Barbara Chilcott

Barbara Chilcott


Barbara Chilcott


М. Баттерфляй
Critic at Garden Party
История французского дипломата, который влюбляется в звезду Пекинской оперы, скрывающую от него большую тайну.
Мой отец говорил мне неправду
Mrs. Tannenbaum
A Jewish boy grows up in 1920s Montreal with a grandfather who tells stories and a father who won't work.
Trader's Wife
Грубый ловчий покупает себе немую девушку у её мачехи и уводит её в качестве жены в свою хижину в глубине леса.
The Full Treatment
Baroness de la Vailion
Race car driver Alan Colby and his new wife Denise are involved in a car crash where he sustains a serious head injury, causing him to have murderous feelings toward Denise. After Denise persuades him to honeymoon with her on the Cote D'Azur in France, they enlist the aid of a French psychiatrist who offers to regress Alan back to the time of the accident and cure him.