Amy Talkington


Девушка из долины
Музыкальная адаптация фильма "Девушка из долины" 1983 года. 80-ые годы прошлого века. Пара молодых влюбленных из разных слоев общества решает бросить вызов своим родителям и друзьям, чтобы остаться вместе навсегда.
Школа Авалон
Элли Пеннингтон (Бриттани Робертсон), главная героиня фильма «Школа Авалон» (Avalon High), приходит учиться в новую школу. Ее новые одноклассники кажутся ей несколько необычными, и ее подозрения оправданы. Как оказывается, ученики школы – перевоплощения короля Артура и его двора. Миссия главной героини фильма теперь состоит в том, чтобы успеть раньше злодея Мордреда разгадать главную тайну школы Авалон.
The Night of the White Pants
The patriarch of a distinguished but crumbling Dallas family is forced to hit the town with his daughter's punk rock boyfriend.
The Night of the White Pants
The patriarch of a distinguished but crumbling Dallas family is forced to hit the town with his daughter's punk rock boyfriend.
Brave New Girl
Holly has everything it takes to be a star; the voice, the dream and the dedication, but she lacks the means to break away from her humble Texas upbringing. Then she gets the chance to attend an art and music school on the East coast and her future suddenly looks bright. But the road to stardom is a bumpy one.
Brave New Girl
Holly has everything it takes to be a star; the voice, the dream and the dedication, but she lacks the means to break away from her humble Texas upbringing. Then she gets the chance to attend an art and music school on the East coast and her future suddenly looks bright. But the road to stardom is a bumpy one.
Number One Fan
Frustrated by her bland suburban existence, sixteen year old Sadie doesn't hesitate to join a charismatic stranger on a joyride into the unknown. His dark world of jealousy, games and crime-in-the-name-of-art forces her to confront her own youthful desires.
Number One Fan
Frustrated by her bland suburban existence, sixteen year old Sadie doesn't hesitate to join a charismatic stranger on a joyride into the unknown. His dark world of jealousy, games and crime-in-the-name-of-art forces her to confront her own youthful desires.
Безымянный проект студии Fox / Marvel Film
Безымянный проект студии Fox / Marvel Film