Antonio Pica

Antonio Pica

Рождение : 1933-03-21, Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Andalucía, Spain

Смерть : 2014-04-26


Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Pica Serrano (21 March 1933 — 26 April 2014) was a Spanish actor.


Antonio Pica
Antonio Pica


Lycantropus: The Moonlight Murders
Comisario Lacombe
1996 Spanish horror film that is the eleventh in a long series about the werewolf Count Waldemar Daninsky, played by Paul Naschy. Following his near-fatal heart attack in 1991, Naschy made this film as an intended comeback, but it was poorly distributed and received bad reviews.
Santo in the Mystery of the Black Pearl
Andres Cortez
Santo fights diamond smugglers.
Cry, Onion!
Hal Foster (uncredited)
Onion Jack (Franco Nero) has bought a piece of land on which to settle, but the property is still in possession of the orphans of the original owner and is coveted by the local oil baron.
Who's Afraid of Zorro
Major André de Colignac
Spain, occupied by the French. Zorro, the intrepid swordsman, has an accident. As a result, his friend, Father Donato, is forced by oath to find a temporary replacement for him.
Three Swedes for Three Rodríguez's
Three friends who work together in an office have to stay in a bigger city without their wifes. Therefore they want to take the chance and have some fun joining three girls from Sweden.
Голубые глаза поломанной куклы
Inspector Pierre
Бывший уголовник, которого преследуют кошмары, в которых он душит женщин, нанят управляющим имением, которым владеют три очень странные сестры. Вскоре после его прибытия какой-то маньяк начинает убивать голубоглазых блондинок, вырезать им глаза и оставлять их глазные яблоки в чашке с водой,
Una mujer prohibida
The Killer with a Thousand Eyes
Chief Inspector Albert
A special detective is sent to Lisbon in order to investigate a series of murders. After looking into the murders, our hero realises that they are somehow linked to an illegal drug smuggling operation and so sets about looking into that in order to solve the murders and stop the smuggling from taking place.
A Prewar Grandmother
El último viaje
Commissioner Mendoza must join forces with the honorable civil guard, to stop the activities of a network of drug traffickers with international contacts that intend to act in Spain.
Santo vs. Doctor Death
Peter, Mann's Nephew
Masked Mexican wrestler and superhero Santo plays private investigator, called in by government officials to investigate the mysterious vandalism of a high profile painting. With the help of his two counterparts, he uncovers the truth behind an art collector/chemist who may be murdering female models.
Hunchback of the Morgue
Police Inspector
Paul Naschy plays a hunchback with below average intelligence who works at the morgue. He is in love with a sickly girl who happens to be the only person who is kind to him. Each day he brings her flowers until the day she dies.
Восстание мертвых
Superintendent Hawkins
Индийский мистик использует магические песнопения, чтобы оживлять женщин, а потом посылает их совершать убийства.
Путешествия с моей тетей
Elegant Man
На похоронах своей матери банковский клерк Генри Пуллинг знакомится со своей тетей Аугустой, немолодой эксцентричной женщиной, которая втягивает его в водоворот приключений…
Мания величия
Duke of Los Montès
Луи Де Фюнес в роли жадного сборщика налогов, обворовывающего короля. Его слугу Рюи Блаза играет Ив Монтан. Разбитной веселый мошенник постоянно издевается над хозяином и строит ему козни. Так он использует неописуемую алчность и жажду лести человека, считающего, что «бедные должны быть бедными, а богатые должны стать еще богаче», и подбивает Де Фюнеса соблазнить испанскую королеву, на которую сам положил глаз…
La novicia rebelde
Spaniards in Paris
In the early 70's, more than forty thousand Spanish in Paris working as maids. Few had crossed the border before, and most had not even left her village. These girls are Emily, who has left behind the hard times and has adapted to the big city, Isabel struggling to her sonthat she had with a man who abandoned she, Dioni, who thinks only of early money, and Francisca, a woman who knows nothing and is lost in life.
La orilla
Capitán Losada
A Lady Called Andrew
Hern Screicher
From the Olymp the gods keep an eye on a married couple whose disputes are endangering the stability of their marriage. In order to repair the relationship they use unconventional methods...
Sin un adiós
Daniel, mánager de Mario
Mario Leyva, famous singer in full glory harassed every day more for his "fans", takes the life that they allow him, dedicated to his art and directed professionally by his "manager". His popularity makes him be mixed in the advertising of a brand of cigarettes by advertising phrases that repeat themselves in all the languages.
Питер наивный мальчишка на побегушках, но он влюбляется в дочь своего босса и это в корне меняет его жизнь. Отец недовольный выбором дочери узнав про это приказывает разобраться с влюбленным и отправить его "туда, откуда не возвращаются". Чудом выжив и повстречав интересных людей, Питер переосмысливает свои ценности и берется за оружие ради одной цели - вернуть свою любовь ..
Santo Faces Death
Igor's Henchman
A group of international criminals steal a large emerald from a heavily guarded Colombian mine and they plan to sell it on the black market. Unfortunately, the evil Dr. Igor is also manipulating other criminals, as well as the ones who stole the emerald, for his own benefit. Santo, a Mexican wrestler/Interpol agent works with the Colombian authorities in an attempt to recover the emerald and to stop Dr. Igor and his subordinates, as well.
S.O.S. Invasión
Tío de Susana
Female aliens (in bikinis!) arrive from the galaxy Epsilon Eridani and establish a laboratory in an old Spanish castle in order to make zombie robots from human corpses to do their evil bidding.
A Bullet for Sandoval
After his girlfriend dies in childbirth, Confederate deserter John Warner travels to Mexico, where the woman's father, Don Pedro Sandoval, grudgingly hands over his child. But with no locals willing to provide milk, the baby dies. Rounding up a group of rebels, Warner goes on a rampage through northern Mexico, with the ultimate goal of taking down Sandoval in this gritty Western.
El taxi de los conflictos
Novio de la hermana de Catalina
Musical. Thaddeus (Juanjo Menéndez) is a taxi driver who is about to experience a busy work day. Throughout the day you climb into his cab heteogéneos the more characters, which give rise to the most varied situations. When one of them left in the taxi leaves a baby, Thaddeus will have to find out who's not forget that at the end of the day has a date with a mysterious woman (Concha Velasco), apparently, have to tell you something very important.
A Bullet for Rommel
Lt. Thomas Mulligan
During World War II, a tough officer organizes a commando raid into Germany.
Objetivo: BI-KI-NI
In Cape Kennedy, a con man accidentally swallows a valuable microfilm, believing it a pill for heartburn. Parody of the James Bond films.
Cuidado con las señoras
Jorge Rivera
Henry is sent by his Aunt Nati to Madrid to begin practice as a doctor because seven years ago he finished his studies and has not yet worked. When he arrived, away from obey her aunt, decides to live together with his friend Mateo, a professional private detective. His first appearance as a doctor is to extend the death certificate of the husband of a beautiful woman that he meets on the road. The next day he sees, in a night club, the widow accompanied of the deceased. On being informed that the man is the administrator of the deceased, decides to solve the mystery with the help of his friend Matthew
A youth potion transforms an old crone into a ravishing beauty. Unfortunately, her new-found gorgeousness forces the heroine to form a pact with the Devil.
Death Knows No Time
Forced to abandon their land that was sold to the United States, a group of Mexicans turns into bandits. Their leader, Rojas, with the help of Trevor organizes a big robbery. But, caught by the sheriff, he is condemned to 20 years of prison. Threatening to torture Rojas' son, Trevor learns where the money is hidden, not realizing that Rojas' revenge would be so ruthless...
A Devil Under the Pillow
Mr. Anderson
Anselmo is a young anthropologist who is tormented by jealousy, and although his wife Camilla does not give reasons, keeps a close eye on her. After consulting a psychiatrist, the doctor says the problem is him and not his wife. So he plots to verify, once and for all, if his suspicions are true. By chance he meets an old friend, Lotario, who seems the ideal person to carry out his plans. What Anselmo does not know is that his friend is a real womanizer who ends seducing his wife.
Ringo: The Lone Rider
A town is being terrorized by a gang of marauders led by Bill Anderson, a clever bandit boss. The town's leadership is deciding to do something against the problem, but it does not believe bringing in the military will be a solution. It is agreed upon that they will request help from the well-known Pinkerton agency. At the same time, Ringo, a gunslinger, is chasing after the bandits. He suspects a deeper-sitting conspiracy than random bandit assaults. He joins forces with the newly arrived under cover Pinkerton agent, to uncover a plot between a local businessman, the Mexican revolution and bandit's heist loot of gold. But the bandits have long planned to move on. Disguised as Mormons, they are moving west to start a new life of farming during the day and robbing stage coaches at night. Ringo and the agent track them down....
A Nun at the Crossroads
During an uprising in the Belgian Congo, a convent of nuns are besieged and the Reverend Mother is killed and Sister Maria is raped. Returning to Belgium, Sister Maria finds out to her horror that she is pregnant. Rejected by her family and her sister, she is told by the Vatican that she is supposed to either give the baby to the church and still be a nun or keep the baby and leave the order. This film follows her decision.
Train Porter
Банда головорезов совершает налёт на поезд. Оказавшийся в поезде первоклассный стрелок Мартин пытается дать им отпор, но попадает в лапы к бандитам. Однако их предводитель не убивает его, а заставляет учить своих людей хорошей стрельбе.
Spy Today, Die Tomorrow
Millionaire Baretti pays a gang to rob an atomic bomb from an American silo, and then blackmails the American Government for a huge amount of money. German secret service (BND) agent 'Dynamite' will use his fists, guns and more to try to stop them.
Джанго, стреляй...
Templer Henchman (uncredited)
… если ты жив — стреляй! Вестерн о Джанго, мстителе и защитнике слабых и беззащитных, таскающем за собой на веревке убедительный аргумент в виде пулемета в гробу. Одиночка, пришедший из ниоткуда. Он один выступает против злодея и его банды головорезов, терроризирующего все население небольшого городка на Диком Западе и окрест.
A Witch Without a Broom
A flirtatious sorcerous fancies a handsome human professor. Cross time antics arise when she attempts to bring the hapless professor into her alternate dimension.
Два креста на равнине
Sheriff Doug
Джуди и Алекс — единственные выжившие после карательного рейда на поселение, учинённого по приказу богатого и безжалостного Морана. Девушка становится горничной на его ранчо, а парня приютила семья квакеров. Несмотря на подчеркнутую внешнюю смиренность, Алекс планирует реванш.
The Man Who Killed Billy the Kid
Mark Travis
This spaghetti western presents a fictitious version of the often filmed legend of Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid. Billy becomes innocently an outlaw while protecting his mother, but then turns into a trigger happy killer. When he falls in love he tries with the help of Pat Garrett, a fatherly friend, to change back. However, circumstances force Billy to become violent again and it is Garrett who is credited with the killing.
Target Goldseven
Alex, Erika's friend
American secret agent Alan Milner is charged to get back a lot of uranium being transported to an enemy power by a criminal gang led by Otis. The agent must follow a number of leads until getting aboard a merchant ship off the Moroccan coast, where he will have the last of a number of fights.
Man On The Spying Trapeze
An American spy travels to Beirut where he's attacked by agents seeking a valuable microfilm.
Attack of the Robots
Robot (uncredited)
Al Pereira, a wise-cracking superspy, investigates a series of assassinations being performed by ruthless killers with bronze skin and horn-rimmed glasses. The trail of these mindless automata leads him to the lair of a seductive villainess who has formulated a computer-powered plot to overthrow the governments of Europe. 'Cartes sur table' is at once an homage to classical Hollywood thrillers and a playful riff on the newly-popular James Bond films.
Lola, espejo oscuro
За пригоршню долларов
Rojo Gang Member (uncredited)
Фильм является вольным римейком самурайской драмы Акиры Куросавы «Телохранитель» (1961), действие которого перенесено на границу США и Мексики. В небольшой пограничный городок Сан-Мигель приезжает бродяга-стрелок (Клинт Иствуд). Жителей на улицах нет, первый, кого он встречает — усаженный на лошадь мертвец, к спине которого приколота издевательская записка «Adios, amigo» («Прощай, друг»). Со слов хозяина салуна стрелок узнаёт, что городок стал ареной противоборства двух банд, которые занимаются контрабандой — мексиканцев Рохо и американцев Бакстеров. Обе банды равно сильны, и ни одна не может взять верх над другой...