедиантку, которая играет в бродячем театре, во главе которого Цезарь Беоминет. Жерару нравится театр и он покидает родные пинаты и пускается во всякие вместе с труппой артистов. Эмиль находит выход из этого положения, он использует театр в качестве рекламы своего препарата…
Некоторым нравится похолоднее
4 июля 1959, потомки маркиза де Вальморен, богатого дворянина, умершего в 1759, встречаются для того, чтобы прочитать завещание, которое он хотел опубликовать только через 200 лет после его смерти. Но всё состояние по завещанию получит только тот потомок, который докажет, что он неизлечимо болен.
The Gendarme of Champignol
Adventures in Indochina
A bunch of losers who can afford the price of the boat travel to Marseille are hired by a blonde woman for a mysterious mission in the jungle.
Nous Autres à Champignol
Nous Autres à Champignol
La Môme Pigalle
Assistant Director
Gilberte is a sixteen year old girl raised by her aunt and grandmother to be a demimondaine. But she's not ready for that yet, and spends her days in lessons and in teasing Mamita's old friend, the rich playboy Gaston LaChaille, and following his affairs from afar. But when Gaston throws off his latest mistress, it looks as if Gigi just might be ready to begin her destined career.
Mademoiselle Has Fun
Assistant Director
Christine, the daughter of a rich American, acquires from her father the jazz band of Ray Ventura who will be made responsible for accompanying her from morning till evening wherever she goes. From an endless number of amusing situations, the fiancée of the girl despairs. But soon the musicians rebel in in the face of the requirements of their patroness. More than a job, it is for them misery. Christine excuses them and she goes back to America with her band. Things go bad, degenerate, but the kindness of the musicians and the firmness of the fiancée of Christine really quiet down the moods of the young woman .