Francisco Lara Polop

Рождение : 1932-01-02, Bolbaite, València, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain

Смерть : 2008-05-20


La leyenda de la doncella
Legend has it that, a long time ago in Galicia (Spain), witches were transformed into hornets to harm men and change the destiny of their lives.
The Naked Target
Production Manager
A New York executive is handcuffed to a precious briefcase to which only his Spanish contact holds the key and of which many others are in hot pursuit.
Дон Кихот Орсона Уэллса
Прочитав слишком много романов о рыцарях и героических рассказах, Дон Кихот и его слуга Санчо Панса решили бродить по дорогам Испании, чтобы защитить слабых и совершить добрые дела ...
The Monk
In Madrid at the time of the Inquisition, the monk Ambrosio is renowned for his faith and his strength of will, a saint in the eyes of the populace. But when he discovers the beautiful Matilda hidden in his own monastery, all his repressed passions begin to show themselves, and he is soon using the girl, and her powers, in his lust for more innocent prey.
The Monk
In Madrid at the time of the Inquisition, the monk Ambrosio is renowned for his faith and his strength of will, a saint in the eyes of the populace. But when he discovers the beautiful Matilda hidden in his own monastery, all his repressed passions begin to show themselves, and he is soon using the girl, and her powers, in his lust for more innocent prey.
Suéltate el pelo
Executive Producer
A quinceañera pretends to fall in love with David, the singer of the popular group Men G, and chases him to Acapulco. One night, she undresses and pounces on him, while a friend of her makes a few compromising photographs. The publication of these photos in a magazine leads David to pay a large sum and one year in prison, but the rest of the group discovers that Sonia and her friend are going to defraud actor Toni Canto and decide to prepare a trap for them
На острие топора
Executive In Charge Of Production
Маленький городок потрясает серия убийств, совершаемая неизвестным в маске. По началу полиция делает все, чтобы происходящее воспринималось как несчастные случаи, и лишь после 5-6 смертей отрицать становится бессмысленно — в городе появился маньяк…
Suffer, You Prick
Executive Producer
David, Javier, Dani and Pepe are four friends expelled from a religious school who must join the discipline of a mixed center. His passion for music leads them to create the group Los Residuos, facing Rocky Lacoste, the idol of the new school. In addition to singing in the rival group Yellow Fever, Lacoste also conquers Patty, David's girlfriend. At the end of his irregular career, Manuel Summers directed this musical taking advantage of the enormous success among the youthful public of the group of pop Men G, led by his son David.
Christina Von Belle, a wealthy heiress, is kidnapped by a lesbian terrorist group and held for ransom. She escapes the lesbian terrorists only to fall into the clutches of a gang of gourmet chefs who want a piece of the ransom themselves.
The Judge's Wife
The wife of a judge feels lonely because her husband works too much. Therefore she seeks another love and finds it in the person of a young man.
The Judge's Wife
The wife of a judge feels lonely because her husband works too much. Therefore she seeks another love and finds it in the person of a young man.
J.R. contraataca (La dinastia de J.R.)
J.R. has been shot in his sensitive parts. After spending a season in the hospital, and anxious for revenge, he returns to find the culprit. He is accompanied by a bodyguard that prevents the presence of women who could approach him, thus delaying his recovery.
El cabezota
The establishment of obligatory school for children divides to a father and his little son.
Le llamaban J.R.
A Spanish "Dallas" parody.
Adiós, querida mamá
National Adultery
A man falls in love with his friend's wife and plots the different ways to get rid of his current wife and also his friend so he can have his new found love all to himself.
National Adultery
A man falls in love with his friend's wife and plots the different ways to get rid of his current wife and also his friend so he can have his new found love all to himself.
Exit: Dead End
"El Rata" is released from prison after having served a sentence for "political" crimes during Franco's dictatorship. Now, on the street and with very few opportunities to work, he decides to commit a crime again.
Exit: Dead End
"El Rata" is released from prison after having served a sentence for "political" crimes during Franco's dictatorship. Now, on the street and with very few opportunities to work, he decides to commit a crime again.
The Vocational Masseur
A soccer player is injured and decides to recuperate at a secluded villa accompanied by a sexy masseuse.
Perché non facciamo l'amore
Historia de S
Sebastian (Alfredo Landa), dressmaker of great prestige, is aware of the boredom that produces sexual routine with his wife. Is then made with a good amount of erotic material, including books and magazines and catching up on what is current in the sexual aspects. His wife, alarmed at the new attitude of Sebastian, there is even the possibility to enter. Sebastian, determined to modernize the extreme, organize a parade with new models essentially erotic.
El asalto al castillo de la Moncloa
In the style of Woody Allen's "What's Up, Tiger Lily?", this is a comedic redubbing of "Los Amantes del desierto (1957)" that became a spoof of the Spanish political situation of its day.
El asalto al castillo de la Moncloa
In the style of Woody Allen's "What's Up, Tiger Lily?", this is a comedic redubbing of "Los Amantes del desierto (1957)" that became a spoof of the Spanish political situation of its day.
Secretos de alcoba
Secretos de alcoba
Las desarraigadas
Las desarraigadas
Las desarraigadas
Virilidad a la española
Orencio is a humble young man who helps his father in a humble business of a Castilian village. It has girlfriend, Angelita, and is very in love with her. But one day falls in hands of Vindemia, a young something lightweight helmets, who becomes pregnant and subsequently gave birth to five children. Then Vindemia marries with another man and goes to Switzerland. However, years after the superpotent of Orencio see how history repeats itself. And this time does not have very clearly if always lover Angelita will wait for it.
Amor casi... libre
Who's Afraid of Zorro
Spain, occupied by the French. Zorro, the intrepid swordsman, has an accident. As a result, his friend, Father Donato, is forced by oath to find a temporary replacement for him.
Vice and Virtue
Vice and Virtue
The Protected
The Protected
Marisa Salinas gets her first job at one of the top publishing companies of her country. Don Ricardo Arencibia, her boss, is a man who does not appreciate innovation and new proposals from the staff, but enjoys bloody crime stories, and beautiful women. Don Ricardo invites Marisa out for dinner; they start behind friends and, soon, they start a sexual relationship. All goes well - safe for a little mystery that envelops Ricardo's ex-wife. Marisa decides to investigate... and she will uncover much more than she expected: Ricardo had been trying to make Marisa look like his former wife, and there is a plot involving large scale corruption.
Forbidden Passion
A young woman was seduced by a high positioned official who is married but when she falls in love with a young man she tries to break the other relationship...
Forbidden Passion
A young woman was seduced by a high positioned official who is married but when she falls in love with a young man she tries to break the other relationship...
Hunchback of the Morgue
Production Manager
Paul Naschy plays a hunchback with below average intelligence who works at the morgue. He is in love with a sickly girl who happens to be the only person who is kind to him. Each day he brings her flowers until the day she dies.
Count Dracula's Great Love
Four women spend the night in an old deserted sanitarium on a mountain. They each in turn fall into the the evil hands of a doctor…
Murder Mansion
A group of travelers, stranded at an isolated, fog-bound mansion, are beset upon by the living dead from the adjoining cemetery.
Blanca por fuera y Rosa por dentro
Production Manager
Blanca and Ramiro are a married couple who are always arguing just for pleasure; but Blanca suddenly suffers a misfortune and everything changes.
Black Story
Production Manager
Peter is a widower who writes crime novels, signing as Peter P. Peter, and is about to marry Beatriz (Analia Gade), a widow who proves to be a ruthless woman who makes his life miserable. As an expert in inventing crimes committed by his characters, he imagines a plan to get rid of his new wife. The trouble is that she also plans to kill him.
Стеклянный потолок
Production Manager
Марта проводит дни в одиночестве, пока ее муж находится в командировке. Со временем ее начинают пугать шаги, раздающиеся каждую ночь с верхнего этажа. Соседка пытается убедить ее, что эти шаги принадлежат ее мужу, когда он возвращается с работы. Но Марта не верит этому и начинает собственное расследование.
The Seven Lives of the Cat
Production Manager
Guillermo's family has been living for years a terrible curse. All the women in his family have died because of love and murdered by men of the clan. The funny thing is that before each death a cat appeared. One day, while Guillermo prepares the papers for his marriage with Beatriz, he discovers that both are distant relatives.
Enseñar a un sinvergüenza
Production Manager
Rosana is an attractive teacher who is losing his youth with such discipline in the study. When suddenly bursts into his life a perfect cheeky who lives of game and odd jobs as photographer, but wants to acquire a little culture for personal reasons. So he hires the services of the best teacher of the place ...
Unit Manager
Главная героиня фильма — Хелен, зарабатывает на жизнь автогонками. Однажды она попадает в крупную аварию, после которой врачи настоятельно советуют ей отказаться от всех вредных привычек, бросить гонки и вести спокойный образ жизни, без потрясений и стрессов. В день выхода из больницы она получает письмо от своего бывшего мужа, Мориса, который приглашает ее приехать к нему на виллу в Испанию. Недолго поколебавшись, она срывается из родного города и едет в Испанию, на виллу к Морису. Приехав, она обнаруживает, что Морис снова женат на богатой и уже не молодой женщине, Констанс, и с удивлением узнает, что это приглашение написал вовсе не Морис, а его новая жена…
Urtain, King of the Mountains
Assistant Director
No somos de piedra
Assistant Director
Lucas, typical average Spaniard, shy, gray and repressed, is married to sanctimonious Enriqueta, so he is always aware of other women, although the couple are already parents of nine children, which is why Lucas will do the unspeakable to convince his wife to take the contraceptive pill, something practically sinful for a practicing Catholic like Enriqueta.
El arte de no casarse
Executive Producer
Four stories about the arts of not getting married. Alfredo Landa performs the roles of a lawyer who has just finished his military service, a young marquis on his wedding day, a flirt and a soldier who deals with three girls at the same time.
Megatón ye-ye
The story of a music band from the sixties who wants to succeed in music in the style of Richard Lester films. There are two parallel plots: one is the love story between the singer Juan Erasmo 'Mochi' and Elena, a middle-class girl who has studied in Madrid and moved to Paris to work and to learn French. The other half of the film corresponds to 'Micky y Los Tonys', and especially to the wild Micky.
The Girl in Mourning
Production Manager
Rocio and Raphael are a young couple from a small Spanish town. Rocio must mourn the death of a relative for six months and is forbidden to see Raphael. Very much in love, they are frustrated by the old-fashioned customs of their village. When they can finally see each other, the two plan to soon marry. Unfortunately, the girl's grandfather dies and she must start the process of mourning all over again. This time Raphael begs her to rebel against her family and the villagers, but she refuses for fear of persecution. When Rocio has had enough of putting her own happiness aside, she decides to run away with Raphael in spite of what her family will say. Things do not go as planned, however, when yet another family member passes away.
The Girl in Mourning
Associate Producer
Rocio and Raphael are a young couple from a small Spanish town. Rocio must mourn the death of a relative for six months and is forbidden to see Raphael. Very much in love, they are frustrated by the old-fashioned customs of their village. When they can finally see each other, the two plan to soon marry. Unfortunately, the girl's grandfather dies and she must start the process of mourning all over again. This time Raphael begs her to rebel against her family and the villagers, but she refuses for fear of persecution. When Rocio has had enough of putting her own happiness aside, she decides to run away with Raphael in spite of what her family will say. Things do not go as planned, however, when yet another family member passes away.
From Pink to Yellow
Assistant Production Manager
The story of two loves: a young boy that fall sin love with a girl of his school, but she is more mature and finally forgets him; and the story of a man and a woman that live in an hospital for old people and can't see each other.
Historia de una noche
Production Assistant
After a few years, Víctor Morel comes back to the city. He has been a happy and Bohemian man who spent an authentic fortune. His first meeting with the past is with Laura, an extraordinary woman with he had intense relationships. She is now married with Daniel Romero, a man dedicated to the business that, precisely in the last days, has had a money problem. Due to this matter, Daniel will have to ask Víctor for help because it knows that he can extract it of the difficulty, in spite of the fact that he does not have any sharm.
En el río