William Bumiller

Рождение : 1956-03-25, San Francisco, California, USA


William Bumiller was born on March 25, 1956 in San Francisco, California, USA. He is an actor, known for Out of the Night: The Stephen Arrington Story (1995), Species (1995), The Guiding Light (1952) and Boat Trip (2002).


An Exercise In Terror: The Making Of 'Death Spa'
A documentary about the making of 'Death Spa' (1989)
Морское приключение
Покинутый любимой девушкой, Джерри получает от своего друга предложение зализать раны и отправиться в морское путешествие на корабле, битком набитом роскошными девушками. Проблемы начинаются с того момента, когда друзья понимают, что это круиз только для мужчин, среди которых — эксцентричный миллионер, положивший глаз на Ника. Но не все так плохо и жизнь начинает приобретать яркие краски и бурлить после того, как корабль подбирает шлюпку с великолепными девушками из Шведской Бикини Команды…
Getting There
Gary Hunter
Taylor and Kylie Hunter are sweet sixteen and licensed to drive. Grab a seat in their classic Mustang convertible as they set out on their very first road trip, to the Winter Games in Utah. Cute outfits, even cuter guys. And all kinds of friends along the way. But watch for Olympic-size detours. Will they ever make it to the velvet-smooth ski slopes and posh Stein Ericksen Lodge at Deer Valley and the big-air snowboarding at Park City? Will they be on time for the Winter Games? See for yourself why half the fun is getting there.
Board Heads
Link is torn between the two loves of his life: surfing, and his girlfriend Sunny. He's also got to deal with an angry landlady who's threatening to evict him if he doesn't start paying his rent. When three rich but clueless newcomers move into town and immediately start striking out with the dozens of bikini-clad beauties on the local beach, Link sees a possible solution to his cash problems: offer the trio lessons in how to become pick-up artists.
Race Against Fear
Coach Kurt Ansom
When a young track star is raped by her coach, no one but her mother will believe her story.
A case for life
Jim Hemmitt
To save her unborn child, she had to fight for the right to die. A True Story
Dr. Cassidy
In this thriller, a detective helps save a prostitute from a stalker. The gumshoe's investigation throws them into a world where no one is quite who they seem and where everyone has a shady past. ~ Sandra Brennan, Rovi
The Dark Mist
With the future of the world hanging in the balance, one fearless hero's quest to solve "The Riddle of the Chosen". As the Lord Protector makes his way through a land of magic and mystery, his allies grow stronger and his enemies more fierce. Will the Lord Protector make it to the center of evil and banish the dark forces that plot destruction, or will the power of evil overwhelm this mortal man and envelope the entire planet in a shroud of darkness and despair?
Club Bouncer
Генетики доигрались... В сверхсекретном научном центре получили из космоса формулу ДНК, которая была воспроизведена и скрещена с женской. В результате получился ребенок,девочка, которая росла не по дням, а по часам. И даже не по часам, а по минутам. Напуганные результатами эксперимента, ученые решили уничтожить подопытное существо, но оно сбежало, разбив пуленепробиваемое стекло. А существо из девушки уже превратилось в женщину (Наташа Хенстридж) с очень сексапильнои внешностью и жаждало размножаться, к чему и приступило. Но внутри у нее таилось ужасающее чудовище, котоpoe убивало после спаривания самцов. Для ее поимки была создана специальная группа экспертов, которая пошла по кровавому следу одержимой материнским инстинктом самки из космоса…
Out of the Night: The Stephen Arrington Story
Steve Arrington
Steve Arrington's hopes and dreams were lost in a nightmare of bad decisions, bad company, and bad moves. He went from hero to villain, lost his honor and self respect, and found himself trapped in the no-win world of drug smugglers and big-time losers. He had to choose between silver and lead - dirty money or a bullet in the head. The first glimmer of hope came when drug agents cut short his out law career. A scapegoat for his high-rolling superiors in the cocaine racket, Arrington found the locked doors of a federal prison offered him a chance to find his way Out of the Night. His discovery of forgiveness helped him recover his self esteem and led him to fulfillment of his dreams. Out of the Night proves that there is hope for the fallen and escape for the trapped. You'll be inspired with new reasons to believe in God's forgiving love and patient leading
Donald Walters
An artist and an environmentalist go through an up and down relationship over the years. They get married in an early fling, she gets pregnant as they celebrate their divorce together, they deal with his nude artwork and her tempermental situation as they learn about her strict upbringing and her fear of commitment based on her father's unflinching attitudes.
Победить или умереть
Они не просто две красотки, они — секретные федеральные агенты из США. Им поручено выследить и уничтожить наёмных убийц. Для этого к ним прибывает подкрепление и команда из восьми человек…
Inside Out
Jack (segment "Brush Strokes")
Softcore anthology film containing stories: "Brush Strokes"; "Shrink Rap"; "Doubletalk"; "The Leda"; "My Secret Moments"; "Life Is For The Taking"; "The Diaries"; "Love The One You're With"; and "My Better Half".
Fire! Trapped on the 37th Floor
A fire breaks out on the 12th floor of the First Interstate Tower building in Los Angeles. Meanwhile, Paul and Susan are working late on the 37th floor, along with cleaning staff, security, and building engineers, some of whom are installing sprinklers. The fire spreads rapidly and those in the building quickly become trapped.
Южноамериканский торговец оружием использует один из островов на Гавайях в качестве базы для своих преступных операций. Правительство США посылает отряд лучших спецназовцев, чтобы прикрыть этот криминальный бизнес. Особенность операции в том, что противостоять матерому контрабандисту будут… очаровательные девушки из агентства «L.E.T.H.A.L Ladies» (Смертоносные леди).
Michael Evans
В спортивном клубе происходит серия кровавых убийств. Хозяин клуба - Майкл, пытается предотвратить кровопролитие, пока салон не потерял оставшихся клиентов.
When co-workers of a beautiful soap star start disappearing and others wind up dead with no clues or evidence left behind, she is caught between fact and fiction; left as the real and final victim.
Last Resort
George Lollar takes his family on vacation with "Club Sand", a shoddy and untrustworthy company. On their tropical island, they find soldiers everywhere, an unhelpful staff, inhospitable accomodation and undesirable holiday makers, but everyone except for George manages to have fun in the sun.
Bubba Until It Hurts
This 1985 exercise video, filmed post-NFL and pre-”Police Academy,” cemented Bubba Smith’s reputation as one of the sweetest (and sweatiest) big men of all time.