Douglas S. Cramer


Family of Cops II - Breach of Faith
Executive Producer
The family of cops is back, this time dealing with the murder of a priest tied in with the Russian Mafia, who proceed to try to draw the family off the case.
Замкнутый круг
Мать Таны Робертс всю жизнь была любовницей женатого мужчины. Тана решает, что не будет похожей на мать, и ни за что не попадет в эту ловушку. У нее есть лучший друг Гарри и ее любимая работа. Но со временем Тана понимает, что делает те же ошибки, за которые осуждала мать. Она приходит к выводу, что ни романы, ни карьерные успехи не помогут убежать от прошлого.
Executive Producer
Юная красавица - итальянская аристократка Серена ди Сан Тибальдо знакомятся в послевоенном Риме с американским офицером Брэдом Фуллертоном. Молодые люди страстно влюбляются друг в друга и женятся. Но мать Брэда, властная и богатая женщина мечтает о блестящей политической карьере сына. Считая Серену неподходящей парой, она заставляет ее отказаться от всех прав на семейные деньги. И после трагической гибели мужа Серена остается одна с маленькой дочерью, с разбитым сердцем и без средств к существованию. Не поддаваясь отчаянию она решает стать фотомоделью.
Они все очень разные, эти счастливые и несчастные семейные пары, но их объединяет одно желание — чтобы в доме наконец зазвучал детский смех. Но не всем дана такая радость. По-разному ищут герои выход, вступая в спор с врачами, с природой, с собственным возрастом… Но те, кто искренне верит в жизнь и стремится к счастью, — обретают его!.
Executive Producer
Княжна Зоя Юсупова - наследница богатого и знатного рода. Революция 1917 года сделала ее сиротой и заставила покинуть Россию. Но и вдали от Родины, в эмиграции, Зоя находит в себе силы, несмотря на преграды, которые ставит перед нею судьба, добиться всего, что должно было принадлежать ей по праву рождения..
Большей любви не бывает
14 апреля 1912 года. На борту «Титаника» в салоне первого класса семья американского издателя Уинфилда празднует обручение дочери - Эдвины. Считанные минуты остаются до ужасной трагедии, которая разделит пассажиров на погибших и уцелевших. Эдвина теряет и родителей и любимого, и только надежда помогает ей жить дальше.
Письмо из Сайгона
Executive Producer
Пэкстон Эндрюс, романтичная красавица с идеалистическими взглядами на жизнь, училась в университете на факультете журналистики. Когда студент, в которого она была влюблена, погиб на вьетнамской войне, Пэкстон решила стать военным корреспондентом. Командировка во Вьетнам навсегда изменила ее судьбу. Колонка Пэкстон «Письмо из Сайгона», в которой она описывала трагедии и реалии войны, увиденные собственными глазами, пользовалась в Америке огромной популярностью. Но за этот успех ей пришлось заплатить сполна: война вновь вмешалась в ее жизнь. Ее избранник - сержант армии США Тони - пропал без вести в тот день, на который была назначена их свадьба.
Биение сердца (ТВ)
Executive Producer
Билл — удачливый продюсер «мыльных опер» на одном из крупнейших телеканалов. Он кажется счастливчиком, у которого есть все. Но после развода с женой и разлуки с двумя сыновьями ему очень недостает нормальной семейной жизни. Адриан счастлива в браке и работает на том же телеканале. Но ее муж не желает иметь детей и, узнав, что она беременна, уходит от нее. И тогда Адриан знакомится с Биллом. Им кажется, что они просто созданы друг для друга и обязательно должны быть вместе. Но Адриан все еще любит бывшегомужа, и ей предстоит нелегкий выбор
Rich Men, Single Women
Executive Producer
Three women plot to catch wealthy husbands by throwing a party at a mansion to which they have temporary access. Obvious love stories follow involving an ex-ballplayer, a secretly wealthy mechanic and an ad exec.
Executive Producer
"Nightingales" are eight student nurses living off campus in Southern California in this stylish Aaron Spelling production that ultimately was developed into a short-lived series which aired on NBC at the beginning of 1989. Subsequently edited down to 90 minutes, the film later served as the premiere episode for the series, which was reworked to add Suzanne Pleshette and Barry Newman as stars.
Cracked Up
Executive Producer
17-year-old track star, John Owens, has never used any drug stronger than pot, until he meets an older woman who introduces him to crack cocaine. He quickly becomes addicted but is able to hide his problem from all except his best friend, Chris.
Dark Mansions
Executive Producer
A woman hired to write the history of a wealthy family stays at the family's estate in Oregon. She discovers that she strongly resembles a long-dead ancestor in the family, and finds things happening to her that happened to--and led to the death of--that woman.
A female team of government agents, under the guise of owners of a popular worldwide franchise of aerobic centers, matches wits with a group of criminals who have kidnapped a top defense specialist and his ailing son, intending to sell him to the highest bidder.
Venice Medical
Executive Producer
TV pilot for series centered around a beachfront clinic in the community of Venice, California.
Don't Go to Sleep
Executive Producer
One year after a young girl dies in a car accident, her sister begins seeing visions of her, while the family home is plagued by strange happenings.
Executive Producer
A sultry nightclub singer, a small-town girl in the big city, sets out to avenge her boyfriend's murder after he is killed while running illegal booze for the mob.
The Best Little Girl in the World
Executive Producer
Casey Powell is a teenage girl who is secretly suffering from anorexia nervosa, a mental and physical illness of deliberately starving herself or self-inducing vomiting, because of her inability to cope with family stress and because of social pressures.
Executive Producer
Mike Connors is a suave gambler who owns a floating hotel/casino which takes a turn when the passengers are stalked by a saboteur during the casino ship's maiden voyage.
Murder Can Hurt You!
Executive Producer
A private eye spoof that sends up assorted TV detectives from Ironside, Columbo and Kojak to Baretta, McCloud and Starsky and Hutch, as eight bumbling super-sleuths band together in a battle of wits against the devilishly clever Master Criminal.
Executive Producer
A couple of private eyes, a laid-back Californian and a streetwise New Yorker, team up to track down a killer in Hawaii known as "The Cane Field Murderer" in this unsuccessful pilot to a detective series.
Love's Savage Fury
Executive Producer
During the Civil War, a self-centered, young Southern belle tries to hold onto the family estate when the Union Army takes over the area.
The Power Within
Executive Producer
A prospective about a daredevil flyer, barnstorming for county fairs, who becomes a human dynamo after being struck by lightning and is menaced by enemy agents determined to find out the secret of his incredible powers.
The Users
Executive Producer
A beautiful girl from a small town with dreams of making it in Hollywood marries an actor whose career is fading, then schemes to get him back into the big time - and her with him.
Kate Bliss and the Ticker Tape Kid
Executive Producer
A turn-of-the-century investigator named Kate Bliss goes to the wide-open spaces of the wild west to capture a gang of outlaws led by a charming "Robin Hood of the plains," leading a band of dispossessed ranchers against a stuffy English land baron who has cheated them out of their property.
Wild and Wooly
Executive Producer
A Western adventure — a "Charlie's Angels" on horseback — involving three comely females who meet in a territorial prison, engineer a daring escape, and find themselves in a race against time to prevent the assassination of Teddy Roosevelt.
Cruise Into Terror
An Egyptian sarcophagus that is cargo on a pleasure cruise ship has a secret - it contains the son of Satan, and its effects start to make the ship's passengers behave strangely.
Alexander: The Other Side of Dawn
Executive Producer
In this sequel to Dawn: Portrait of a Teenage Runaway, Alexander's story is told in both the past and the present. Alexander's parents send him away from home for being too sensitive and not helping enough on their farm. He goes to Los Angeles in hopes of going to art school, but when he can't find a job as a minor, he turns to prostitution. After being arrested, he wants to head to Arizona to marry Dawn, but he falls into a lucrative job/relationship with a gay football star.
The New Love Boat
Executive Producer
Guest stars include Georgia Engel as a stowaway, Gary Frank and Melanie Mayron as a pair of tremulous honeymooners, Stella Stevens and Pat Harrington as an eternally bickering married couple, and Audra Lindley and Phil Silvers as, respectively, an outspoken middle-aged lady and a woebegone widower.
Executive Producer
A skier and his wife visit a friend's ski resort during a man beast's rampage, and must hide from the impending danger.
Nightmare in Badham County
Executive Producer
Two UCLA coeds have engine trouble in small Southern town. When they spurn the local sheriff's advances he arranges for them to be taken to the women's prison on trivial charges (the judge is a cousin), where they must endure atrocities at the hands of the administrators of the prison and the prison guards.
Dawn: Portrait of a Teenage Runaway
15-year-old Dawn runs away from what she feels is an intolerable home life. In the big city, she ends up turning to prostitution when she is unable to get a job due to her age. She meets Alexander, a young male hustler who takes her in, but when she starts working for a pimp, Alexander becomes a target.
Cage Without a Key
Executive Producer
A high school girl who needs a ride accepts one from a boy she doesn't know. He then forces her to participate in a robbery, in which a clerk is killed. They are soon caught, and the girl, despite her protestations of innocence, is convicted of first-degree murder and sent to prison. Once she gets there, she finds out that her troubles are just beginning.
Search for the Gods
Executive Producer
A valuable medallion believed to prove that aliens from outer space visited Earth in prehistoric times is sought.
Who Is the Black Dahlia?
Executive Producer
In 1947 Los Angeles, a police detective tries to solve the shocking and grisly murder of 22-year-old aspiring actress Elizabeth Short.
The Dead Don't Die
Executive Producer
In the 1930s, a sailor trying to prove that his brother was wrongly executed for murder finds himself becoming drawn into the occult world.
The Sex Symbol
A thinly-disguised version of the life of Marilyn Monroe, detailing her ups and downs in life and how her erratic behavior contributed to her deteriorating career.
The Cat Creature
When a rich man dies, some items from a collection of his are stolen- an ancient Egyptian gold amulet and the mummy that was wearing it. The police consult scholars from the local University to help with the investigation, which is taking a more serious turn as people connected with the case are killed by wounds that seem to be from a housecat.
The Cat Creature
When a rich man dies, some items from a collection of his are stolen- an ancient Egyptian gold amulet and the mummy that was wearing it. The police consult scholars from the local University to help with the investigation, which is taking a more serious turn as people connected with the case are killed by wounds that seem to be from a housecat.
Call Her Mom
Executive Producer
A sexy waitress becomes the house mother in a fraternity house.