Pablo Pérez


Torrential rains cause the swollen river, whose waters inundate a village. The current drags the cow Crebinsky and his brothers, who miraculously reappear alive in a place on the coast. Installed there at the foot of a lighthouse, which brings survive by sea. Isolated military conflicts, the brothers created their own world: a particular universe made of realism and fantasy.
Год без любви
Год без любви - это история о писателе гее с ВИЧ +, который ищет любви. Конечно, способы у всех свои. Пабло отвечает на объявления о знакомстве, ходит по БДСМ клубам, пишет книгу и ищет свою любовь. Однажды, он знакомится с Мартином - доминирующий парень, красивый, властный. Мартин дает Пабло все, что тому нужно, кроме постоянства.
The Angry Cid
Special Effects
Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, “Mio Cid”, is in love with Jimena, but the Count of Oviedo, his father, challenges him to a duel and is killed. He before him curses Rodrigo, that if he marries Jimena, he will lose his manly faculties. And, in fact, when he gets married, Rodrigo becomes effeminate.
Juana la Loca… de vez en cuando
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La leyenda del tambor
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El erótico enmascarado
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Beyond Terror
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After a drug-fueled night of violence, a group of young degenerates and their hostages find themselves stranded in a remote, abandoned church in rural Spain. Their evening of debauchery and blasphemy quickly turns to greed when they discover a local legend that tells of a vast fortune guarded by mummies in the catacombs beneath the ruins. Their lust for the treasure is short-lived as they find that the supernatural horror in the catacombs is something further than fear… it is Beyond Terror!
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In a restaurant they're preparing a grand banquet in honor of a sports association of anglers, but several circumstances seem to have conspired to boycott the event.
Marked by Men
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El monosabio
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Juanito, a peaceful fan of bullfighting, has become picador's assistant to see from the same arena the show in which he brags he is one of the protagonists. Furthermore, he believes he has discovered in a neighbor a potential figure of bullfighting sphere.
Strange Love of the Vampires
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Los pecados de una chica casi decente
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A very enthusiastic girl kills her boyfriend, a carabinieri, after a long love session. She will suffer during the rest of the film to hide the body.
Вы должны убить B.
Special Effects
В некой южноамериканской стране складывается напряженная политическая ситуация. Общественность требует возвращения из изгнания популярного политика Б. По всей территории прокатывается волна забастовок. Однако водитель грузовика Пал Ковак игнорирует стачку и оказывается в черном списке профсоюза. Его автомобиль сожжен неизвестными, напарник погиб, а сам он теперь не может найти работу. Спецслужбы, отслеживающие ситуацию, считают, что в лице Ковака нашли идеальную кандидатуру в убийцы оппозиционного политика. Спецоперация начинается…
Earthquake in Chile
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1647, Santiago, Chile. Don Henrico banishes his daughter, Josephe, to a convent when he learns she loves Jeronimo, a mestizo who's a teacher in the household. The lovers meet in secret, a child is born, the pair are condemned to die, and prelates scheme to seize Don Henrico's fortune. A moment before Josephe's public execution, an earthquake devastates Santiago. Josephe finds her baby and flees the rubble; Jeronimo survives, escapes, and finds her. The reunion brings joy and rebirth. He wants to build a Utopian community, without priests. She believes they can reenter Santiago society, forgiven. Class, race, and religion dictate a world order: is there a place for these lovers?
The Possessed
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An old witch seeks vengence through the daughter of the politician who had her thrown in jail. Soon the little girl's head is spinning around, and an old priest is called in to perform an exorcism.
Devil's Exorcist
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Teresita, the only daughter to a wealthy couple, begins to be troubled by loud sounds and visions of a tall man in black walking towards her menacingly. Soon she becomes plagued by strange physical symptoms, visions of arms extending from the walls to grab at her...and sometimes she gets violent. A priest is called in to try and wrench the devil from her body.
El reprimido
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Sex o no sex
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Paco, a frustrated office worker, goes to the office of a psychologist, to whom he tells his most delirious sexual fantasies in the hope that he will apply a curative therapy. Unfortunately, the doctor will end up confessing that he can not help, because he lives with a doll that has become his companion sentimental.
Una mujer prohibida
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The Godfather and His Goddaughters
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The Deadly Triangle
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Inspired by "The diabolical" by Clouzot. The life of a woman becomes a sinister nightmare due to the plan drawn up by her husband.
Here We Go Again, Eh Providence?
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A Chaste Spanish Man
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Don Santiago, a forty-year-old owner of a pastry shop in Madrid de los Austrias, receives surprising news: a woman, in fact his real mother, leaves him with a brothel in England.
Hunchback of the Morgue
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Paul Naschy plays a hunchback with below average intelligence who works at the morgue. He is in love with a sickly girl who happens to be the only person who is kind to him. Each day he brings her flowers until the day she dies.
A Candle for the Devil
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Two sisters running a small hotel in Spain kill female tourists whose morals do not meet their strict religious standards.
Панчо Вилья
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В 1916 году знаменитый мексиканский бандит- революционер Панчо Вилья спасается от казни и начинает творить суд и расправу..
Поезд ужасов
Special Effects
1906 год. Геологическая экспедиция находит в глухом районе Китая захоронение. Останки грузятся в Пекине на транссибирский экспресс. Уже при погрузке русский священник утверждает, что там нечистая сила.
Vente a ligar al Oeste
Special Effects
Benito a railway switchman, one day hears a bugle call and go across a squad of American riders. Fearing an invasion, will look for help, but no more than the making of a film. The appearance of Benito on the set coincides with an explosion of dynamite that does blow. That's how Benito enters into contact with the amazing world of cinema.
«Штуки» над Лондоном
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Картина описывает драматические события 1940-го года. Фашистская Германия несет угрозу всему миру, Англия противостоит ей, но постоянные вражеские диверсии и провокации противника истощают силы страны. И на фоне всего этого — нормальные человеческие взаимоотношения…
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A Bullet for Rommel
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During World War II, a tough officer organizes a commando raid into Germany.
El perfil de Satanás
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Los chicos con las chicas
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The musical group Los Bravos is enjoying a short holidays. It's in a mountain hut, near a girls' school, eager to see and hear.