Erik Winker


Diamante - Fußballgott
Holy Dilemma
It tells the story of Robi, a priest and a father of three. It showcases how he deals with his profession and his forbidden private life.
Укрощение сада
У некоего влиятельного человека появилось необычное увлечение: в общинах на черноморском побережье Грузии он покупает для личного сада вековые деревья. Некоторые из этих деревьев достигают высоты пятнадцатиэтажного здания. Их пересадка на новое место нарушает привычный ландшафт и вынуждает живущих по соседству людей приспосабливаться к внезапным переменам, происходящим с их домами и улицами.
Final part of a long-term observation of football talents trained at Borussia Dortmund in the 1990s. Three lives with, for and after the "favourite sport".
Unemployed youths, many looking to leave the country for want of better options, are swelling the ranks of gangs that sow violence in Zinder, in Niger. Aïcha Macky explores the origins of the radicalization that is spreading through her hometown and the prospects for escaping it.
We Wanted More: The Miracle of Taipei
In 1981 establishing a women's national team was of no interest to the German Football Association. Therefore an invitation to the Women's World Cup in Taipei went to the reigning club champions from the small town of Bergisch Gladbach, Germany. In the film the former players talk about the absurd conditions in which they had to fight for their great dream of playing football. Accompanied by historical footage - testimonies of a men's world that today seem all the more anachronistic - the film tells a story that is about much more than sporting success, namely equality and recognition.
Акаса, мой дом
Последние двадцать лет семья Эначе живёт в хижине посреди Бухарестской дельты, — огромном зеленом пространстве, в котором дикая природа стала редкой городской экосистемой. Следуя ритму времён года, они наслаждаются простой жизнью, изолированной от цивилизации. Но их мир скоро рухнет. Когда власти решат вернуть себе этот один из крупнейших в мире городских заповедников и у семейства пропадут все возможности избегать социальных служб и давления со стороны муниципалитета, они будут вынуждены переехать в город и учиться соответствовать правилам общества.
Dear Brother
Markus Becker is hit by a car, dragged along, his head bashed on a curb and he falls into a coma. The doctors don’t believe that the 45-year-old will survive the next five to ten days. His father makes preparations for the funeral. Markus’ brother Michael refuses to accept this fate and begins an extraordinary battle. In his brother’s apartment he seals Markus’ clothes to preserve the smell. He records the neighbors’ voices. Every day, Michael exposes his brother to things that are familiar and films everything that is part of Markus’ life with a DV camera. He wants to keep him in his world and to bring this world to his bedside. He documents every step of Markus’ development, risking his own life in the process, wishing that his brother will one day regain the ability to lead a normal life. This full-length documentary accompanies Michael Becker for 10 years on his unwavering and creative mission to bring his brother Markus back to life.
В поисках Евы
Еве Колле немного за двадцать. Она покинула консервативный городок где-то в Италии и в поисках свободы переехала в Берлин. Здесь Ева исследует свое тело, пишет откровенные посты в социальных сетях, пробует новое, бунтует против ярлыков, которые навешивает на нее общество и, главное, пытается найти себя.
Green Gold of Africa
A documentary about the efforts to ban the global khat trade in Great Britain that routes its way from from war-torn Somalia to the streets of London.
Женщина в плену
Героиня «Женщины в плену» — 52-летняя венгерка Мариш, которая на протяжении десяти лет служит одной семье, бесплатно работая по 20 часов в сутки. Хозяева забрали у нее паспорт и запрещают выходить из дома без разрешения. С ней обращаются как с животным, кормят объедками, у нее нет даже кровати. Мариш проводит дни в страхе, но мечтает вернуть свою жизнь. Фильм рассказывает о героическом пути Мариш к свободе.⠀
In der Schwebe
Kilian (24) and Thomas (26) are successful poker players and part of a clique of German players who have met over the years during various poker events. Alternating between live and online poker they are in limbo between the daily ups and downs of the game, between winning and losing.
Work Hard Play Hard
A film about non-territorial office space, multi-mobile knowledge workers, Blackberries and Miles&More. A road movie discovering the working world of tomorrow. This documentary will take you on a journey through the post-industrial knowledge and services workshops, our supposed future working place. In this new world work will be handled more liberally. Time clocks cease to exist. Attention is not compulsory any more. The resource “human“ comes into focus. The film closely follows the high-tech work force – people who are highly mobile and passionate to make their work their purpose in life. Further episodes resume this topic and lead into the world of modern office architecture and into the world of Human Resource Management.