Noël Godin


En Marche vers l'Effondrement !
Mr Sweet
Disappointed by leftists politics this last few years, PAP'40 of the Church of the Holy $aint Con$umption decide to run for presidential election of 2022 to fix the country. He meets his electorate and other candidates to spread the word : Work, Obey, Consume !
Mad in Belgium
A cinematographic “cadavre exquis”, whose entrails reveal the odd nature of a (un)certain Belgian cinema. Authors, directors, actors who have proved that imposture could be an act of creation. Convinced that any so-called “new” cinematographic production was in fact a rehash of what had already been made, these pirates of images snuck as forgers, liars, tricksters, usurpers, … Outlaws of the cinema who falsified its form. From the filmed imposture of Man Bites Dog to Jan Bucquoy’s fabulist biopic, everything participates in the dynamiting of institutional language through simulacrum and absurdity. This free journey in the “cine-belgitude” has for vocation to approach these marvellous eccentrics followers of a overexcited and stripping situationism.
Большая вечеринка
Le marié
История о двух абсолютно непохожих друг на друга братьев. Нот — самый старый панк с собакой во всей Европе, околачивающийся возле торговых центров в надежде, что покупатели угостят его йогуртом, пивом или собачьим кормом. Его брат Жан-Пьер работает продавцом в магазине постельного белья. Внезапно Жан-Пьера увольняют с работы и лишают крыши над головой, после чего братья возобновляют общение. Борясь против потребительского общества, они пытаются устроить революцию в торговом центре.
The Antics Roadshow
The Antics Roadshow is a celebration of the pranksters, hoaxers, jokers, activists and stunt merchants who use public space for their own unauthorised ends. This film brings together a wide range of individuals with all sorts of motivations, who have all hijacked the public arena to make a noise, be it for comedic, artistic or political ends, and have all done so using a variety of illicit and eccentric methods, which the audience should probably not try at home.
2 ou 3 choses que je sais de Joseph Morder
Self (archive footage)
Mais qui est donc Jean-Pierre Bouyxou?
Himself - Host
Television segment for Canal+, with Noël Godin
Les vacances de Noël
Two men, fifty years young, seduce younger women at the Cannes Film Festival and are quite successful as long as there are no youngsters among them.
Wallonie 2084
La société du spectacle et ses commentaires
Director Jan Bucquoy has a bunch of actors read from the Guy Debord novel which shares the same title. Slowly but surely real life an Debord's reflections upon it start to diffuse.
The Political Life of the Belgians
We follow the build-up and training of two opposite Belgian political parties. We see their leaders during meetings, during voting and after when the results of the elections are published.
La vie sexuelle des Belges partie 4 - La jouissance des hystériques
Le journal de Joseph M.
Man throw a pie in Brussels
Tout est calme
A secret society, somewhere in France, is responsible for the major unsolved murder mysteries throughout history (such as Henri IV, Lincoln, Kennedy, John-Paul I)...
Cream and Punishment
Le Gloupier
Noël Godin and his supporters throw a pie with cream into the face of Daniel Toscan du Plantier in the Palace of the Film Festival of Cannes 1996.
Painting with Falls
A journey inside a picture thus offers the opportunity to travel through Belgium at the approach of the 21st century, and also to bring up a host of questions an what the eye sees: what do we see disappearing under our very eye? Why do we look at specific things? What is a point of view?
La vie sexuelle des Belges partie 2 - Camping Cosmos
Pierre Mertens
On a Belgian beach at Camping Cosmos. The delegate send by the Ministry is confronted with sex and murder. The residents enjoy their holidays in a peculiar way...
Boudou prend son bain
Easy in Mind
Le bavard
A woman who only has a couple of months left to live decides to go on a final journey, crossing several countries.
Cinématon XXII
Reel 22 of Gérard Courant’s on-going Cinematon series.
Синематон» - 201-часовой фильм французского режиссёра Жерара Куранта. Он считается одним из самых длинных фильмов когда-либо выпущенных. Создающийся более 35 лет (с 1978 по 2018), он состоит из серии 3027 беззвучных виньеток, каждая продолжительностью по 3 минуты 25 секунд, в которых показываются различные знаменитости, художники, журналисты и друзья режиссёра, каждый делающий то, что он хочет, за отведённое время. В фильме показаны режиссёры: Барбет Шредер, Нагиса Осима, Фолькер Шлендорф, Кен Лоуч, Юсеф Шахин, Вим Вендерс, Джозеф Лоузи, Жан-Люк Годар, Сэмюэл Фуллер и Терри Гиллиам; гроссмейстер Жоэль Лотье и актёры Роберто Бениньи, Стефан Одран и Жюли Дельпи. Терри Гиллиам показан поедающим купюру в 100 франков. Сэмюэл Фуллер курит сигару. Своим любимым героем фильма Жерар Курант считает семимесячного ребёнка.
Grève et pets
Grève et pets
Grève et pets
Prout prout tralala
Prout prout tralala
Les cahiers du cinéma
This film is one of the first (maybe the first?) ready-made of cinema. A friend of Bouyxou and Noel Godin, before leaving the army, took two training films, and Bouyxou and Godin decided to add some credits at the beggining of these, and then screen it without warnings. Godin made his version, "Les Cahiers du cinéma", and Bouyxou made "Sortez vos culs de ma commode".
Le sexe enragé
Le curé
A bourgeoisie client is transformed into a mouse and cannibalized by a prostitute in flagrante delicto with the camera changing focus in time to her breathing.
Satan Bouche un Coin
The film is a series of images, shown in short takes (anywhere from a few frames to 30 seconds), of more or less fetishistic imagery (something Bouyxou was particularly fond of). After a credit and title sequence written on naked human flesh, the viewer sees the brilliant Molinier standing sanctimoniously in front of a screen. Soon he is joined by a woman, and he fondles her breasts while retaining his signature grin. Molinier seems to almost be the 'ringmaster' of the incidents, with almost every minute episode cutting back to him. His presence is one thing that makes this film remarkable; the same sort of aura that exists in Moliniers famous self-portraits and cut-ups is present here, on screen. (
Cinématon n°214 : Noël Godin