Valerie Pos


Spaak is a movie about a talented track cyclist who is caught up in the world of drugs.
20 Lies, 4 Parents and a Little Egg
20 LIES, 4 PARENTS AND A LITTLE EGG tells the story of Sjors and Bert, a gay male couple who are unexpectedly introduced to the 15 year-old adolescent Dylan. Dylan was the product of a sperm donation that Sjors had forgotten he had ever made. But after his eviction by his mother and girlfriend, the boy has turned up on Sjors and Bert's doorstep, and the lives of everybody will be changed forever.
170 Hz
Nick and Evy are in love. Knowing that Nick is deaf, Evy’s parents do not consent to their relationship. They run away and move into an abandoned submarine, hidden from judgmental eyes. Their runaway love brings them new opportunities and new hardships...
Cop vs. Killer
Enigmatic Dutch crime lord Mirko is always a step ahead of the national police team. When Mirko's gang are forced to kill Russian mob baron Jegor's cousin Oleg, the cops hope their time has come. Both sides resort to dirty tricks, testing loyalties and using the antagonists' daughters and independent pimp Aziz for blackmail, which makes several bloody victims.
Penny's Shadow
During a riding vacation on the island Ameland, a young girl discovers a dangerous horse who distrust people. To prove that the horse isn't dangerous at all, the girl secretly trains the horse to trust humans again.
Фуксия – маленькая ведьма
Маленькая ведьма Фуксия хочет научиться творить чудеса. Как и ее приемный отец, она посещает школу ведьм. Там Фуксия учится колдовству и умению летать на метле. Но ее магия часто дает неожиданные результаты. Это не останавливает маленькую колдунью — ей очень интересен мир людей, в котором она знакомится с мальчиком Томми…